Fransen Confirms Prosecutor's Request to Amend Indictment

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Special Tribunal for Lebanon Pre-Trial Judge Daniel Fransen has confirmed a request by STL Prosecutor Norman Farrell to amend the indictment, the tribunal announced in a Twitter message on Monday.

“The Prosecution will now have to update the indictment, which was confirmed in June 2011,” it said.

The STL noted that “the new indictment does not include new names or charges and will not have an impact on the start of trial on 25 March 2013.”

“Changes to indictment include modification of list of victims of 14 Feb attack. It clarifies existing allegations & corrects minor mistakes,” it added.

Separately, Fransen noted that “a well-prepared trial is the key to a trial taking place under good conditions, that does not go on forever or get bogged down.”

“It therefore seems important to me to spend enough time in order that it is properly prepared, even if that means it has to start a little later,” said Fransen in a video released on the tribunal's YouTube channel.

The video “gives an overview of the steps required before the Trial Chamber can be seized of the Ayyash et al. case,” the STL said.

“To start with, the Pre-Trial Judge has to rule on the victims' applications to participate in the proceedings in order to determine those who meet the conditions provided for by the Rules to be authorized to participate in the proceedings.

“Then, we have to make sure that the prosecution has forwarded to the defense and to the victims participating in the proceedings all the documents that it intends to produce at trial before the Trial Chamber, as well as the list of all the witnesses it intends to call to the stand,” Fransen says in the video.

He noted that the Prosecution must also forward to the defense “the exculpatory documents it may have in its possession, in other words those that could be used to demonstrate that the accused are innocent.”

Comments 5
Missing allouchi 29 October 2012, 17:40

Hizballa's and Syrian/Iranian criminals can run and hide for the rest of their natural life...but judgment day will always be there...

Default-user-icon Avenging Angel (Guest) 29 October 2012, 17:50

They are no match to the Nazi war machine or any evil entity that caused mayhem over the years and will meet a similar fate sooner or later...

Missing realist 29 October 2012, 22:35

What a big lie called lebanon, the wrath of god will come and burn this country to ashes. The 4 hizbala terrorists who roam free under the nose of the so called government were also most likely involved in the murder of hariri (since they are still free and have time on their hands). In all countries criminals are put in jail to save the rest of society their evil deeds, in a lie called lebanon criminals are 'saints' and are set free to murder some more.

Missing phillipo 30 October 2012, 09:28

Unfortunately, unless the political leaders can get together and just talk until they come to a solution, I'm afraid that your doomsday scenario will come to pass.
I can't understand why they can't be forced to sit down in a closed off place, with very few advisors (preferably none at all) and not released until they have all signed an agreement on elections, weapons and anything else that can only be to the advantage of a United, Democratic and Independent Lebanese State.

Missing realist 29 October 2012, 22:40

The hizbala terrorists who murdered hariri, hassan, pierre, 3eedo, wesam, etc.. will murder more peopole (why not can anyone tell me?) and soon people will rise against the occupation of hizbala and start shooting back. Hizbala can probably attack many areas of lebanon but can never succeed in occupation. There is no solution to the problem but meeting violence with violence, let's quit the bs, look at the poor syrians they started peacefuly and were met with bullets, what did peaceful protests achieve? nada, these thugs only understand the language of war and fundamentalism.