السعودية تحذر مواطنيها من التوجه الى لبنان لعدم استقرار أوضاعه الامنية
Read this story in Englishحذرت السعودية رعاياها من السفر الى لبنان نظراً "لعدم استقرار الاوضاع" فيه، وذلك في بيان نشرته وكالة الانباء السعودية الرسمية الاثنين.
وقال مصدر مسؤول في وزارة الخارجية السعودية انه "نظراً لعدم استقرار الاوضاع على الساحة اللبنانية فان وزارة الخارجية تحذر المواطنين السعوديين من السفر الى لبنان حفاظا على سلامتهم واسرهم خلال هذه الفترة وحتى اشعار آخر".
الى ذلك، اكد السفير السعودي في لبنان علي عواض عسيري لـ"الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام" أن "قرار وزارة الخارجية السعودية بتحذير المواطنين السعوديين من السفر إلى لبنان يأتي نتيجة الاحداث الاخيرة التي حصلت فيه من حرق اطارات واقفال شوارع واحداث امنية في مختلف المناطق اللبنانية".
وقال ان القرار اتى انطلاقاً من "حرص المملكة العربية السعودية على عدم تعريض مواطنيها لاي مخاطر وحرصا على سلامتهم اتخذت المملكة هذا الاجراء الوقائي لتحذير المواطنين السعوديين وتنبيههم".
وامل عسيري أن يعم الامن والاستقرار في لبنان وان تبذل كل القوى السياسية على الساحة اللبنانية الجهود المطلوبة لتأمين الامن والاستقرار في لبنان ولاسيما ان لبنان بلد عزيز على المملكة ويحظى برعاية كريمة ومتواصلة من خادم الحرمين الشريفين الذي يعمل على ان يكون هناك نتائج ايجابية للحوار القائم بين القوى السياسية اللبنانية".
وعن الضرر الذي سيلحقه هذا القرار بالموسم السياحي في لبنان، قال عسيري "ليس المقصود من هذا القرار الحاق اي ضرر بلبنان الا ان سلامة المواطنين السعوديين هي من اولويات القيادة السعودية".
يذكر ان وزارة الخارجية كانت اصدرت في 26 كانون الثاني 2011 بياناً "ينصح" السعوديين بعدم السفر الى لبنان الى "حين عودة الهدوء والاستقرار".
وكانت الامارات قد دعت مواطنيها في 12 ايار الى عدم السفر الى لبنان وطلبت من المتواجدين في هذا البلد مغادرته. واتخذت قطر والبحرين والكويت تدبيرا مماثلا، في ايار الفائت، وذلك مع تعاظم المخاوف من تأثيرات الازمة السورية على الداخل اللبناني.
ويشهد لبنان اضطرابات يتخللها قطع طرق واشكالات مع الجيش سبقها اعمال عنف واشتباكات في طرابلس بين السنة والعلويين بين باب التبانة وجبل محسن، اسفرت عن مقتل واصابة العديد.
they probably sent an extra zillion USD to their salafist thugs in lebanon recently, to buy tires and block roads.
KSA seems to care about their citizens. I wonder if Lebanon did the same by warning us not to travelling to Syria... which should logically be avoided.
If you think KSA really respect its citizens, think again.
Protests in al Quteif region and their surroundings were being faced by fierce ant-protest police and army.
Unless you're addicted to Future news alot.
benzona your cute. saudis respect their citizens. tell that to the women who are publicly flogged for daring to drive...Tell that to the saudi protesters? They were meet with this respectful gem from prince saud al faisal "Reform cannot be achieved through protests ... The best way to achieve demands is through national dialogue," or the interior ministry statement, "The Interior Ministry on Monday reiterated that demonstrations are banned in the kingdom on grounds that they contradict Islamic laws and values and said in a statement that its security forces will act against anyone taking part in them" (washington post).
Such respect and care.
Not that I'm a fan of the Saudis, but it seems that the only tourists we're getting this summer are the syrian refugees... :(
And Iranians.... Everybody is welcome to lebanon! but it seems like we're gonna have a terrorist season instead or a tourist season. Better stock up on old used tires.
our government is too busy trying to steal more money from us to issue any travel advisory to warn us :)
the Saudis respect their citizens contrary to our government, and I wonder here about those criticising KSA....
anyway, there is something big that will hapen extremely soon, thus this travel warning, and please do not forget the previous one where they asked their citizens already here in Lebanon to leave before the end of the month.
to all the sceptics: war is coming hard, and hizbushaitan days are numbered.
Geha, you're a class-A political analyst, perhaps you were a classmate of mine or a guru I never knew. This is just Guld blackmail to pressure Lebanon into supporting the regime-change in Lebanon and thus, and as usual, against the policy of neutrality. I don't care which side it comes from (Iran or Saudi, East or West) all these foreign countries are playing tug of war and we're paying the price. Geha, you're no different than Hezballah, two sides of the same coin. Where are the LEBANESE who work for LEBANON and not Saudi and Iran?
Their loss, they'll miss our world famous Dahieh Burning Tires festival, the biggest burnibg tires festival in the world this year featuring our own FlamingTit and his fabulously flaming brothers.
Is this true--it was mentioned so many times previously, only to be denied later on by Saudi Officials??
PLS Nahar check your sources before jumping to conclusion??
many thanks
i am sure if iran had tourists in lebanon they would be advised to stay away, but iranians don't come to lebanon as tourists they only come over to oversee their terrorist militia here, to relay orders from khamenei to the apartheid islamic sectarian revolution in lebanon and to make sure that hassan's beard is watered.
Oh well, less terrorism - ooops, I mean tourism. Half the Saudi "tourists" are probably Al Qaida members anyways, overall, good news in my opinion.
the pb with lebanon is that they based their "tourism" on luxury. they want to attract only those who have money thus the tourists from the gulf, like it or not. they have abandoned every thing cultural to attract tourists that s why they are dreaming of making beirut like a giant mall for the gulf people! all cultural sites are left aside or for some abandoned. little is done for the middle class tourists from europe for example.
so if people from the gulf don t come this summer it will seriously affect the economy. but what to expect from a third world country such as lebanon kept as such by tribal and sectarian behaviors?...