Baalbek Clash Leaves 2 Dead

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Two people were killed in a clash between Jaafar and Rifai Families in Sharawineh Neighborhood in Baalbak on Thursday.

According to NNA, a person from Jaafar family was shot dead as youths from his family were trying to kidnap a youth from Rifai family in Sharawinah neighborhood in Baalbek, while a ten year old child was killed by stray bullets.

" A Palestinian Child was killed by stray bullets in the armed clashes," MTV reported, adding that "the army intervened to control the situation."

PM Najib Miqati followed-up on the clash and contacted Interior Minister Marwan Charbel and the Lebanese army Chief of Staff Gen. Walid Suleiman, demanding radical measures to contain the situation.

Comments 13
Default-user-icon Armin hagopian (Guest) 13 October 2011, 21:51

It makes mee sick how easy it is to turn a gun at your brother in lebanon. Lebanese men are so primitive, no wonder why lebanese women turn to non-lebanese men. They even prefer saudis instead of a fellow lebanese.

Default-user-icon Armin hagopian (Guest) 13 October 2011, 22:01

It makes mee sick how easy it is to turn a gun at your brother in lebanon. Lebanese men are so primitive, no wonder why lebanese women turn to non-lebanese men. They even prefer saudis instead of a fellow lebanese.

Missing peace 13 October 2011, 22:08

welcome back to middle ages baalbek way!

Thumb geha 13 October 2011, 22:34

stupid people with stupid guns.
then again, it is not their fault, rather it is the fault of the one placing the weapons in their hands.

Default-user-icon TITUS (Guest) 14 October 2011, 01:25

That's what happens when hired criminal zombie thugs from the Iranian criminal Militia hezb Ebola stop receiving their hand-me-down paychecks from the Turbinator, and find out that they actually have to "work" to earn their living. The way i see it the rat will in the end either be "decomissioned" by his Supreme Criminal master (getting rid of the murder weapon and/or agent that knows too much), or be named in the conviction and hunted down by interpol, or be silenced by Israel, or the Syrian regime may find out what the Hezb Ebola real intentions were in Syria pushing the Iranian agenda and decide to "reform him". So either way the criminal rat's days are truly numbered...

Thumb joesikemrex 14 October 2011, 01:53

RIP the poor 10 yr old - The sooner these people kill off each other the better for everyone else

Thumb joesikemrex 14 October 2011, 01:53

Far out, how many people are in these families, give them bigger weapons, its time they finish each other off

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (Guest) 14 October 2011, 03:42

@Habal & SmallDig: I thought the Resistance People Army have weapons aimed at Israel? I did not listen to the news yesterday but I might have missed it if Israel is in Baalbak in the Jaafar and Rifa3i homes?
Let us know what's going on since no Gas canister exploded this time but rather a shootout with a child killed.

Thumb jabalamel 14 October 2011, 10:39

the filthy zionist information war department is using some tribal shootings, that is happening for centuries in beqaa, as a propaganda tool for spitting on resistance.

however if they were lebanese, they would know what is all about.

Thumb shab 14 October 2011, 19:58

primitive people, primitive sect, primitive party

Default-user-icon Ali Rifai (Guest) 15 October 2011, 23:42

You all don't know the story, im from baalbek and this is my family who is involved! The son of bitch's Jaafar family came to my second cousins telephone store and started problems with him, then they kidnapped him and the lebanese army did shit about it, so we had to go to their area and they started shooting ,so we shot at those animals who are the lowest of low and killed the motherfucker ali rageh jaafar who had 77 cases against him basically a mongoloid primitive outlaw, if you know anything about baalbek youd know jaafar family is the most dirtiest animalistic criminal based family who are primitive mongoloids with no room for intelligence, all they know how to do is steal, deal drugs, and rape, they are all bastards and if I was in lebanon know I would kill everyone of them in baalbek that had the courage to go into rifai neighbourhood and kidnap one of ours for a such a ridiculous reason, jaafar family is garbage..All of the men in baalbek with last name jaafar should carry id

Default-user-icon omar solh (Guest) 18 January 2012, 10:16

2ezra3 2o7sod kasser lof ........range klashen(AK-47) w feme w matra7 mabye7lelak sof

Default-user-icon godfather (Guest) 05 August 2012, 05:53

2allah w 2ahl baalbak w 2alah y5alina yek ya nou7 zaaiter