
Report: Hariri Discusses with Aoun Cabinet Formation Process

Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri held a series of contacts with several rival parties to push forward the cabinet formation process that reached a standstill after it was put on front burner recently.

Al-Joumhouria newspaper reported that Hariri reportedly held a telephone conversation with Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun.

However, the daily said that the matter wasn't confirmed or denied the report.

Sources described the telephone conversation between the rival politicians as “positive.”

Sources also told the daily that Progressive Socialist Party leader also held talks with Hariri.

Al-Joumhouria said that Jumblat contacted later on Phalange Party leader Amine Gemayel, who called on all parties to offer settlements to safeguard the nation.

Meanwhile, the daily reported that caretaker Social Affairs Minister Wael Abou Faour, who was delegated by Jumblat to discuss the cabinet formation process with the political foes, terminated his endeavors as each party held on to its stance.

On Thursday, Abou Faour held separate talks with President Michel Suleiman, Speaker Nabih Berri and Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam and Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi.

Salam, a 67-year-old moderate, was appointed in April two weeks after the resignation of Premier Najib Miqati.

However, Salam has been facing a difficulty in forming his cabinet over Aoun's unswerving stance to retain the energy and telecommunications ministries and his rejection to adopt the concept of rotating ministerial portfolios.

Aoun has rejected the rotation of portfolios as part of a deal struck between the rival parties on the 24-member cabinet based on the 8-8-8 formula, hinting that he would pull his ministers out of it and drawing the support of his allies in the March 8 alliance.

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