Connelly Tells Franjieh U.S. Concerned over Ghosn's Iran Trip, Remarks

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U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Maura Connelly on Thursday met with Marada Movement leader MP Suleiman Franjieh at his residence in Bnachii, raising concerns regarding Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn’s “recent trip to Iran and his statements from Tehran,” the U.S. embassy in Beirut said in a statement.

Ghosn’s statements “suggest the Minister’s discussions could potentially lead to violations by Lebanon of United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1747 and 1929,” the embassy quoted Connelly as saying.

“She further reiterated the United States’ view that Lebanon must respect all of its international obligations,” said the embassy.

Connelly and Franjieh also discussed the political and security situation in Lebanon and the current situation in Syria.

The U.S. envoy expressed her country’s “deep concern that the Syrian regime continues its violent oppression of the Syrian people, including the ongoing assault on Homs,” calling for the immediate cessation of “attacks against civilians and safe conduct of humanitarian assistance to the beleaguered Syrian people.”

She also underscored U.S. concerns that “developments in Syria not contribute to instability in Lebanon,” stressing “the commitment of the United States to a stable, sovereign and independent Lebanon.”

Ghosn stressed Sunday that “Lebanon’s people, army and resistance are an invincible fortress in the face of Israel,” noting that the Lebanese "will never forget that Iran stood by them in great difficulties," during talks with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Tehran.

Ghosn also said that Israel would fear Iran's reaction, should it consider moving in a hostile way against any regional country.

For his part, Ahmadinejad told the minister that Lebanon and Iran should work toward unity to confront the west and Israel, Iran's official news agency reported.

The Iranian leader asked Ghosn to "resist the plots" of "domination-seeking powers," IRNA said.

"Friendships and brotherhood should be improved," Ahmadinejad said. He warned that Israel would carry "a massacre against all nations of the region" if it could. "Therefore, we should support and stand by each other more than before," he added.

Earlier on Sunday, Ghosn met with Iran's Defense Minister Gen. Ahmad Vahidi.

"Strengthening the Lebanese army is among the strategic policies of Iran," the Iranian minister said. "Lebanon should have a strong army to defend its interest in the region."

Lebanon's security was "an important part of stability in the region," Vahidi added, according to an online report by Iran's state broadcaster IRIB.

In return Ghosn said, "Right now there is a complete coordination between the army and the resistance."

"Iran and Lebanon have always backed one another and we hope that bilateral interaction increases," Ghosn added.

He warned Israel against "any foolishness in attacking Lebanon," saying if it did so, it would face "a strong and unified army and resistance (Hizbullah), and suffer another defeat," referring to Israel’s 2006 war with Hizbullah.

UNSCR 1747 (2007) stipulates that “Iran shall not supply, sell or transfer directly or indirectly from its territory or by its nationals or using its flag vessels or aircraft any arms or related materiel, and that all States shall prohibit the procurement of such items from Iran by their nationals, or using their flag vessels or aircraft, and whether or not originating in the territory of Iran.”

While UNSCR 1929 (2010) placed new restrictions on Iranian investments and banned the sale to Iran of certain heavy arms, such as tanks, combat planes and helicopters.

Comments 6
Missing allouchi 01 March 2012, 21:29

SlowBlow, a typical M8 substance...

Default-user-icon Horus (Guest) 01 March 2012, 22:43

Ghost should be sacked for such statements.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 02 March 2012, 06:00

She does not provide the Army with weapons because she knows deep down what going on the ground and that the militia supported by its Iranian masters has to give permission to the Army to enter certain territory or hideout/rat's hole otherwise another civil strife will occur in the Country. When the entire system is cleaned up then she will give you weapons to restore the Army state prior to 1972.

Thumb kesrweneh 02 March 2012, 09:00

Can we be concerned about US arming Israel with def bombs, killing dozens of Lebanese civilians? can we be concerned about US selling new jet fighters to Israel? sould we be concerned the zionist lobby is almost controlling US foreign policy? Do u think the minority would let us express our concerns or are they still influenced by the Rambo saga they watched as teens?

Default-user-icon FreeLeb (Guest) 02 March 2012, 12:48

Right on kesrweneh. some are still living in the myth of good guys against bad guys the good being invincible rambos and the bad being evil-looking bearded men who ultimately have their ass kicked. they should know there is a new movie in town where rambo is sowing discord everywhere but gets his ass kicked big time over and over again

Default-user-icon Leo (Guest) 02 March 2012, 13:21

Good point Bigdig. Just one question if you can please. What guarentees that weapons given to the Army won't end up in Hizbollahs hands? The only guarentee I can think of is the "promise" of a Lebanense politician. Thats a real flimsy guarentee.