نافي بيلاي: هناك "الكثير من الأدلة" لإدانة الأسد

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حذرت مسؤولة كبيرة في الامم المتحدة الاربعاء الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد من ان "هناك الكثير من الادلة" حول القمع الدموي الذي بدأ منذ اكثر من عام ضد معارضي النظام لبدء ملاحقات ضده في جرائم ضد الانسانية.

وقالت المفوضة العليا لحقوق الانسان نافي بيلا في مقابلة الاربعاء مع محطة بي بي سي "في الوقائع، هناك الكثير من الادلة التي تظهر ان الكثير من هذه الاعمال قامت بها قوات الامن وهي لذلك يجب ان تحصل على موافقة او تواطوء من اعلى مستوى".

واضافت ان "الرئيس الاسد بامكانه فقط ان يأمر بوقف العنف وهي ستتوقف. هذا النوع من الاشياء هو الذي يأخذه القضاة المكلفون قضايا الجرائم ضد الانسانية بمثابة مسؤولية الذي يأمر" الجيش. واعتبرت الامم المتحدة ان اعمال العنف في سوريا اوقعت اكثر من تسعة الاف قتيل خلال عام.

واتهمت المحامية الجنوب افريقية قوات النظام السوري القيام باعمال "مروعة" مثل اطلاق النار على ركاب الاطفال وعدم تقديم الاسعفات الطبية لهم.

وشددت القاضية السابقة في المحكمة الجنائية الدولية على كون مجلس الامن لديه الكثير من الادلة الجدية لتبرير الاحالة الى هذه المحكمة. وقالت "الاشخاص الذين هم مثله بامكانهم ان يستمروا طويلا ولكن يأتي يوم ويتوجب عليهم ان يواجهوا القضاء".

التعليقات 7
Default-user-icon Murad (ضيف) 14:03 ,2012 آذار 29

Let's be clear about one thing. This "systematic" targeting of children is not true. They're trying to make it look like children are part of the protest movement for "freedom" but let's remember that the government is not the one making children come home straight from school or sleep by 8pm. If children were really protesting for freedom, they'd be protesting against their own parents.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 22:16 ,2012 آذار 29

The whole revolution started when children in Daraa were arrested for doing graffiti on the walls against the regime also children have been systematically captured and tortured and executed and returned to their families as a warning. There is definitely systematic targeting of chidlren.

Missing servant-of-jesus 15:06 ,2012 آذار 29

'how can you keep order without killing a few thousands?'
Every person who has killed (whatever side they are on) will be held accountable in front of God for every life he has taken. And every person who justifies the killing of any person (whatever side they are on), will be held accountable too!
I would not want to be in their shoes on the day of judgment.
Lord have mercy...

Default-user-icon Soledado (ضيف) 16:01 ,2012 آذار 29

Is this the same Pillay who dared NOT charge Israel, the most criminal nation-of-the-filthy on the face of the earth, with crimes against humanity? No wonder people take such Pillays seriously.

Thumb jcamerican 16:59 ,2012 آذار 29

How about Bush? Or Obama? International court doesn't apply to them. They are immune. Didn't Israel severed relation with this organization because they wanted to investigate the settlements.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 22:21 ,2012 آذار 29

Except the opposition started with peaceful protests and the response from the government was attack by military, security and armed thugs. It wasn't until months later that the opposition began arming itself. Also the opposition doesn't have artillery and can not destroy whole neighborhoods like the government is doing.

There might be cases of human rights violations by the opposition but they are tiny compared to the government's annihilation of whole families and neighborhoods and torture. It's like comparing an ant to an elephant.

Missing jimbei 02:02 ,2012 آذار 30

Man come on... Are you honestly comparing what the regime has done to what the opposition has done? I am not saying that the opposition hasn't retaliated but what has been done by the regime far surpasses the damages done by the opposition. Im sure there is a humane side in you that is capable of seeing that.