Geagea Hails Syrian Opposition Call for Better Ties, Says Lebanon Should Seek U.N. Intervention if Attacked

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea hoped on Thursday that a statement issued by the Syrian National Council would put Lebanese-Syrian relations on the right path and called for U.N. Security Council action if Lebanon comes under attack by Syria.

The Council, which is Syria’s leading opposition movement, said Wednesday that it wants to start a new chapter in the complex and often-troubled relationship with Lebanon.

In remarks to reporters, Geagea said it remains to be seen if the Council’s request would be met, stressing that it is a good way to repair ties.

The LF leader also lamented that the Syrian navy attack on three Lebanese fishermen off the coast of the northern town of Arida earlier this month was a “political message to those concerned.”

Unfortunately the message was sent after shedding the blood of Lebanese, he said.

Sixteen-year-old Maher Hamad was killed after the Syrian navy opened fire on his boat off Arida. His uncles Fadi and Khaled Hamad, who were with him, were seized and handed over to the Lebanese army the next day.

The government should ask for an apology from the Syrian authorities over the Arida incident, Geagea said.

He also stressed that the Lebanese government should stop any attack on Lebanon or resort to the U.N. Security Council if Syria infringes on its sovereignty again.

Or else the government would be complicit with Syria against its own people, he warned.

About a decision by Lebanon to steer itself clear of the Assad regime’s deadly crackdown on Syrian protestors, Geagea said President Michel Suleiman and Premier Najib Miqati should “give clear indications to Foreign Minister (Adnan Mansour) on a true policy of keeping a distance (from the Syrian) crisis and not just in words.”

The LF leader called for a fair implementation of the law, rejecting the “persecution” of Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

“Lebanon is in its nature the land of freedom and we won’t allow any authority to tarnish its image,” he warned. “We support the implementation of the law equally and (reject) to politically target” the refugees.

On the scandal of the red diesel that shook Lebanon last week, Geagea urged state-run inspection boards and all judicial agencies to follow up the case until the truth is revealed.

“We can’t continue to live in an atmosphere of scandals,” he said.

An investigation into the case was launched on Tuesday after reports said that the oil refinery in the North distributed to oil companies 8 million liters of red diesel at a subsidized price hours before the end of the government deadline for a one-month LL3,000 subsidy.

The red diesel was later reportedly sold at higher prices giving millions of dollars of benefits to the companies.

Another crisis that has rocked Lebanon is severe electricity cuts throughout the country.

“It is strange that the party calling for demonstrations is the same party that is at the helm of the energy ministry,” Geagea quipped about calls by Energy Minister Jebran Bassil, who is a Free Patriotic Movement official, to the people to demonstrate against electricity rationing.

Bassil is accusing several parties of hindering the implementation of his $1.2 billion electricity project that was adopted by the cabinet last September.

“Why wouldn’t the energy minister cut electricity from those not paying bills” as a solution to the power crisis? Geagea wondered.

Comments 25
Missing allouchi 26 January 2012, 14:38

Allah yihmik ya Hakim, we should reciprocate in kind and take advantage of the historic events in Syria. Bassil and Aoun are a joke. it is clear that they only serve their interests and the interests of their masters Hizb, Iran and Syria. Shame of them.

Thumb jabalamel 26 January 2012, 15:27

the zionist/cia mouthpiece said something, out of touch with really like always.

the zionist information war department also wanted to say something but they just keep repeating same old bullshit

Default-user-icon Cedarthegreat (Guest) 26 January 2012, 15:40

Jabalamel are you serious? Wake up to yourself if you really consider yourself Lebanese. For Gods sake an innocent Lebanese fisherman was killed in Lebanese territorial waters. What has this got to with CIA zionist matters. Lebanon is doomed when creatures like you are allowed to suck its soul dry. Shame on you

Missing allouchi 26 January 2012, 15:57

jabal habal, where have you been? Iran or Syria?

Thumb jabalamel 26 January 2012, 16:12

the filthy zionist information war department, always online and paid for their filthy deeds, believe that others have information war departments also.

so when others don't write on naharnet comments section for some time, they believe that someone went to iran or syria.

Thumb 26 January 2012, 16:13

the filthy zionist information war department reality check bounced and they continue speaky speaky stupidities and hallucinational situations.

Thumb jabalamel 26 January 2012, 16:22


as soon as i'm back my fanclub is back also.

now that was fast

Thumb mrbrain 26 January 2012, 17:43

Judge Criminal....
Starring Dr Geagea
Nice title for a movie...

Default-user-icon Qawmi Someone (Guest) 26 January 2012, 18:56

Lebanon and Syria are one country and were divided by the colonial crusaders imperialist powers. I agree with patriots like, jabalamel and boyfriend, mowaten, qawmi john, bigdig, ado from oz, cookie_monster, mrbrain etc., how can any real Lebanese support such heresy, obviously only Zionists would, look:

The Syrian National Council on Lebanese-Syrian relations:
- The Lebanese-Syrian Higher Council should be dissolved and agreements between the two countries should be revised.
- Proper diplomatic representation between Lebanon and Syria should be established.
- Pending issues between the two sides, such as the demarcation of the border, especially the Shabaa Farms, would be addressed.
- The security-intelligence role that has meddled in Lebanese affairs and thwart the smuggling of arms across the border that has made Lebanon an open ground that does not meet the requirements of an independent state.
---- continue ----

Default-user-icon Qawmi Someone (Guest) 26 January 2012, 18:57

- The formation of a joint investigation committee that would tackle the case of Lebanese prisoners in Syrian jails.
- Recognizes Lebanon as a sovereign state. (we hate this one especially right John from Koura!)
- Pursuing joint projects in various fields where neither side would interfere in the affairs of the other.
- The two countries consider their religious and ethnic diversity a unique characteristic that they pledge to defend.
- It is an opportunity to put an end to the dark chapter of Lebanese-Syrian ties that have been marred by Syria’s dictatorial regime that has practiced the ugliest forms of meddling and hegemony. (what dark chapter? We should all follow Sayyed Hassan's lead and thank Syria for the superb job they did in Lebanon for over thirty glorious happy prosperous years, right)

Default-user-icon JabalAmelisDumber (Guest) 26 January 2012, 19:26

jabalamel, you are just absolutely pathetic. you are exactly what makes me ashamed to call myself Lebanese. you are worthless, all you do is talk talk talk. do you actually help the cause? no, you help your mama with the mi7she koussa and kibbe maybe, but thats about it. as much as i dislike march 14, i gotta say, they all sound much smarter than you on her, you are making your own people look soo bad. how does your conscience allow you to support Bashar Asaad?? i am all for resistance, but bashar is a coward, not 1 bullet or missle fired towards israel, nothing to try to get the Golan back. he is a coward, a fake, and you are as well. go fetch mama some malfoof lal 3asha, like a good boy.

Thumb arzz 27 January 2012, 00:09

Dr death has spoken; The only good thing about 3aoun is the fact that you are lower on the scale of scum then he is.

Thumb shab 27 January 2012, 00:12

Show me a Lebanese leader who dosen't have blood on his hands. Don't throw stones when you live in a glass house.

Thumb anonymouslb 27 January 2012, 00:55

Delete them all, from Sheikh Saad to Sayyed Hassan,
from GMA to "Doctor" Geagea...
Delete them all, and than maybe, just maybe,
we'll be able to save what's left of Lebanon...

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 27 January 2012, 03:53

The filthy Hezz war department wants us to believe everyone is bad, but they are good for the murder of Beirut and bankrupting the country by living like beggar m'tweili.

Pay your bills you filth, and pay all the past debt you piled up on the country.

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (Guest) 27 January 2012, 05:02

God Bless you Dr Ga3Ga3 and you will always be the rock that the waves will be torn apart when they come near your feet.

Thumb Chupachups 27 January 2012, 06:35

jabalamel is saying that someone is talking to him, i think he might be hallucinating.

Default-user-icon May7 (Guest) 27 January 2012, 12:15

Jaba the camel is back from Iran ready to earn one peanut per day per comment
But first be sure to pay for your electricity

Default-user-icon May7 (Guest) 27 January 2012, 12:17

Jaba the camel is back from Iran ready to earn one peanut per day per comment
But first be sure to pay for your electricity

Thumb sophia_angle 27 January 2012, 12:40

We are facing now two visions both have objective in controlling this region; we, as a small country, happen to be in the middle of this quarrel. We have two options; 1- taking part of the action, 2- moving aside. I guess opt 2 is more adequate especially that we have a 30 years of bloodshed experience; however being in the middle is a bit complicated, as a start as been done, a round table negotiation is the best but this time with a strong will and if needed to be an opened round table so all people can hear and see. The objective is to build a strong state away from religion and everybody governed by the law and no one above it.

Missing realist 27 January 2012, 22:24

Habal Amel, newsflash: Israel SUPPORTS BASHAR ASSAD. Why else do you think he is still there after 10 months of rebelion idiot!?. Nevertheless, he will fall, all they can do is let him live longer, and idiots like you will get the shock of their lifetime.

Default-user-icon tanioskendargi (Guest) 28 January 2012, 04:40

Gabby, do you predict the Hezz will pay their electric bills? If yes, when? If no, then why waste your strength? The same applies to issue with the debt that you talk about. Also, can you tell us how many more months remain before the "ASSad" regime falls? The last time I checked with you about 11 months ago, you told that in 3 months it will fall. Knowing your outstanding skills at predicting, the only explanation I have is that you extended the grace period to the "ASSad" regime. Please explain why you are doing that. Thanks buddy.

Default-user-icon tanioskendargi (Guest) 28 January 2012, 04:42

By the way, is George Adwan the one who picks what clothes Dr. Habboul wears? The pink tie might be a clue! ;-)

Default-user-icon Cedarthegreat (Guest) 29 January 2012, 03:01

Mr.tankikindergarden, typical non relevant, non political response from you. Did you forget our power??? Don't be fooled by colors. If a decision is taken to liberate Lebanon from creatures like you, the LF we will be waiting to surprise you. Let's stick to the point, an innocent Lebanese fisherman was murdered so let's all at least acknowledge this regardless of religion or politics.

Default-user-icon jack (Guest) 29 January 2012, 15:21

ya hakim i love you