Nabih Berri
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Report: Berri to Hold Absentee Blocs Responsible for Failure of Financial Aspects of Legislative Session

Speaker Nabih Berri will hold the boycotting parliamentary blocs accountable for the failure to meet the needed quorum to hold next week's legislative session, reported the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat on Sunday.

Sources close to the speaker said: “The boycotting blocs will be held responsible for the failure to approve draft projects linked to Lebanon's financial situation.”

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Report: Central Bank Governor Meets Salam to Highlight Financial Dangers Facing Lebanon

Lebanon is under threat of being classified as a failed state due to the paralysis of its state institutions and ongoing presidential vacuum, reported the daily An Nahar on Thursday.

A prominent source told the daily that Lebanon has to reach a radical solution to the trash disposal crisis and parliament has to approve a number of draft-laws in order to avoid such a fate.

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Berri: Christian Parties' Absence from Legislative Session Unjustified

Speaker Nabih Berri said that the legislative session agenda caters to the concerns of various Christian parties, saying that he will not amend it, reported As Safir newspaper on Wednesday.

He told the daily: “There is no justification for the absence of Christian parties from the session seeing as its agenda includes two articles that concern it.”

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Report: Berri Ready to Request Central Bank Governor for Loan to Pay Military Salaries

Speaker Nabih Berri has expressed his disappointment with the failure to pay the salaries of military officials, highlighting the need to urgently resolve this issue, reported al-Joumhouria newspaper on Monday.

His visitors on Sunday reported him as saying that he is “willing to request the Central Bank governor to pay the wages should all efforts to resolve the case fail.”

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Ministers Upbeat on Trash Crisis after Deal Reached to Set Up Landfills in South, North

Agriculture Minister Akram Shehayyeb ended a series of meetings to resolve the trash disposal crisis on Thursday by announcing that an agreement had been reached to establish landfills in two regions, reported the daily al-Mustaqbal on Friday.

Landfills will be set up in the northern region of Srar and southern region of al-Kfour, while a debate remains over the establishment of a landfill in the Keserouan-Northern Metn area.

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Berri: Legislative Session Will Definitely Be Held

Speaker Nabih Berri expressed his commitment to holding a legislative session “even if he had to attend it alone,” reported An Nahar daily on Friday.

His visitors reported him as saying: “I will definitely hold a legislative session because the situation has become unbearable.”

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Parliament Bureau Fails to Agree on Legislative Session Agenda

The parliament bureau held a meeting on Tuesday in an attempt to agree on the agenda of the upcoming legislative session.

Deputy Speaker Farid Makari stated after the meeting however that the concerned forces failed to agree on an agenda.

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Report: Aoun Reiterates Commitment to 'Legislation of Necessity' ahead of Parliament Bureau Meeting

Speaker Nabih Berri, Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil, Free Patriotic Movement chief MP Michel Aoun, and Change and Reform bloc MP Ibrahim Kanaan had held talks on Monday ahead of a meeting aimed at preparing the agenda of the upcoming legislative session, revealed al-Joumhouria newspaper on Tuesday.

It said that the talks were held ahead of Monday's national dialogue talks.

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Report: Berri to Threaten Use of Force to Resolve Trash Crisis

Speaker Nabih Berri is set to make a “severe” position at Monday's national dialogue session given how disappointed he is over the lingering trash disposal crisis that was exacerbated over the weekend with the first heavy rainfall of the season, reported al-Joumhouria newspaper.

It said on Monday that Berri “would call for the implementation of the waste disposal plan and would resort to the use of the military and security forces if the need arises.”

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Report: Salam May Resign if Garbage Disposal Plan Not Adopted Next Week

Prime Minister Tammam Salam is beginning to “weigh his options” in light of his realization that solutions to the garbage disposal crisis may have reached a dead end, reported the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat on Sunday.

A ministerial source told the daily: “Salam will not remain an hour more in his position on Thursday if the trash disposal plan of Agriculture Akram Shehayyeb is not adopted.”

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