Aoun Hits Back at Geagea, Gemayel: Govt. is Here to Stay

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Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun on Tuesday hit back at Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea and Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel, who both earlier in the day called on the government to step down.

“As long as they have called on the government (to step down), its term will be extended,” Aoun said, in response to a question from a reporter after the weekly meeting of the Change and Reform parliamentary bloc in Rabiyeh.

Geagea and Gemayel voiced their remarks at a rally organized by the March 14 forces at the BIEL hall in Beirut to mark ex-PM Rafik Hariri’s seventh murder anniversary.

“Every additional day in the life of this government deducts a year from the life of Lebanon and its freedom and economy. This government has been blundering around in all directions, but what’s required is one thing: stepping down,” Geagea said in his speech.

While Gemayel said “the government is obstructing itself and paralyzing the life of people and the country.”

Addressing Hariri’s assassination anniversary, Aoun said: “May God have mercy on Hariri’s soul, people deemed him a martyr while his family did not consider him to be a martyr of the nation but rather used him against us in the elections, and this is against democracy and reason.”

And tackling the latest developments concerning the government crisis, Aoun said: “We want a code of conduct for cabinet and a committee from our bloc will draft this law.”

Aoun stressed that “it is not acceptable for Premier Najib Miqati to commit the ongoing violations as he should be a symbol for respecting the laws.”

“When Miqati suspended cabinet sessions, it was not over the issue of wages but rather over administrative appointments,” the FPM leader noted.

Commenting on the latest deadly arms depot blast in Tripoli, Aoun called on the defense ministry and army command to issue statements clarifying the circumstances.

“An arms depot exploded and we don’t know what happened or to whom it belongs,” Aoun said.

He also commented on the recent deadly clashes between gunmen in the rival Tripoli neighborhoods of Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen.

“Twelve soldiers were wounded, who shot them? We don’t know. We raised the same questions during Nahr al-Bared (war between the army and the extremist Fatah al-Islam group). If we ask them about the true reasons behind the assassination of (chief of the army operations directorate Brig. Gen.) Francois al-Hajj, would they answer? Of course not,” Aoun added.

Comments 44
Default-user-icon Muhamada (Guest) 14 February 2012, 19:50

You failed the Lebanese people by allying with the falling regimes of the region like the Syrian and Iranian. You failed to provide Lebanese with electricity as well history repeats itself.

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 20:11

oh yeah, it's tuesday i wandered when aoun will speak.

see, the zionists are ready because it's tuesday.

on sunday, they were not ready

Missing peace 14 February 2012, 20:55

jabalahbal comedy show is back to make us laugh!

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 22:49

oh look the new software is as retarded as the real zionist.

that's because software is made by retarded zionist.

Missing peace 15 February 2012, 00:17

super!!! bravo my frustrated zioist clown!!! keep on!

Thumb jabalamel 16 February 2012, 08:47

the filthy zionist media scum made 2 answering softwares, only to see which one is more retarded

Thumb charbel 14 February 2012, 20:12

In the case of Nahr el Bared, we got the answers, and Fath el Islam was fought with courage, and all the Lebanese gathered support around the Army and the government to eradicate the armed gangs.
Now Mr Aoun, why does not your government give the green light to the army to cleanse Bab el Tebbeny and Jabal Mohsen from all the armed gangs?
Are you asking us the question? You are in the government, and you have the majority _the lion share_ of ministers, or is it only a lion share when stealing with corrupt petrol deals, and electricity deals ?

Thumb sophia_angle 14 February 2012, 20:17

They refuse the General because he is not a pion chess in anyone's hand...God bless people like you!

Missing peace 14 February 2012, 20:56

lol! he is syrian s and hezbi puppet now....

Thumb arzz 15 February 2012, 08:35

better then a saudi 3eegal wearing puppet I suppose

Thumb jabalamel 16 February 2012, 08:48

the filthy zionist media scum hallucinate about syrian and "hezbi" puppets.

Thumb Chupachups 15 February 2012, 02:17

sophia, be a good girl and get me a sandwich.

Default-user-icon Enough (Guest) 15 February 2012, 05:05

Your general is a deserter and a coward in any other place he would be put against a wall and shot.

Missing ayoor 14 February 2012, 20:25

give him his pyjama and ask him to go to run away Iran this time

Thumb jabalamel 16 February 2012, 08:48

the filthy zionist media scum hallucinate about running to iran

Missing peace 14 February 2012, 20:56

gvt is here to stay till... 2013 only so hurry up!

Thumb sophia_angle 14 February 2012, 22:14

God bless you General for fighting the syrians when you supposed to as patriot when they occupied Lebanon where all 'with no exceptions' were using them for their own interests and ruled for decades robbing our gvt and giving them Beirut key, God bless you for your firm grab for not letting a civil war to unleash again, bless you for your wisdom in fighting corruption...

May God give good strong health to go forward & not looking back...

Missing allouchi 15 February 2012, 22:23

and fetch me a beer also and make it quick ;)

Default-user-icon Chris (Guest) 14 February 2012, 22:34

Sophia angle clearly does drugs

Default-user-icon 4G (Guest) 14 February 2012, 22:43

In a normal Army Aoun would have never reached the rank of a General,with his intellect he would be lucky to be a lance corporal.Aoun is politicaly,morally and physically bankrupt.He's supporters are leaving him in droves,and Dr Geagea,who has proven time and time again to be patriotic and a brave individual is slowly killing him.

Thumb jcamerican 15 February 2012, 16:50

4G, go get a life. If this is you leader, then a great country you are going to have. Trust me he will be packing soon. I am an american, and we decide your future. You have no say or brain to have any control of it.

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 22:50

the filthy slimy zionist media terrorists had many hallucinations but most hillarious one is that their friends will win 2013 elections

Missing peace 15 February 2012, 00:16

yessssssss! hilarious you are indeed! your comedy show is the best one here no doubt, king of clowns you are!!!! bravo!!!!!!

Missing mansour 14 February 2012, 23:41

GREATER civil war in Syria of COURSE!!!!

Thumb jabalamel 16 February 2012, 08:50

the filthy zionist media scum hallucinate not just about civil war in syria but also, about greater civil war in syria.

Thumb jabalamel 15 February 2012, 01:06

the filthy zionist media terrorists, besides using answering software (as retarded as they are) is also calling for civil war in syria.

you wish

Default-user-icon ReaLeb (Guest) 15 February 2012, 01:46

Anyone who supports Aoun is an idiot.y

Thumb Chupachups 15 February 2012, 02:16

LOL he said govt is here to stay??? BBUUUT

wasn't he the one who said he could make the government collapse anytime he wants???? wasn't he the one who called for protests against himself???

please if u still follow this guy, be ashamed.

Thumb arzz 15 February 2012, 08:37

I don't follow him but it is more shame to follow lady geaea and saudi boy hariri

Default-user-icon Just Lebanese (Guest) 15 February 2012, 04:15

Aoun is looking for any excuse to stay on board so that he and his "loyal" Aounists can keep sucking money out of the government. His speeches are a broken record playing and he needs to keep his senile old trap shut. The longer he and the government stay in power, the more our country will suffer.

Default-user-icon Enough (Guest) 15 February 2012, 04:58

News Flash:
The Iconic image of Jabala-babble, that we have all grown to fear is actually a photo of Mrs Jabala-babble taken on their wedding night. With frying pan in hand Mrs J has ordered Mr J to remove the offending image... For this we Thank you!, Lebanon's dream of an Aoun-less Tuesday was shattered... The Dummy speaks again. As usual the poor generals ramblings are mindless. One day he threatens to go, the next day he threatens to stay, what a Creep. But I have to admit that is the best photo of him I have seen, I think it is his fighting stance, he looks almost life like. The Filthy Zionist war propaganda agents did a great job at photoshopping out the strings, you can barely tell he is a Puppet, until he opens his mouth.

You can smell it in the air... The Aounets are here in force, but where is their leader the Flaming wonder?

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 15 February 2012, 06:14

Months ago he said all the trouble in Syria was over. He bet on the side of Saddam. He sold his soul and went with the side of evil or he could have been president of Lebanon. Now he thinks this gov't will stand after ASSad is gone.

He has the worst track record for a politician in the middle east.

Thumb jabalamel 15 February 2012, 07:47

the filthy zionist media terrorist hallucinate something about aoun this aoun that, only to forget how filthy their friends from m14 are.

Thumb jabalamel 15 February 2012, 07:47

the filthy zionist media terrorist hallucinate something about aoun this aoun that, only to forget how filthy their friends from m14 are.

Thumb arzz 15 February 2012, 08:38

Stll way better then lady geagea and his saudi boyfriend.

Thumb sophia_angle 15 February 2012, 10:22

bla bla bla nonsense as usual...

Default-user-icon LebEXPAT (Guest) 15 February 2012, 13:01

''Govt is here to stay'' ... at home you surely mean because they are not doing anything in the meetings...its good to get paid while scratching your behind all day..thank you GMA for the best ministers ever

Default-user-icon The Truth (Guest) 15 February 2012, 17:19

Wasn't he threatening to bring down the government about a month or two ago? He's more schizophrenic than I thought. Also, if the government in Syria falls, some Lebanese parties are going to disappear overnight (like the Lebanese Baath and the SSNP) so there should be a new government.

Default-user-icon NAD (Guest) 15 February 2012, 19:16

Run aoun gump run

Default-user-icon clint (Guest) 15 February 2012, 19:23

run speedy gonzales run !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Default-user-icon Jabalartaba (Guest) 15 February 2012, 20:05

the filthy Irania media terrorist hallucinate something about El Hakim this Geagea that, only to forget how filthy their friends from m8 are.

Thumb jabalamel 15 February 2012, 21:36

the filthy zionist media terrorists is so manical these days that they can't post just once.

Missing mansour 16 February 2012, 07:57

bah moderators why you delete my response to sophia_angle she needs to understand what type of man Aoun is,a coward and a midnight runner who left his wife and daughter behind and his men to be slaughtered in the streets.Then spend the next 15 years roaming the earth calling for WAR crimes against Syria so if im giving wrong facts then correct me dont get upset that i called Aoun a Black evil smoke cause he IS! Long Live The Greater Civil War in SYRIA may many many feel the misery that lebanon felt.Thank you

Thumb jabalamel 16 February 2012, 08:51

the filthy zionist media scum in not happy when naharnet editors erased retarded post from zionist media terrorist scum