Mustaqbal Official Criticizes Berri's Initiative, Says Problem Lies in Lack of Trust in Hizbullah

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

An al-Mustaqbal movement official criticized Speaker Nabih Berri on Saturday for allegedly ignoring U.N. Security Council resolution 1701 and “confiscating” the authorities of President Michel Suleiman.

In remarks to An Nahar daily published on Sunday, the official, who was not identified, said a speech made by Berri a day earlier had loopholes mainly over the legitimacy of the weapons of the army and the resistance in the South.

Berri launched an initiative calling for the resumption of national dialogue among bickering politicians for a period of at least five consecutive days to discuss the form and policy statement of the future government, revive talks on a new electoral law, and support the military to deal with arms in Tripoli and salvage the eastern Bekaa Valley and the northern border with Syria from the chaos of arms and gunmen.

The initiative also includes a call to address a national defense strategy, a thorny issue that hasn't been resolved in the past years over differences on Hizbullah's arms.

Berri “ignored international resolutions and mainly resolution 1701 that organized armed presence in the South,” the official said.

The speaker added new articles to these resolutions, he said, wondering whether Berri was seeking to come up with a new resolution that outstrips 1701.

The official also criticized Berri over his call for dialogue.

“He cut the road on the president who was a pioneer in inviting” for such a dialogue, the source said.

Berri “confiscated the constitutional authorities of the president that enable him along with the Prime Minister-designate to form the government,” he said.

The cabinet formation efforts are not the role of the national dialogue members, he added.

The Mustaqbal official also slammed the March 8 alliance, which Berri's Amal movement is part of, for not abiding by previous decisions reached at the national dialogue table.

“The problem lies in lack of trust in Hizbullah and the rest of the March 8 factions that approve certain things at the dialogue table and then act on their own,” the official told An Nahar.

“The last example is the Baabda Declaration,” he said in criticism to Hizbullah's fighting in Syria despite approving the declaration that calls for keeping Lebanon at a distance from the regional developments and crises.

Other March 14 alliance officials also criticized Berri for failing to discuss Hizbullah's arms, which they said are imposing self-security in Beirut's southern suburbs.

They said Berri only referred to Tripoli and the Bekaa, a reference to the northeastern border town of Arsal whose residents are staunch backers of the Syrian rebels.

Comments 5
Missing cleanleb 01 September 2013, 09:05

MPs go to work, or go home!!!
Politicians, go to work, or go home!!!

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 01 September 2013, 09:07

God Bless Berri for suggesting a unique and workable roadmap for Lebanon's problems. A national dialogue round table to discuss government formation and its policy statement is the only way forward. Some but very few people might claim Berri's suggestion is the final nail in burying the constitution which entrusted forming any government to the President and the Prime Minister, others might say implement what has already been agreed upon before embarking on new sessions; others might be skeptical of Berri's intentions considering his reputation; However 99.99% of the Lebanese want dialogue. The FPM as a patriotic lebanese party is now leading an initiative to stress the need for HA weapons to defend against the Palestinians and their naturalization once FPM followers realized that HA weapons are no longer used to defend Lebanon. The national dialogue table, contrary to common belief, is 100% constitutional and should be in constant session. Tfehhhh

Default-user-icon Baylis-Harding (Guest) 01 September 2013, 10:27

Some sense in your words at last! Must have woken up to what's coming!

Thumb benzona 01 September 2013, 15:30

Banana republik, you may show yourself ;-)

Default-user-icon Antwan (Guest) 01 September 2013, 18:33

Amal March 8 Same thing.Amal is as bad as March 8.They both have to Go at any coast..Actually it will cost Lebanon nothing ,Thats because we have nothing left to give nothing left to loose.The sooner the better.