Syrian Rebels Fly from Beirut to Turkey as Part of U.N.-backed Deal with Hizbullah, Damascus

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More than 120 rebels and wounded from the flashpoint Syrian border town of Zabadani traveled Monday from Beirut's airport to Turkey as part of a U.N.-backed truce.

A convoy carrying them had earlier in the day crossed from Syria into Lebanon through the Masnaa border crossing.

The convoy consisted of seven buses and 22 ambulances and was accompanied by Lebanese security forces.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group, the evacuees will later cross from Turkey into rebel-held territory in Syria.

Simultaneously, two planes took off from Turkey's Hatay airport to Beirut, carrying 335 people evacuated from the mainly Shiite Syrian villages of Fuaa and Kafraya.

The residents had crossed into Turkey through the Bab al-Hawa border point and are to travel overland to Damascus after arriving in Beirut.

According to a source close to the negotiations, national flag carrier Turkish Airlines flew both sets of evacuees.

- 'Humanitarian agreement' -

"We appreciate the cooperation of all sides, of the Syrian, Turkish, and Lebanese governments, and all the sides that have signed on to this humanitarian agreement," said U.N. humanitarian coordinator Yaacoub El Hillo in comments to Al-Mayadeen TV from the Syrian side of the border with Lebanon.

The next part of the deal, according to the Britain-based Observatory, would see humanitarian aid delivered into the towns.

The Observatory's Abdel Rahman said Assad's regime was keen to reach such agreements as part of its "efforts to secure the capital by seizing control of rebel-held areas or through ceasefire deals."

Hizbullah's al-Manar TV broadcast live footage of the Zabadani convoy entering Lebanon.

Dozens of people gathered at the Masnaa crossing rushed the buses as ambulance sirens wailed.

The station had provided coverage earlier of bearded fighters wearing military-style fatigues boarding the buses amid bombed-out ruins in Zabadani.

Syria's regime has agreed to several ceasefires with rebel groups in the past but Monday's evacuation plan was one of the most elaborate in the nearly five-year war.

It was the first to involve crossing through Turkey and Lebanon.

Fuaa and Kafraya have been besieged for months by the rebels.

Sources close to the Islamic State and al-Qaida-affiliated al-Nusra Front have assured that they are not involved in the deal, explaining that the Zabadani fighters are linked to Jaish al-Fatah and other armed factions.

Pro-government forces and Hizbullah launched an offensive to try to recapture Zabadani in July, prompting a rebel alliance -- including members of al-Nusra Front -- to besiege the Idlib villages of Fuaa and Kafraya.

Hizbullah has sent thousands of fighters across the border to support Syrian President Bashar Assad's forces against the Islamist-led militants fighting to topple him. The group's intervention has helped the Syrian army recapture most towns in the Qalamoun region near the border with Lebanon.

Hundreds of Hizbullah fighters have been reportedly killed in the conflict to date.

In total, more than 240,000 people have been killed in Syria since the conflict began in March 2011 with anti-government protests.

The fighting has since evolved into a complex civil war involving rebels, the regime, al-Qaida and Islamic State jihadists, Lebanon's Hizbullah and Kurdish fighters.

Comments 18
Thumb westernlebanese 28 December 2015, 08:45

what happened? I thought Hizbullah had full control? lol they have been fighting for almost 5 years with the support of russian air strikes, syrian dictator air strikes and the army of khmieni and cant even take full control of zabadani?? what a joke of a mafia/malitia/terrorist organisation lol

Missing humble 28 December 2015, 09:47

Fact: Ebola has divided the country
Fact: Ebola has destroyed the living together
Fact: Ebola has destroyed the economy
Fact: Ebola has destroyed National Unity
Fact: Ebola has spread hatred among us
Fact: Ebola is destroying the Institutions and Constitution.
Fact : Ebola is working at destroying the National Pact

Thumb _mowaten_ 28 December 2015, 14:06

westernlebanese: you dont seem to have read the article, followed the topic or understood anything about the syrian war.
the rebels lost in zabadani within days/weeks of the start of the offensive.
what they did since is used the civilians in fuaa and kafraya as hostages to blackmail the SAA/hezbollah. this is the very reason of the deal this article is about.

Thumb Mystic 28 December 2015, 17:58

texas where do you have your death toll numbers from?
Fox news or Jerusalem Post?
Zabadani is totally surrounded, there is no way in our out without the Resistance knowing, so ofcourse the coward salafis of Al Nusra that you support attacked the villages in Idlib, just like they attacked the Homs province of Zahraa today with triple bombings.
Now we see this deal going on, Salafis goes back to Idlib province where they can be met with Russian carpet bombing.

Thumb _mowaten_ 28 December 2015, 18:59

lol anonyme, still making up your own facts i see? so according to you, hezbollah couldnt take zabadani so they offered to let them go in exchange for not killing civilians in kefraya and fuaa? doesnt make sense AT ALL dude, GO TAKE YOUR MEDS!

Thumb ex-fpm 28 December 2015, 10:28

Did the terrorist hezbollah seek and secure the Lebanese government's approval to enter into this deal? Will Abbas Ibrahim allow these so called "terrorist Takfiris" as hezbollah calls them to enter Lebanese territory and leave through a Lebanese Airport? Does Abbas Ibrahim report to the Lebanese government or does he report to Hezbollah?

Missing humble 28 December 2015, 11:09

A "state within the State" is an enemy of the State

Thumb _mowaten_ 28 December 2015, 14:09

yes, they should be very proud of using civilians as hostages to save their necks. best heroes you losers can hope for lol

Thumb Mystic 28 December 2015, 18:02

Didn't you once claim to be a Christian saudijack?
No christian would support Al Qaeda ever, only Geagea and everybody knows he is Antichrist paid by Wahabis in Saudi Kingdom.

Thumb Mystic 29 December 2015, 00:28

Sure jack, you mean these moderate FSA rebels right?

Thumb Mystic 28 December 2015, 18:03

pajama.boy You should live under ISIS care, you and all March 14 Alliance should move to Raqqa and see the place first hand.

Because that is the way you people want to live, March 14 works for Da3ish ideas, how come Israel never bombed ISIS?

Thumb Mystic 28 December 2015, 18:15

wahabi.boy, Da3ish are the ones that fights for the zionist, just like you chat on their behalf on Naharnet.
Who's fighters does Israel bomb over and over again? The Resistance and Syrian Army that is.
Acting to be a moderate again? Send my greetings to Salafi Zahran Alloushi of Jaysh al Wahabi that got the bomb last week.

Missing humble 28 December 2015, 18:25

Because Your vision is very narrow, you will never be able to see the big picture.
Where are gone the intellectuals in Lebanon???

Thumb Mystic 28 December 2015, 18:58

Because it is not pure Islam they want, it is wahabism that slaughters all minorities in the world.
That is what you people in the West never understand, you think it is majority popular uprising, when in reality the so called Revolution in Syria is the Reflection of ISIS/Da3ish/Nusra.

This is what they wanted for sure, they got their Salafi state now.
Why are so many Syrians fleeing then?

Thumb Mystic 28 December 2015, 18:59

Israel bombs the Resistance and never ISIS, Nusra in Golan, or any other Salafi group.

How will you explain that? The so called revolution in Syria was indeed done by CIA and Mossad, not the majority of the people.

Missing un520 28 December 2015, 20:35

re Mystic
You ask why Israel never bombs IS? Well I guess its for the same reason they in almost 40 years never bombed the Assad-regime(s). Neither IS or Assad fight Israel, and if thats the case Israel has no problem. Only when anyone is stupid enough to pose a real threat to Israel they will respond. I am not talking about empty rethoric like Assad and al-Bagdadi both have shown that they are good at.

Thumb justin 28 December 2015, 20:42

It seems the General Security of Lebanon reports to Hezbollah instead of our government as ex-fpm suggested above!

Default-user-icon Ham outdo (Guest) 29 December 2015, 08:31

Kill them now