Geagea: Circumstances Unsuitable for Opposition to Topple Govt.

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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stated that the March 14-led opposition is capable of toppling the government through popular protests.

He added however: “The current circumstances are not suitable for such an action.”

He made his statements in an interview with al-Akhbar newspaper, which will be published on Saturday.

Addressing the government performance, Geagea said: “The cabinet may withstand the current criticism and pressures it has come under.”

He noted however that the government “does not even exist to begin with.”

The LF leader renewed demands to form a technocrat government, which he said would be capable of properly addressing the people’s demands.

Regarding the developments in Syria, he remarked that the fall of the regime is inevitable, noting that the Syrian army cannot quell the ongoing demonstrations that are demanding the overthrow of President Bashar Assad.

In addition, Geagea said that a new political scene will be established in Lebanon once the regime is toppled, one where the March 14 camp enjoys greater powers and Hizbullah’s are reduced.

Addressing security threats issued against various Lebanese officials, the LF said: “The Syrian regime is seeking to curb the activity of March 14 members and it is attempting to hinder some of its allies from adopting a more centrist position” on the developments in Syria.

Plans to assassinate Internal Security Forces Intelligence Bureau chief Wissam al-Hassan and Phalange Party MP Sami Gemayel emerged in recent days.

Speaker Nabih Berri and Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat have consequently been warned by security agencies to take precautions as they move to and from their residences in Ain al-Tineh and Clemenceau respectively.

According to An Nahar daily on Monday, the homes of the two officials are under “surveillance,” as other officials are taking precautions and moving by taxis.

Comments 16
Thumb Chupachups 03 February 2012, 14:35

"...and moving by taxis"

Default-user-icon Darius Millo (Guest) 03 February 2012, 16:21

As has been known of Geagea, the opposite of what he says always happens. But this one could be the only exception to the rule. min addak ya 7akawati?

Thumb jcamerican 03 February 2012, 17:45

Please do. This guy talks too much, for someone has no real power. Imagine he had Hizballah guns, he would be unstoppable. By the way, where is his wife? I thought she was in the government, I guess just for the salary.

Thumb thepatriot 03 February 2012, 18:08

What are you exactly? 12? 13? Retard??

Thumb Bandoul 04 February 2012, 09:07

they're vermin, you have to exterminate them. Don't mistake them for humans.

Default-user-icon Loubnan Awalan (Guest) 03 February 2012, 20:00

You guys must the biggest idiots i heard from in a while..and FYI you will be shocked at how much power this 2a2ra3 has currently and had in the past and will have in the future. .
And i think we have seen Hizbull ze3ran and how they use their weapons which are intended for internal use and not defense against Israel. I am sure i am being very nice to you and your teachers by calling you Hezeb ell Ze3ran or should i call you Syria's and Irans' marionette?

noone has respect for Aholes like you and your teachers that put another country before their's.

Thumb jcamerican 04 February 2012, 11:43

Indeed very powerful man. To you anyway.

Thumb mrbrain 04 February 2012, 06:24

14 years in prison made him believe that he became a Guru ...Between wisdome and Madness there is Dr geagea the fake Guru .....

Thumb Bandoul 06 February 2012, 08:37

brain fart you smell really bad. the sewer is a few block down da7yieh. please go join your relatives where you all belong.

Default-user-icon Enough (Guest) 04 February 2012, 07:54

Mr Brain, 14 years in prison and yet Geagea's words are rational ...14 years in Paris and Aoun sounds like a raving lunatic.

Geagea talks about reality, and wants all the Lebanese to work together, including Hezbollah (although I can not imaging why he would think big H would put Lebanon's future above their masters in Iran)

Aoun has the nerve to tell the people to take to the streets to protests his own government. Now that is idiotic! And then there is his beloved step son, what a Wiesel ....if I was in the same room with him, I would keep checking my pockets.

So the bottom line is ...if you are a Proud M8'r, you should invest in a brown paper bag to wear over your heads, if you ever go outside.

Ps, don't bother cutting eye holds into the bag, you will not know what they are there for :-)

Default-user-icon GB (Guest) 04 February 2012, 10:56

Dear Hakim, for once you are thinking in a sensible manner! I sincerely hope that M14 will not topple the government, because if you and your partners take power again, we shall surely mourn Lebanon as a state. Suggest that you join your friend Sheikh Saad in the French Alps where there is more snow than in Meerab and the Twitter connection is much faster so you could "interact" with your poor & blind followers quicker.

Thumb jabalamel 04 February 2012, 11:09

lady gaga meant that he cannot find enough traitors to give them usa/zionist money like they did once with jumblat.

and i see the filthy zionist bandoul is off the leash again.

Default-user-icon Georges (Guest) 04 February 2012, 12:54

bandoul, you're no better than Christian, and it's a real shame if you pretend to represent the new generation that will build a state in this country! With such a filthy speech, Lebanon will deny you both. Try to learn from your predecessors who offered their lives between 1975 and 1990 to try and save this country.

Default-user-icon Hank Blue (Guest) 05 February 2012, 01:45

If this were the case, then the 2a2ra3 already would have had dozens of children considering his long history of dozens upon dozens of failed predictions. But hey, there's always a first time for everything. The question remains this: is God that cruel to have a child with the 2a2ra3 as a father/mother/whatever?

Missing bouzik 05 February 2012, 12:36

no christian you're wrong,
sar 3am y7otta bi noss l jemle :)

Default-user-icon Sedur (Guest) 06 February 2012, 18:37

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