Report: Hariri Discusses with Aoun Cabinet Formation Process

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Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri held a series of contacts with several rival parties to push forward the cabinet formation process that reached a standstill after it was put on front burner recently.

Al-Joumhouria newspaper reported that Hariri reportedly held a telephone conversation with Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun.

However, the daily said that the matter wasn't confirmed or denied the report.

Sources described the telephone conversation between the rival politicians as “positive.”

Sources also told the daily that Progressive Socialist Party leader also held talks with Hariri.

Al-Joumhouria said that Jumblat contacted later on Phalange Party leader Amine Gemayel, who called on all parties to offer settlements to safeguard the nation.

Meanwhile, the daily reported that caretaker Social Affairs Minister Wael Abou Faour, who was delegated by Jumblat to discuss the cabinet formation process with the political foes, terminated his endeavors as each party held on to its stance.

On Thursday, Abou Faour held separate talks with President Michel Suleiman, Speaker Nabih Berri and Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam and Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi.

Salam, a 67-year-old moderate, was appointed in April two weeks after the resignation of Premier Najib Miqati.

However, Salam has been facing a difficulty in forming his cabinet over Aoun's unswerving stance to retain the energy and telecommunications ministries and his rejection to adopt the concept of rotating ministerial portfolios.

Aoun has rejected the rotation of portfolios as part of a deal struck between the rival parties on the 24-member cabinet based on the 8-8-8 formula, hinting that he would pull his ministers out of it and drawing the support of his allies in the March 8 alliance.

Comments 44
Thumb Mystic 08 February 2014, 08:25

I must admit Mr. Hariri looks like a real mafioso on this picture.

Thumb general_puppet 08 February 2014, 08:38

Mystic, it is one thing to be an Assad bootlicker but you do not need to swallow the boot.

Thumb general_puppet 08 February 2014, 08:47

You are not making any sense Mystic… please take the boot out of your mouth when you speak.

Thumb Mystic 08 February 2014, 08:53

I'm not speaking i am typing. Do you say your words for yourself, while you type them or?

Thumb general_puppet 08 February 2014, 12:29

"you traitors in Lebanon are next"… you are pathetic, you think Lebanese owe allegiance to Assad? Go join one of Assad's militia's in Syria and fight for your beloved president instead of talking all this garbage.

Thumb freedomarch 08 February 2014, 10:16

The biggest "Mafiosos"are of Ghiz-E-Bola and Rev Guards People including This guy You are hanging his picture.
The production of all types of drugs, car thefts and add to that kidnapping terrorizing Lebanese ,,, you and what you represent are the REAL Mafioso Criminals. Claro

Thumb ice-man 08 February 2014, 10:42

@Mysrical: Enough is enough!!!! Don't think that @ice-man will stand still while you unleash your insults and venom on 2 of the most handsome and respected posters on the forum. Any attack on @cedars2 and @general_puppet will be considered a personal attack on @ice-man and vice versa and will be dealt with accordingly. All bets are off and the rules of engagement no longer apply!!!!

Thumb cedars2 08 February 2014, 10:54

Roflllll !!!

Thumb general_puppet 08 February 2014, 08:36

It is like looking at hamsters on a spinning wheel.

Geagea stuck to his principals and stayed out of it... what is the use of forming a cabinet with the Iranian militia. Hizbullah's only concerns are keeping their buddy Assad Jr. in place & their armament coming, so that they can Resists who know's what for the next 100 years.

On the other hand you have the Lunatic Aoun & the national son-in-law, they attack a neutral cabinet and at the same time they will not let 8-8-8 cabinet take place because all they can think about is the energy cash cow slipping out of their hands.

Thumb freedomarch 08 February 2014, 10:20

Shaklak Informed.

Missing coolmec 08 February 2014, 09:29

One question for any one
Can someone explain me why Aoun is so adamant in keeping these 2 portfolios with his son in law? I mean why is it so important for him to keep his son in law in place rather than compromise and help the formation of a government that is past due and badly needed
Please explain

Thumb geha 08 February 2014, 09:50

the answers is within the words of your question?

Thumb general_puppet 08 February 2014, 09:39

You win mckinl… this cabinet thing is all a plot by Salam and M14. Aoun should be made president, Son-in-Law #1 should get the energy & finance post, Son-in-Law #2 should be made commander of the arm forces and all security agency's should be handed over to the Iranian militia.

Thumb cedars2 08 February 2014, 10:12

"Artillery shells and bombs were heard in the central Bekaa and Baalbek caused by fierce clashes in Qalamoun."

Another divine victory no doubt...

Thumb general_puppet 08 February 2014, 10:57

Mystic like Nasrallah must have been in tears, when the people rose up and demanded that Assad's military get out of Lebanon.

Thumb general_puppet 08 February 2014, 12:34

"Not really, Syria left voluntarily back in 2005, nobody forced them out."… yeah Mystic they all woke up one fine day and decided to go back home. You are even more of an embarrassment then the Southern Nimrod.

Thumb Mystic 08 February 2014, 14:48

and this

Thumb cedars2 08 February 2014, 12:40

"I'm glad you were disappointed, when the turmoil in Syria has ended, you traitors in Lebanon are next."

Bravo mystic when someone corners you with words your answer is violence. Laik ya fata il moukhabarat il surieh, rouh laab idiem il beit ahsan.

Thumb cedars2 08 February 2014, 13:04

It sure is a different matter ya sahby. If that day comes "god forbid" ill be sure to give you a warm welcome.

Thumb Mystic 08 February 2014, 13:06

You say god forbid, but that is what you want in reality. I would like to see how tough you guys are when that happens.

Thumb cedars2 08 February 2014, 13:30

FT when grown ups are talking its better you go play with your lego. Mystic I say God forbid a 100 times, if that day comes ( the thinly veiled threat has been understood)I dont think you leave the Lebanese much choice. If your country Iran was being invaded wouldn't you resist? Please always remember the word "resistance" didnt start with you.

Thumb Mystic 08 February 2014, 13:37

You forget that Hezbollah are Lebanese too, so is Jabal Mohsen for that matter. Now who is invading? The takfiris is slowly doing that, and Israel did a couple of times and were beaten back, so how do you think the takfiris will stand a chance? When one of the biggest military powers in the world failed.

Thumb Mystic 08 February 2014, 13:39

cedars2 you really are pathetic.

Thumb cedars2 08 February 2014, 13:49

So I'm a Christian Takfiri is that something new your leaders have been shoving down your throats in addition to other things? If you are comparing your next adventure to 2008 in 2008 you backstabbed the Lebanese, this time the Lebanese know you are backstabbers, do you see the difference?

Thumb freedomarch 08 February 2014, 19:20

all the Rallies that happened where people came to downtown Beirut to protest against Ghiz-e-Bola and you say Majority? And Resistance? What where who? Killing Woman and children in Syria, terrorizing Lebanese for political pressures, taking over the country? Where is the resistance or the struggle? You the Iranian Followers of Hez-E-Bola are in full attack against Lebanese people unchallenged.

Thumb cedars2 08 February 2014, 14:00

I dont need to prove anything to you, I am a christian and this "majority" BS is just another one of the things that have been shoved down your throat on a regular basis, take it to the polls mystic, take it to the polls ya habiby, thats if your party ever lets it happen because they know the results already, the Lebanese have seen the results of your M8 governance. Btw what made you think I was a Sunni takfiri? Because I love my country? Yeah ok I can understand where "youre coming from"

Thumb cedars2 08 February 2014, 14:23

I wont even bother replying FT, I'll leave it to others. Once again youve made a mockery of yourself.

Thumb ice-man 08 February 2014, 14:27

@Jaafar: Do you need any hygiene products from USA that are otherwise unavailable or prohibited in Dahiyeh?

Thumb Mystic 08 February 2014, 14:36 to all you zionist supporters.

Thumb Mystic 08 February 2014, 14:57

Salafis or zionist, same enemies on 2 different battlefields.

Thumb Mystic 08 February 2014, 14:58

Working for the same goal.

Missing peace 08 February 2014, 15:35

someone really caring for his country should include hezbollah in your list of enemies...

but we know that you do not care for Lebanon as you pledged allegiance to the islamic revolution of iran... never to the lebanese flag....

Thumb Mystic 08 February 2014, 16:24

problem with you @war is that you are blinded by hatred, if you saw takfiris burn down your house, you would accuse hezbollah.

Missing peace 08 February 2014, 16:30

the pb with you mystic is that you are blinded by your propaganda and fail to see that salafis and hezbollah are the 2 sides of a same coin....

Missing samy2 08 February 2014, 20:08

Show me a good loser and I'll show you an idiot.

Thumb Mystic 08 February 2014, 14:03

Hezbollah in Syria protects churches and monasteries.

Thumb Mystic 08 February 2014, 14:21

Missing peace 08 February 2014, 14:22

M8ers here all claim that hariri is done, he is nothing, he is finished but yet reading their frantic posts it seems hariri is panicking them LOL

so fuuunnny to read desperate people writing non sense and resorting to insults to prove their points! typical sign of disturbed minds....

Thumb Mystic 08 February 2014, 14:23

Yes Hezbollah should protect the Christians and all the other innocents out there no matter what sect. Don't forget the Israelis they see us all just as damned arabs, they couldn't care less about you.

Takiris for that matter, wants to kill everyone no matter what sect. The good sunni muslims in Syria wants to be rid of the takfiris so they can live in peace and harmony without empty bellies, as they did before the conflict.

Thumb Mystic 08 February 2014, 14:24

Who told you this propaganda? America? Israel? Geagea? or Assir maybe.

Thumb cedre 08 February 2014, 17:20

neutral government, NOW...

Missing samy2 08 February 2014, 20:08

Show me a good loser and I'll show you an idiot.

Thumb beiruti 09 February 2014, 00:10

Sorry for the triplicate. New computer

Thumb cedre 09 February 2014, 00:27
