Hizbullah Slams Ban’s Visit, Describes Feltman as ‘Messenger of Evil’

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Senior Hizbullah official Mohammed Yazbek slammed on Saturday United Nations Chief Ban Ki-moon’s scheduled visit.

“Ban, (U.N. Special Envoy) Terri Rod Larson, and the messenger of evil and conspiracy’s (U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs) Jeffrey Feltman are unwelcomed in Lebanon,” Yazebk said.

Ban is expected to stress to various officials the need to resolve the possession of arms outside the authority of the Lebanese state during his trip to Beirut on January 13.

Yazbek stressed that the U.S. is the “great Satan.”

“It (U.S.) wants to control the world… but there’s a strong axis that is willing to face its hegemony,” the official said.

Yazbek noted that the “axis” is developing its scientific and defense abilities “which will impact the region in the foreseeable future.”

In November, Hizbullah criticized Ban’s report on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1701.

Five years after the expansion of UNIFIL’s activities, it’s time to carry out a strategic review of its mission, Ban said in his 17th report on the implementation of 1701.

Hizbullah said that the report is full of “false information” and indicates the international community’s annoyance from “the Lebanese decision to reinforce its position against Israel.”

Comments 28
Missing applesandoranges 07 January 2012, 19:01

rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb ................

Default-user-icon satan (Guest) 07 January 2012, 19:12

was the u.s the great Satan when you kissed its **** to come help you and your shia in Iraq? You welcomed them with open arms, Do you say Malki and his cronies are american puppets, NO. You are filth, you are sectarian spite, you are a hive of scum. Your scheme is shia farsi and you don't care how and with who you work to achieve it. If the u.s today agrees to make syria or lebanon shia farsi, you will be kissing feltman's hand and issuing fatwas to worship him. We are sick of you and your evil farsi resistance. It is nothing but thuggery and terror.

Thumb shab 07 January 2012, 19:39

another lunatic mid evil towel head from the same sect

Missing marie 07 January 2012, 19:45

Mr Yazbeck YOU LIVE By THE GUN and YOU WILL DIE BY THE GUN! The sooner the better and with your friend Hassouni & company, bye bye

Missing marie 07 January 2012, 19:47

you specifically need to die a very special death i hope

Thumb jabalamel 07 January 2012, 19:48

the filthy zionist information war department is afraid of my tribe moving to palestine.

no worry, we will stay where we are. the palestinians will deal with you one day.

Missing marie 07 January 2012, 19:48

hopefully without your glasses they will shoot you in the night ,,,and you will not see them

Missing marie 07 January 2012, 19:49

when they put you on tv your turban head friend will watch you on cnn...enjoy

Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 07 January 2012, 19:55

the filthy zionist information war brigade cannot wait to pour their hatred at our glorious resistance and patriotic people and think lebanon belongs to traitors like them. Oh, one more thing: you will fail..... and dream on

Default-user-icon Profile (Guest) 07 January 2012, 20:00

A brief profile of sweating_demon on wikipedia: 
1) a hard-core supporter of the Failed Patriotic Movement aka FPM because according to him it is the only "secular" political bloc in lebanon.2) considers Berri a Mafioso, but Bassil and Aoun reformists.3) studied Greek Mythology when most people were still in diapers which gives him the right to speak down to people.4) watched the movie 300, but NOT in Dahiyeh. 
5) owns his "own business", a hight tech start-up Basterma & Falafel stand in Bourj Hammoud, and another more private business selling "lingerie" to russian girls in Maameltein. 
6) a "perfectionist" who only owns "original" DVDs and books.7) can read & Write…… hardly. 
7) supports democracy in the Arab World, but also supports the Syrian regime coz he is afraid about minorities' future like shia (but he is not shia….)if the regime falls. 
last but not least 8) a pretentious certified idiot.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 07 January 2012, 21:50

The rapists of Beirut who murdered Lebanese can shut up. Their world is collapsing.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 07 January 2012, 22:01

The best part is that people bark back and spit in the direction of the Hezz now and they can't stand it. Their days are as numbered as ASSad.

Default-user-icon Arab (Guest) 07 January 2012, 22:08

the filthy persian said it in capital letters! They are not arabs! This is not a conflict about resistance blah blah blah, it is about an old age conflict that dates hundreds of years ago when Umar ibn al khatab conquered persia and ended the reign of the filthy Sassanid empire. They never forgot it, and their little pup hizb of terror here has the same objective. If this thug loves iran so much, he is more than welcome to catch the first ship going to qom. The time will come when this might just happen.

Default-user-icon Ikhran (Guest) 07 January 2012, 22:14

14.6% unemployment rate in 2010 and maybe 16% in 2011 is low???? world class film making.... what films, horror movies or "how to be a mullah and getting rich at it", human rights..... enough said....... !!!!! Go live in Iran you shia thug

Default-user-icon mohammad fawaz (Guest) 07 January 2012, 22:28

neon and the coolest thing about Iran the ayatollahs invented the world only time machine that took their people back 1500 years.

*Special mention: the human mine sweepers armed only with a handy little plastic key to paradise, can you say earth shattering kaboom.

Thumb turmos 07 January 2012, 22:29

great, so go and live in Iran, and let us breathe without your filth around here!

Default-user-icon aloush (Guest) 07 January 2012, 23:57

neon I forgot that your tribe still practiced clubbing to find a mate


but then again one look at the Neanderthal in the photo accompanying this article should have jogged my memory

Default-user-icon Bubba (Guest) 08 January 2012, 00:02

poor poor mowaten still hanging on to Aisling Byrne article the poor fellow has it memorized and recites it out loud while jumping up and down and hitting himself on the head with a rolled up copy of Asia times.

Missing peace 08 January 2012, 00:06

mowaten you have to understand something : every country acts according to their interests. i guess you didn t have the same remarks to make when the USA were helping and supporting syria. now the US see that their interests are with the new opposition!

by the way they took a long time before bringing their support to the new opposition: they wanted to see which side was the more in accordance with their interests! it clearly is the opposition now. you rejoiced when their puppets fell in egypt or tunisia by the will of the people, strange you do not support the will of the syrian people even if the USA supports them!!because it goes against your interests it seems!
don t forget that aoun said that there was no shame in asking the help of the USA! was he a sionist?

Missing ya_hussein 08 January 2012, 03:01

Hezbollah was always against the invasion of Iraq. Saudi Arabia and other gulf countries were the ones who kissed american *** to invade Iraq. The US military invaded Iraq from their bases in the Gulf. Iran and Syria were the only countries who supported the Iraqi resistance against the US forces.

Missing ya_hussein 08 January 2012, 03:05

arabs should go live in the arabian peninsula. Lebanon is not arab.

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (Guest) 08 January 2012, 04:49

In the end the nerves cycling blood to the brain will dry and get cut, yes that end might be a little long than expected but the damage is already done in Syria and the borders will not stay open for the weapons to enter Lebanon for the Shiia to undermine the state and not to fight Israel as you cannot fight Israel air defense which paralyzed the country for example in 2006 with your 1 million rockets same as the Palestinians stoning the soldiers that shoot them with live ammunition. Politics and regime changes will resolve the current conflicts.

Missing lebaneserevenge@yahoo.com 08 January 2012, 08:57

First Nasrallah, then this clown...they need to go bye bye....

Thumb profile 08 January 2012, 09:11

Brief profile on jabalamel.fanclub on wikipedia.com 

1) we don't keep records on derivatives of scum, either.

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 08 January 2012, 11:45

A few cool facts about the persian theocrats:
- They hold the record of political assassinations without trial (1979...)
- They have reinvented the Kamikaze and used it in the Irak/Iran war sending a whole generation of fanaticized youngsters to their death.
-They have bought their phantom fighters spare parts for Israel
- They hold the first award for sending booby trapped car against the french and american barracks in 1982
- Assassination and attempted murder of some of their once close political partners: Gotbzadeh (hanged, Bani Sadr (flee), Chapour Bakhtiar (throat cut(
- They are great in exporting murder technology (Hariri, Fuleihan, Gemayel, Tueni....)
- Under the protection of diplomatic immunity they have shot at peaceful student protests in Paris
- They have shot indiscriminately democratic protesters in their own country
- They have stoned to death women
- They have condemned to death people who had freely decided to convert to another religion

Thumb jabalamel 08 January 2012, 21:22

the filthy zionist information war department have seen one of the resistance leaders nd they went into berserk mode, spilling hatred all over naharnet comment section

Missing marie 08 January 2012, 22:52

Habal mahbool please stop your moronic comments and try to read what is said and learn some new Persian words for your new homeland with your turbon head hassouni

Thumb jabalamel 09 January 2012, 01:11

the filthy zionist information war department wanted to say something but was unable to move from their usual retarded insults.