Suleiman to Warn Lawmakers over Presidential Vacuum Fears

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President Michel Suleiman is expected on Sunday to reiterate his warning from the dangers of a vacuum in the country's top Christian post and call on lawmakers to elect a new head of state before the end of his term this month.

An Nahar newspaper said that Suleiman's warning will come in a speech he will make on Sunday afternoon during the inauguration of the cite sportive in his hometown in Amsheet.

The president is expected to address the different political parties and parliamentary blocs to urge them to elect a president and give up the boycott of the elections.

During the first round of the polls, 52 MPs from the March 8 alliance cast blank ballots, Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea received the votes of only 48 MPs while 16 lawmakers voted for Aley lawmaker Henri Helou and one for Kataeb party chief ex-President Amin Gemayel.

The March 8 MPs later pulled out of the session, causing a lack of quorum.

The same lawmakers, except for Speaker Nabih Berri's bloc, boycotted the second round of the elections.

The same scenario is expected to take place next Wednesday, causing fears of a vacuum at Baabda Palace.

An Nahar said that Suleiman's speech on Sunday would come on the eve of a new round of national dialogue that the president has called for.

But Hizbullah would boycott Monday's all-party talks, which would be the last in Suleiman's six-year term that ends on May 25.

The party's ties with Suleiman have deteriorated in the past months over the president's criticism of its involvement in Syria’s war.

The Lebanese Forces representatives are also not expected to attend the dialogue for rejecting to sit at the same table with Hizbullah.

Comments 2
Missing coolmec 04 May 2014, 08:09

Good point Bro!!
That goes to show you the sad state of affairs Lebanon is in. corrupt leaders, corrupt and antiquated system. it is time the new blood takes over and replaces these worthless leaders

Default-user-icon Jack (Guest) 04 May 2014, 10:49

Everyone needs to march to parliament and demand a president be elected by the people. Every Lebanese in Lebanon is good at bitching and complaining. Put your frustrations to work and go demand that YOU vote for your president. That way it will open the doors to more candidates. Do any of you really want any of these sad bunch of retards to sit on that chair? Be honest with yourselves..