Walid Jumblat
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Al-Rahi Hopes for Success of National Dialogue

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi expressed hope on Sunday that a National Dialogue that President Michel Suleiman had called for would succeed.

Al-Rahi also hoped in his sermon that the all-party talks would lead to the adoption of a new national pact that would create a “Lebanese Spring.”

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Harb Hints Cabinet Collapse Hinges on Jumblat

March 14 opposition MP Butros Harb hoped on Sunday that Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat would stop his support for the government to force its collapse.

“Maybe under a certain circumstance, Walid Jumblat and his bloc would change their stance and we could file a vote of no confidence,” Harb said in response to a question as to how the opposition would seek a change of government.

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Rival Factions Hail Hariri’s Efforts to Release Lebanese Pilgrims

Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s efforts to ensure the release of the Lebanese pilgrims who were abducted earlier this week have not gone unnoticed by the rival political camps in Lebanon, with both sides praising his efforts.

Interior Minister Marwan Charbel stated that Hariri “played a very important role” in the release, reported the Kuwaiti al-Seyasseh newspaper on Saturday.

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Jumblat Hails Berri-Hariri Talks, Says Only Dialogue Can Solve Problems

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat on Friday called for dialogue “for the sake of rescuing the country and overcoming obstacles,” stressing that “nothing is impossible.”

Commenting on the release on Friday of 11 Lebanese Shiite pilgrims who were abducted in Syria’s Aleppo, Jumblat told Future News television: “The phone call between (former) premier Sheikh Saad Hariri and Speaker Nabih Berri was the most important thing, because problems can be overcome through communication and dialogue.”

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Top Lebanese Officials Unite against Opposition in its Dialogue Conditions

Top Lebanese officials rejected conditions set by the March 14 opposition for the resumption of dialogue, saying the March 14 coalition should participate in the all-party talks without providing any excuses.

“Before calling for (the formation of) a neutral cabinet, let it first participate in the dialogue,” Speaker Nabih Berri’s visitors quoted him as saying.

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Jumblat Voices Support to Cabinet, Says No Better Alternative in Absence of Dialogue

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat said on Thursday that Lebanese officials should resume the national dialogue and tackle all the lingering crises in Lebanon without any “exception.”

He told An Nahar newspaper that Saudi King Abdullah’s letter to President Michel Suleiman expresses his fear over the repercussions of the Syrian developments on Lebanon as the crisis in the neighboring country might spill over into Lebanon.

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Jumblat Calls for Supporting Army ‘to Avert Dragging Lebanon to Strife’

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat noted on Monday that the swift investigation into the death of Sheikh Ahmed Abdul Wahed demonstrates the need to support the army.

He said in his weekly editorial in the PSP-affiliated al-Anbaa magazine: “The army should be supported in order to avert sliding into strife.”

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Jumblat Calls Hariri, Says Backing Army Part of Their 'Common Project'

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat on Sunday stressed that supporting the army would serve the project of building the state and prevent civil strife, urging Akkar’s residents “to be vigilant in order not to fall into the traps set up by the Syrian regime.”

Jumblat -- who telephoned former premier Saad Hariri condemning the killing of Sheikh Ahmed Abdul Wahed and his companion at an army checkpoint in Akkar – reminded the ex-PM of “the honorable national stances he took when the Lebanese army confronted Fatah al-Islam’s gangs in the Nahr al-Bared camp and the embracing of the military institution during that war.”

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Miqati Welcomes Berri’s Dialogue Initiative, Says ‘No Alternative for Reconciliation’

Prime Minister Najib Miqati welcomed on Saturday Speaker Nabih Berri’s initiative for dialogue over the recent clashes that erupted in the northern port city of Tripoli.

“Dialogue is the only way to resolve the situation in the city,” sources close to Miqati told As Safir newspaper.

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Berri Says Weapons Will Not be Discussed, Jumblat Welcomes his Calls for Dialogue

Speaker Nabih Berri said on Friday that his suggestion on resuming the national dialogue should focus on discussing the situation in the northern city of Tripoli, stressing that if needed, the dialogue could discuss other issues.

“The (suggested) national dialogue will not tackle the arms that are apparently widely spreading in various places” across Lebanon, Berri told As Safir.

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