March 14 Lawyers to Consider Protection of 4 Hariri Murder Suspects a Crime

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March 14-led opposition lawyers are expected to hold a press conference next week to snap back at Loyalty to the Resistance bloc MP Mohammed Raad, An Nahar daily reported Thursday.

On Tuesday, Raad accused Israel and the U.S. of drafting the indictment published by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. It accuses four Hizbullah members in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s Feb. 2005 assassination case.

He said during a press conference he held at parliament that the indictment’s aim was to blackmail Hizbullah and topple the resistance.

Retired judge and legal expert Salim Jreissati presented a 20-page legal study after Raad’s statement, saying the STL had several loopholes.

The investigation into Hariri’s murder should have reached conclusions and direct evidence and not only circumstantial evidence, he said.

The March 14 lawyers will stress in their conference that the protection of the four suspects is a crime punishable by law, An Nahar said.

Comments 6
Missing rudy 25 August 2011, 10:46

pointless. ok it's a criminal act, then what?

what we need is actions. what we need is not M14 politicians, but the people to take the streets again under one slogan. alsha3eb yourid eskat hassoun

Default-user-icon jabal amel (Guest) 25 August 2011, 12:53

look, the definition of irrelevancy spoke again. keep on dreaming and wetting your pants, you traitors and sectarian haters

Thumb thepatriot 25 August 2011, 13:21

ya habal!
Take your secterian complexe and shove it!
You never come up with relervant arguments here.
You're boring... you keep calling half of the Lebanese population zionist and secterian haters...
Here's news my boy, you're the one who is full of hatred, you're the brainless follower of Hassouna who when cornered calls on his sect for rally...
Hassouna plays a disgussting game because he knows that he can count on sheep like yourself to follow him under the secterian banner... people who cannot think for themselves, people with frustrations, people with anger...
The criminals will have to answer before justice, whether they are Christian, Druze, Bhudist, or Atheist! Whether they are ouweit, FPM, Bank Manager, or car dealer!
Hezbollah CANNOT be above justice! And if it turns out that Hassouna ordered the execution, he will pay...sooner...or later...he will pay!

Default-user-icon Joe (Guest) 25 August 2011, 13:39

Has anybody heard the rumour that Saad Hariri paid Time magazine to publish the STL suspect article?

Default-user-icon Stravogardi (Guest) 25 August 2011, 13:57

We have seen a sample of these farts' lawyers in Ibrahim Abogado Najjar. Who needs to see more? Simply put, they STINK.

Missing rudy 25 August 2011, 14:11

jabal why dont you try coming up with an opinions that is your own instead of repeating your pimp's speach?