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Hizbullah Says Baabda Palace Requires 'Special Care,' Suleiman Responds: We Need Acknowledging Consensus over Declaration

President Michel Suleiman stated on Saturday that what Baabda Palace needs is acknowledging the unanimous consensus over the Baabda Declaration that was reached inside its premises.

Suleiman's statement on Twitter came as a response to Hizbullah that said earlier in the day that Baabda Palace has come to require “special care."

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Naim Qassem: Lebanon Does Not Exist, is Worthless without the Resistance

Hizbullah deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem stated on Saturday that “Lebanon is worthless without the resistance,” assuring that it will be mentioned in the ministerial policy statement.

"Lebanon owns its resistance for deterring Israel,” Qassem said at a Hizbullah event.

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Foreign Ministry Asks Lebanon's U.N. Ambassador to File Complaint over Israeli Raids

Foreign Minister Jebra Bassil on Thursday asked Lebanon's envoy to the United Nations to file a complaint against Israel over the two airstrikes it waged on the Bekaa town of Janta.

"Bassil asked ambassador Nawaf Salam to hand over the complaint to U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon,” the state-run National News Agency said.

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Israeli Troops on Alert after Hizbullah Threat

Israeli troops along the border with Lebanon were on high alert Wednesday night after Hizbullah threatened action over what it said was an Israeli air raid, Israel's army radio said.

"The military ordered farmers to stay away from the border... and there was movement of military vehicles around border communities," the radio said.

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Timeline of Israel's Anti-Hizbullah Air Raids in Syria

A reported Israeli air raid on Hizbullah near the Lebanese-Syrian border on Monday evening would be the latest of several aimed at preventing arms transfers to the group, a key ally of Syrian President Bashar Assad:


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Nusra Asks 'Lebanon Rational People' to Stay Out of 'Iran's Battle', Vows Attacks on Hizbullah

A group calling itself al-Nusra Front in Lebanon, an apparent offshoot of the Syria-based extremist organization, on Monday issued what it called “a letter to the rational people in Lebanon,” urging them to remain neutral in the “battle” with Iran and Hizbullah.

“Any reasonable person should be aware of the tyranny practiced by Iran's party (Hizbullah) across all Lebanese and Syrian regions, especially Qusayr and Qalamoun, and the crimes that were committed there,” the group said in the message that was published on its Twitter account.

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Jumblat: Lebanon's Neutrality Contradicts Taef Accord, Eliminates Resistance's Accomplishments

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat stated on Monday that Lebanon must once again adhere to the policy of disassociation from regional conflicts, most notably the one in Syria.

He added however that Lebanon must not adopt a neutral position from regional crises “as that would eliminate all of the accomplishments and major sacrifices against western agendas.”

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Loyalty to Resistance Demands 'Short' Ministerial Statement Tackling Security, Resistance

The Loyalty to Resistance bloc hoped on Thursday that the ministerial statement would be “short” and that it would tackle national “priorities” like security and resistance matters.

“We are following up with concern on the meetings of the ministerial committee tasked with drafting a policy statement,” MP Mohammed Fadlallah said after the MPs' weekly meeting.

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Aoun Confirms Meeting Hariri, Nasrallah as Part of 'Mediation' Efforts

Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun confirmed Monday that he has recently met with former premier Saad Hariri and Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, two days after Prime Minister Tammam Salam formed what he described as a “national interest cabinet.”

"If you want to make a mediation, you must talk to everyone and this is why I met with ex-PM Saad Hariri and Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah,” Aoun said in an interview with the FPM's official Facebook page.

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Rifi: Hizbullah Sought to Use Interior Ministry Portfolio to Obstruct Govt. Formation

Former Internal Security Forces chief Ashraf Rifi accused on Saturday Hizbullah of obstructing efforts to form a cabinet and of obstructing the functioning of the state.

He said in a statement: “Hizbullah has become addicted to obstructing the functioning of the state and it sought to turn the Interior Ministry portfolio into an obstacle in forming a government.”

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