Miqati Says Army Not Favoring Any Side, Rejects Becoming Puppet

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Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqati said the armed forces were not being biased to any side in their reinforced presence in the northern city of Tripoli to end the deadly fighting between rival neighborhoods.

The army is implementing the decisions reached at a Baabda palace meeting last week, Miqati said in remarks published on Monday.

It “is taking its measures gradually and is not favoring this side or the other … and is not differentiating between an area and another,” he told several newspapers. “All Tripoli residents want security and stability.”

Miqati reiterated his rejection to turn his hometown into a mailbox to send messages to different sides. “We are all paying the price” of the gunbattles, he said.

Deadly bouts of fighting have rattled Tripoli in the past years, but the clashes became severe after the uprising against Syrian President Bashar Assad in March 2011.

The gunbattles between the districts of Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen are a direct spillover of the civil war raging in Syria.

Bab al-Tabbaneh is majority Sunni and its residents back the uprising against Assad. As for Jabal Mohsen, it is majority Alawite, the sect of President Assad.

Miqati expressed confidence that all the measures taken by the army will bring back security and stability to Tripoli.

The caretaker PM revealed that he was in continuous contact with the state commissioner to the military court, Judge Saqr Saqr, to speed up the investigation with the suspects arrested in connection with the deadly bombings of al-Salam and al-Taqwa mosques in Tripoli in August.

He hailed the city's residents, who he said have dealt with the blasts reasonably and have thrown their weight behind the state and its agencies.

“As long as we don't have any other option but the Lebanese state, then we should work to paralyze the efforts exerted to drag us” to war, Miqati said.

He told the newspapers that the city's residents rejected bloodshed and the continued closure of schools, universities and businesses as a result of the ongoing fighting.

He said the clashes were not in the interest of anyone and refused that Tripoli residents become “puppets.”

“Let's unite to confront the plot against the city,” he said.

“We in Lebanon are a mirror to the events in the region,” Miqati said when asked about reports that the Tripoli fighting was a reflection of the war in Syria and the Qalamoun battle in particular.

“But we should be above all that,” he said.

Syrian regime forces and the opposition are gearing up for a major battle in the mountains of Qalamoun in western Syria amid a warning that Tripoli would be badly affected by it.

Comments 15
Thumb mckinl 28 October 2013, 09:33

"Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqati said the armed forces were not being biased to any side in their reinforced presence in the northern city of Tripoli to end the deadly fighting between rival neighborhoods."

Then why this ???

"Arab Democratic Party leader Rifaat Eid to al-Jadeed: Why is the Lebanese army prohibited from entering Bab al-Tabbaneh?

Miqati is a liar and a war profiteer whose business is killing the economy and people of Tripoli ...

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 28 October 2013, 11:21

good to know you take the word of a criminal traitor like Eid instead of the army and the PM.. speaks volumes about you hypocritical b.s.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 28 October 2013, 11:25

just like you pathetically place all blame at the feet of m14 for the parliament shutdown while a portion of m8 (Aoun) is also boycotting it... and you and your likes never said a word about the parliamentary shutdown, correction, lockout of parliament when done by m8.. hypocrites..nothing more.. nothing less..

Thumb mckinl 28 October 2013, 11:35

Eid was correct at the time of his statement ... The Army has since deployed checkpoints in and around Bab al-Tabbaneh a source has told me.

We will see how sincere the efforts are by the success of these deployments and the time they are place.

These deployments need to last many weeks if not months to stop this on going violence in Tripoli ...

Thumb mckinl 28 October 2013, 11:40

@ arzak-ya-libnan

Aoun has since rejoined the Parliament ... but the boycott was never about the FPM.

The boycott and the Cabinet impasse was always the child of M14 and specifically al Mustaqbal as you know all too well.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 28 October 2013, 11:58

sure.. in 2 hours your source informed you about the deployment?

anyways.. I am not saying m14 is not boycotting parliament.. but about your incapacity and double standards when it was m8 who SHUT DOWN parliament.. measure each with the same stick .. then you will have some credentials...

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 28 October 2013, 11:59

sure.. in 2 hours your source informed you about the deployment?

anyways.. I am not saying m14 is not boycotting parliament.. but about your incapacity and double standards when it was m8 who SHUT DOWN parliament.. measure each with the same stick .. then you will have some credentials...

Thumb mckinl 28 October 2013, 12:05

@ arzak-ya-libnan

That's correct my source informed me less than an hour ago ... Now I will try to keep pressure on to have the Army stay not for hours but for weeks.

That you can not see that it is M14 behind the boycott of Parliament and the failure to choose a Cabinet astounds me ...

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 28 October 2013, 12:10

you need to learn how to read... here it is in bold for you:

I AM NOT SAYING M14 IS NOT BOYCOTTING PARLIAMENT.. but I find you lacking of any credibility when you did not criticize M8 for shutting down parliament before..

comprende? or should we try it in Swahili?

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 28 October 2013, 11:23

good to know you take the word of a criminal traitor like Eid instead of the army and the PM.. speaks volumes about you hypocritical b.s.

Thumb mckinl 28 October 2013, 13:33

Who are the criminals ???

OTV: The number of soldiers who were injured in clashes with Bab al-Tabbaneh gunmen rose to 3.
22 minutes ago VDL (100.5): Bab al-Tabbaneh residents blocked the road near the post office in Syria Street to prevent the army's deployment.
26 minutes ago VDL (93.3): Two soldiers were injured when they came under fire as the army deployed in Bab al-Tabbaneh.
30 minutes ago LBCI: The army clashed with some gunmen as it deployed heavily in Tripoli's Bab al-Tabbaneh.

Default-user-icon Teddybear (Guest) 28 October 2013, 12:22

Wolf, i see you like to quote the bible. Can i ask you, what does the bible say about using insults, accusing without proof, racism and other evils i have seen in several of your comments. Be honest. Does the bible allow that? If not then who are you to use the bible against miqati when you dont even use it against yourself?

Default-user-icon anthrax (Guest) 28 October 2013, 14:05

lol where is the weight now ya miko? Walaw?

Yesterday's interview on aljadid seems to have pitted him on the wrong end of things

he's finally realizing the problems in tripoli are created by none other than themselves, that is, m14 and some traitors like eid and miqati. No matter, come on miko, speak LOUDER that the army serves no one but the citizens and does not favor any side. This message must be repeated by you and your m14 gang a million times to repent for tarnishing the image of the army in order to protect assir and his terrorist gangs

Thumb cedre 28 October 2013, 17:43

accusations of miqati delivering arms please....

Default-user-icon Doesn't Matter (Guest) 29 October 2013, 05:06

How can two neighborhoods represent all of Lebanon? The few thugs in these neighborhoods fight because they have nothing better to do. They can't really think that their menial fights will spark a civil war in Lebanon or possibly change the outcome in Syria. At least, not anymore on the former. Lebanese politicians will soon have a new source of income that's sitting under the Mediterranean so Syrian and Gulf States will have to increase their allowances to plunge Lebanon back into a civil war.