Miqati Chairs Meeting, Tasks Charbel with Setting Security Plan for Tripoli

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqati tasked on Friday caretaker Interior Minister Marwan Charbel with establishing a security plan to maintain the situation in the northern city of Tripoli in coordination with the Central Security Council and the army.

“Security violation in Tripoli must end,” Miqati said during a meeting with top security officials and Tripoli figures at the city's Serail.

He pointed out that the “residents of Tripoli reject the spread of arms and support any security plan that would control the situation in the city.”

“All the Lebanese regions welcome the state and the spread of security forces,” Miqati said.

Forty-five people were killed and at least 800 wounded in twin bombings that targeted Tripoli in August that targeted the Taqwa and al-Salam mosques as worshipers were performing weekly prayers.

The caretaker PM said that the residents of Tripoli “don't and won't cover up for outlaws.”

Miqati added that officials were setting a comprehensive security plan to control the situation in the northern city, denying that the state neglected the matter.

He called on the residents of Tripoli to cooperate with the security forces and “immediately” implement the security plan.

Around 1,000 army troops and security forces deployed Monday in Dahieh where Hizbullah normally keeps a tight grip on security.

The security points were established after car bombings in the area killed 27 people on August 15 and wounded more than 50 on July 9.

Following the bombings, Hizbullah turned the southern suburbs into a fortress with guards in civilian clothes policing the streets, stopping and searching cars, and asking motorists for their identity cards.

The meeting at the Serail was attended by Charbel, Caretaker Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn, Youth and Sports Minister Faisal Karami, Caretaker State Minister Ahmed Karami, MPs: Samir al-Jisr, Mohammed Kabbara, Robert Fade, ISF acting chief Brig. Gen. Ibrahim Basbous and several other security officials.

Comments 3
Default-user-icon alzaka2 (Guest) 27 September 2013, 13:23

the salafis should taste the boot of the army, supporting the terrorist coward m14 sponsored massir assir la m14 terrorist sponsors tfeh.

Default-user-icon sadtripoli (Guest) 27 September 2013, 13:25


tripoli is the most violent and sectarian and extremist and vile of all the areas in Lebanon

it should swiftly be swept from terrorists and terrorist sympathizers like assir and his number 1 sponsor mizz bahia and mizz harir

Thumb lebanon_first 27 September 2013, 16:47

Ever since Qosair was captured, no more problems in Tripoli. Is this a coincidence?
Anyways, it is a good thing to do. I guess Mikati finished buying properties in Mina and is ready now to see values going up.