Hizbullah Says Baabda Palace Requires 'Special Care,' Suleiman Responds: We Need Acknowledging Consensus over Declaration

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

President Michel Suleiman stated on Saturday that what Baabda Palace needs is acknowledging the unanimous consensus over the Baabda Declaration that was reached inside its premises.

Suleiman's statement on Twitter came as a response to Hizbullah that said earlier in the day that Baabda Palace has come to require “special care."

The party also accused Suleiman of not being able to differentiate between “what's golden and what's wooden.”

"With due respect to the presidency and to what it represents, we consider that Baabda Palace needs special care during the last months of the leader's term,” a statement issued by Hizbullah said.

It explained: "Baabda's resident cannot differentiate between what's golden and what's made of wood.”

The statement said Hizbullah's stance comes after hearing what the president had said during a speech on Friday, in reference to the political equation Suleiman has come forward with to replace the controversial “army-people-resistance” formula.

Suleiman said Friday that the land, people and common values formed the country's “permanent equation.”

“The land, people and common values form the golden and permanent equation for the nation,” Suleiman said in a speech at the “My land: a promising future” conference held at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik.

The president's suggestion comes as political foes in the country have not reached an agreement yet over the ministerial policy statement with the March 14 camp voicing rejection to the “army-people-resistance formula," which their March 8 rivals insist on.

Comments 49
Thumb kanaanljdid 01 March 2014, 19:25

They insult the State and declare war against it

Thumb geha 01 March 2014, 19:38

Russia will soon find out that if it wants to keep its privileges in Ukraine, they will have to let go of iran and the Syrian regime, otherwise the war in Ukraine will start and last for years to come.

Thumb -phoenix1 01 March 2014, 20:10

Brother Karim, I bet you my last buck, if in case Suleiman signed the new cabinet statement as you wanted it to be done, by now you would be calling him hero of the year. Aman who is defending his land, his constitution and his laws is not a puppet, but he who defends the interests of Iran and Syria over those of our land. The puppets dear brother are much closer to your ideology than those of the land of the Cedars.

Thumb -phoenix1 01 March 2014, 20:45

Kariiim ya Kariiim, OK let's assume that I am wrong and presumptuous, OK khaye, now you tell me were on earth you got that thing about Suleiman worshiping the feet of the Saudis, where. Saudis? Do you work in Baabda palace, are you his accountant, or his personal clerk? Where are your facts, please, facts and not suppositions if you don't mind. Then again your inconsistency comes where you said that he is terrorizing the nation, when did he do that? Proofs? Is it him whi is taking me to wars after wars, or is it not more so Sayed Hassan and his repeated arrogance of feeling our God sent messiah? I am willing to take you seriously when you can bring about one single proof of all those unsustainable accusation you brought about. Sorry to tell you this my brother, the only bone of contention you have with this man, is simple, you just cannot tolerate the fact that he can stand up to Hezbollah, the rest ? We know what's causing you guys so much ire.

Thumb -phoenix1 01 March 2014, 20:11

**A man ...**

Thumb -phoenix1 01 March 2014, 20:17

(1). Hezbollah, there were some stooges that were the darkest blot of Baabda's history, the fist was Elias Hrawi and th one that followed him, in fact, the very worst we ever saw, Emile Lahoud, were the ones you referred to as heroes. They kissed and licked the very Syrian boots that were pressed on our chests, yet you steadfastly upheld their treason in their servitude to Damascus and Tehran. Now that we've got a patriotic president, who refuses to be swayed in your old ways, you can't find anything but attack him in such lowly ways? He is serving his nation and country-folks, you ya Hezb are serving anything but the good of the land.

Thumb -phoenix1 01 March 2014, 20:19

(2). Hezbollah. Your cockiness, arrogance and feelings of ego-centrism will now assure you the thing you called WOOD, and that will be your coffin. Despite all the calls from your siblings to reason, you saw nothing else but attack he who is from the few that are still holding this nation glued. Now you look set to dig your own grave with your own hands, good luck, you'll need it. You have tried everything on President Suleiman, but you've never made an inch on him, and despite it all, our president is brave like the bravest in facing you and all your falseness. Shame on you.

Thumb lebanon_first 01 March 2014, 20:25


Your armed milicia did a coup on lebanon and stole its institutions from the people. We are under occupation of Hezbollah who is sucking our country dry. Assad, HA's ally assassinated every lebanese patriot leaving us hezb iran. Suleiman is one of the last remaining patriots who they didnt kill yet.

I wish we can partition, just to show you where you will get with your zbeileh hezb interfering your lebanon in all wars in the region, keep a whole generation's life hostage of syrian chebaa farms, and have us build our lebanon, a country of peace and prosperity.

Thumb scorpyonn 01 March 2014, 23:56

you bet!

Thumb -phoenix1 01 March 2014, 20:29

(4). What is now getting ever more clear, is that Hezbollah will not see their eager official Rubber Stamper bearing the name of Michel Aoun in Baabda occupy that seat in Baabda. Today confirms that Baabda will never again be under the dictates of any foreigner, so it will help to suggest to anyone who cannot accept the president of Lebanon, to start packing all their Rubber Stamps and bury them for good. Every decent citizen of this country already knew why the new cabinet's official declaration is being delayed, and that's because there are real men who will not be bought or swayed under any condition. If this is what they want at Hezbollah and co, then let the new cabinet fold its suitcase and go home, we don't need them.

Thumb -phoenix1 01 March 2014, 20:31

(5). People are sick and tired with this militia still imposing its will on us. As of now, it is purely an occupation force, falsifying facts, creating situations and doing whatever it wants, just to stay around for as long as possible. There will be no more stooges for you in Baabda, just a noble man who is here to serve the nation. The funniest moment courtesy of Sayed Hassan, was that night when he appeared on TV to tell us how the Israelis killed Rafic Hariri, he surely must have thought he was talking to nerds. No more videos if you please, you've gone just too far now, and you are losing the little that was left of our good-will.

Thumb -phoenix1 01 March 2014, 20:32

**When he appeared on TV some years ago, telling us...**

Missing ex-tayyar 01 March 2014, 20:33

This is what makes Syria the N°1 enemy of Lebanon.

Missing ex-tayyar 01 March 2014, 23:45

Exactly. The Butcher wants Lebanon to be on its knees. Until today, the Hezb Al Qawmi Al Suri (in Lebanon) works for the same purpose.
They go crazy when they hear the word Neutrality (or dissociation).
It is time for Aoun to take a clear position.

Thumb -phoenix1 01 March 2014, 20:34

Ex-Tayyar, khalassna ba2a min Greater Syria, from now on, its implosion into smaller states is set to continue. Lebanon will continue as Lubnen Il Kabir.

Missing ex-tayyar 01 March 2014, 23:40

I know that Syria will implose (this is the goal of the Alawites since long time)...but - at the same time - they want to destroy Lebanon because it will reduce the pressure on the craetion of the Alawistan.

Missing VINCENT 01 March 2014, 20:44

If we stretch the facts and deem Suleiman as a Saudi Arabian "puppet", then how should the Lebanese people deem Hassan Nasrallah? Suleiman is an elected official, and once his term is concluded, he'll be out. Then, is Nasrallah a puppet, a slave under the influence and claws of the "Shaitan"? Evil is very seductive. In order to lure you under its influence, it must first offer you something that you can not refuse. What comes next, just look back and see what's happened in Lebanon in the past several years.

Thumb geha 01 March 2014, 20:47

look up the word traitor in any dictionary: mowaten.

Lebanon is for Lebanese not Iranians.

Default-user-icon Illusionist (Guest) 01 March 2014, 21:06

@Phoenix1, i read your comments often, and i know there is a good side to them and another side that is trying to reach out to people without brains like Karim_m2, forget about him, he is a nakira. Rather talk to Mowaten and Flamethrower, although i differ with their respective opinions, these people know how to elaborate with words rather than bad adjectives or comparisons. When you want respect, you give respect.Clearly Karim_m2 doesnt know that so he doesnt deserve any.

Default-user-icon Illusionist (Guest) 01 March 2014, 21:10

@ Everybody, coming back to the main subject, and in response to Karim_m2 just for this once, The saudi help of 3 billion is for several years. In case you dont know, it takes at least 100 million a year to equip, pay salaries, train abroad, re-arm, clothes for our nearly 60,000 " active" military soldiers. Now, there must be a lot more spent each year but it is just a supposition. The Saudi help would have been cleary weird if it was 3billion each year for like 5 years, that could buy planes, and so many tanks and stuff. So this is clearly a gesture of a goodwill to remove the anger that they created with the takfiris and salafists..

Default-user-icon Illusionist (Guest) 01 March 2014, 21:22

@ Everybody, why cant we come back to the early 40's, when we were all together fighting the french, to get out independance? we are lebanese, a country that was once unique, diverse, at the top of the middle east. Arent you all ashamed of what we have become? even dubai and saudi arabia, which were horrible deserts, are better equipped than us. We have more than 5000 years of history, we cannot vanish just like that, living life smoking shisha, showing off, and avoiding politics because it gives headaches is giving in to the nasty politicians in our country! wake up before its too late, unite under one army, one flag, one will, one people. the only words you should all remember are the words of Allahh yer7amo Gebran Tueni on beeing united muslims and christians, forever, to protect our great lebanon.

Missing people-power 01 March 2014, 21:42

Big Yawn.... Suleiman was voted for President by at least 120 out of 128 Members of Parliament, so his electorate and mandate is much greater than Obama ever had.

Just because M8 has abandoned him, does not mean he was not elected with a Super Majority.

By the way, Suleiman is supported by all of M14, and also by National Struggle Front (Jumblatt bloc), which means he still has the support of at least 70 out of 128 Members of Parliament (55%). A much bigger number than Aoun will ever get.

And if you look at "his group" (Christians), he is supported by 37 out of 64 Christian Members of Parliament (58%).

Thumb general_puppet 01 March 2014, 21:50

“The land, people and common values"… that is the Best of all statements but it has hit a raw nerve in the Iranian militia because they do not belong to the land, people or values of Lebanon.

Thumb general_puppet 01 March 2014, 21:57

momo the only Lebanese thing about your terrorist militia is the ground they stand in. And since the Ayatollah ordered them into Syria to prop up Assad they don't even have that.

The loud mouth Iranian thugs are hanging out all their dirty laundry for everyone to see.

Thumb lebanesenationalist 01 March 2014, 21:58

Take Lebanon Hezbollah, sa7tein 3a albkon. It will never be our Lebanon though, so enjoy the backwards craphole that you end up getting.

Thumb FlameCatcher 01 March 2014, 23:02

What's golden and what's wooden ? At least we know what's ROTTEN and that's the Islamic Resistance of Kalashnikovs, AKA Hezbollah = THE KEZB!

It's time to TERMINATE this party which publicly admitted Lebanon does not exist, is worthless without this terrorist party.

Missing greatpierro 02 March 2014, 07:36

at least do not give hizbollah a political cover

Missing greatpierro 01 March 2014, 23:21

But they obey iranien orders. They hail the Iranian flag and the picture if the guardian of the Islamic Iranian revolution. They teach farisi in their schools and are camibalizing the lebanese state and it's institutions.

Missing cedars 01 March 2014, 23:37

More Lebanese that they will steal the telecommunication manholes and Infrastructure to have their own telecom network, never pay electricity, beat the Government employees with sticks when they issue citations to the illegal building on the Airport road and so on..

Missing cedars 01 March 2014, 23:43

Yes idiot, everyone that speaks the truth will either get assisinated by HA or it is first Mossad then recently Saudi puppet.

Thumb general_puppet 01 March 2014, 23:46

momo you are an Iranian propagandist. An Hizbullah is part of of the Iranian guard. No block has ever threaten to go to war if Saudi Arabia or Israel are attacked. But the Terrorist militia has threaten to go to war if Iran is attacked and they are at war In Syria on behave of Assad… so just who is who's slave?

Missing cedars 01 March 2014, 23:58

@bigjohn: Wrong twice, brought to the Army 3 Billions. Read the US constitution first before you speak different language as it's different than Lebanon.
Your Pledge of Allegiance to SSNP tells it all.

Thumb Mazen 02 March 2014, 00:00

golden Lebanon



Missing cedars 02 March 2014, 00:00

It has been proven again and again that HA pledge of allegiance to Iran and Syria is above all.

Thumb general_puppet 02 March 2014, 00:03

They are not Lebanese, Hizbullah is a Devine militia… it says so in their name and the Ayatollah would never lie.

Missing eternalpeace 02 March 2014, 00:18

God bless all the people of Lebanon and give them the wisdom and peace to work together

Thumb jabal10452 02 March 2014, 00:54

He is right: Without HA, Lebanon is worthless... To Iran.

Thumb shab 02 March 2014, 01:07

Filthy Militia. Need I say more?

Thumb smarty 02 March 2014, 01:44

They disrepect our president, and the presidential function. What Lebanon's Christians cherrish the most. They are alienating everybody. They'll eventually get what they deserve in due time.

Thumb smarty 02 March 2014, 01:48

'nuff demagogia.

Default-user-icon Lompasso Garivoj (Guest) 02 March 2014, 01:49

BREAKING NEWS FROM BAABDA: Our good-for-nothing president-by-parachute is overdosed on Levitra.

Thumb cedre 02 March 2014, 02:38


Thumb shab 02 March 2014, 17:01


Thumb ice-man 02 March 2014, 03:13

still living in Moldova?

Thumb popeye 02 March 2014, 04:24

mowaten iraní, you have no credibility left. A propagandist for the farsi regime in iran

Missing VINCENT 02 March 2014, 05:07

Ya Bigjohn: That is called "balance of power" so that there are checks and balances on all three branches of the U.S. government and no single branch finds itself with unlimited authority and power and, ultimately to avoid tyranny; which is fluid and subject to change with every election.

Default-user-icon Larry (Guest) 02 March 2014, 07:20

I dont understand you lebanese. You rail about hezb but you passively acquiesce to everything they do or say. Do realize what war with Israel will do to lebanon. In the last war Israel used 10% of its strength. In the next one, especially if hezb inflicts real damage, they will destroy you. If you dont stand up to hezb you deserve the consequences

Thumb -phoenix1 02 March 2014, 16:51

BJ, you know the saying that a thief sees everyone else as thieves? Of course I am not saying you, but as in general and in accusation of Hezbollah, Tayyar and all those who oppose our president. Bachir Gemayel went to the KSA, did that make him corrupt? Please habibi. If Suleiman went to the KSA, does it mean that he should be painted using your trade's brushes? Or the paint you use? No. If people like Hezbollah or Tayyar go to Iran or Damascus regularly to curtsy and take cash and orders, then that doesn't mean that others are like them. Suleiman went there because no one else gave our army what the KSA gave us, maybe that works against the wishes of Hezbollah, aiming to remain forever the plague called resistance.

Default-user-icon Klaustro Phaubik (Guest) 02 March 2014, 18:47

Let's start with a thorough cleansing of Baabda with hydrochloric acid and a powerful disinfectant.