101 قتيل الخميس أغلبهم في حماة وإدلب... "نداء استغاثة" من حمص وجامعة حلب تنتفض

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قتل مئة وشخص في سوريا الخميس في حملة جديدة للقوات السورية على المدنيين وأبرزها في حماة فيما أطلق ناشطون من مدينة حمص التي تتعرض لقصف مستمر من قوات النظام منذ ثلاثة اسابيع "نداء استغاثة" تزامنا مع استمرار خروج المظاهرات وتجددها في جامعة حلب.

وأفادت لجان التنسيق المحلية التي تتابع التظاهرات على الأرض مباشرة أنه "101 شهيد سقطوا في يوم دام جديد برصاص قوات الأمن و"شبيحة" النظام بينهم أربعة عشر طفلاً وناشط إعلامي".

وأوضحت اللجان أن سبعة وأربعين قتيلا سقطوا في ادلب مضيفة "ستة وعشرون شهيداً في حماه، تسعة في دير الزور، سبعة في درعا، خمسة شهداء من القنيطرة، أربعة في حمص وشهيدان في كل من الرقة وريف دمشق (داريا ودوما) إضافة لشهيد في حلب".

في محافظة حلب شمال، قتل طفل في الثامنة بعد منتصف ليل الاربعاء الخميس في قرية منغ في اطلاق نار من قوات نظامية. وذكر المرصد ان تشييعه صباح اليوم تحول الى تظاهرة حاشدة تطالب باسقاط النظام.

وتحركت مجددا الخميس جامعة حلب ونظمت بحسب المرصد "تظاهرة حاشدة تضم نحو الفي طالب من امام كلية العلوم في جامعة حلب التي تنتفض بشكل كبير على النظام" منذ ايام.

وتصدت قوات حفظ النظام للتظاهرة واطلقت قنابل مسيلة للدموع لتفريقها، ما ادى الى "اصابة عشرات الطلاب والطالبات بحالات اختناق". واعتقلت قوات حفظ النظام 12 طالبا خلال تفريق التظاهرة، بحسب المرصد.

في درعا (جنوب)، افاد المرصد عن اقتحام للقوات النظامية لحي طريق السد في المدينة، ما تسبب بمقتل شاب وطفل في الخامسة من عمره، بالاضافة الى وقوع عدد من الجرحى.

وافادت لجان التنسيق المحلية عن تعرض المدينة لقصف، وعن اشتباكات عنيفة بين القوات النظامية والجيش السوري الحر فيها.

وقتل رجل في الخامسة والثلاثين من العمر وجرح ستة اخرون في الحي الجنوبي من مدينة معرة النعمان في محافظة ادلب (شمال غرب)، اثر اطلاق نار من "قوات عسكرية سورية خلال اقتحام المدينة"، بحسب المرصد الذي تحدث عن قيام القوات النظامية بحملة اعتقالات.

وذكرت وكالة الانباء السورية الرسمية "سانا" ان ثلاثة عناصر من قوات حفظ النظام قتلوا وجرح سبعة في "انفجار عبوة ناسفة معدة للتفجير عن بعد زرعتها مجموعة ارهابية مسلحة في المدخل الجنوبي لمدينة ادلب".

وقتل عنصران واصيب آخر من قوات حفظ النظام "بنيران مجموعة ارهابية مسلحة في ريف حماة"، بحسب الوكالة.

وفي مناطق اخرى، قتل اربعة مدنيين وخمسة من عناصر الامن في اعمال عنف الخميس.

إلى ذلك، أطلق ناشطون من مدينة حمص التي تتعرض لقصف مستمر من قوات النظام منذ ثلاثة اسابيع "نداء استغاثة" الخميس بينما يسعى المجتمع الدولي الى ايصال مساعدات انسانية عاجلة الى سوريا.

واكد ناشطون من مدينة حمص لوكالة فرانس برس ان الاتصالات مقطوعة بشكل شبه كامل، ما يجعل من الصعب معرفة مكان وجود جثتي الصحافيين الغربيين الاميركية ماري كولفن والفرنسي ريمي اوشليك جراء القصف الذي طال منزلا يستخدم كمركز اعلامي في بابا عمرو الاربعاء.

كما لم يتسن معرفة مصير الصحافيين الاجانب الثلاثة الجرحى، وبينهم الصحافية في مجلة "لو فيغارو" الفرنسية اديت بوفييه. واوضح مسؤول في المجلة لفرانس برس ان بوفييه تحتاج الى عملية جراحية.

وقالت منظمة "مراسلون بلا حدود" انها تحاول الاتصال بحمص لكن "القصف عنيف الى درجة ان احدا لا يمكنه ان يصعد الى السطح لاستخدام هاتفه عبر الاقمار الصناعية".

وشرح عبد الرحمن ان "حي بابا عمرو وجزءا من حي الانشاءات يتعرضان للقصف منذ الساعة السابعة (5,00 ت.غ.) فيما تسقط قذائف هاون على حي الخالدية".

وأطلق الناشط عمر شاكر عبر سكايب "نداء اخيرا للاستغاثة"، وقال "الناس هنا ان لم يموتوا من القصف سيموتون من الجوع والعطش".

وقال ان "الاتصال مقطوع مع نحو عشرة ناشطين، لا نقدر على الاتصال بهم لا من خلال سكايب ولا عبر هواتف الثريا".

وأوضح عضو الهيئة العامة للثورة السورية هادي العبد الله من مدينة حمص "نسمع اصوات انفجارات رهيبة ومروعة".

ويأتي هذا القصف غداة مقتل 24 مدنيا سوريا في حمص بالاضافة الى الصحافيين.

واضاف العبد الله "نحن ننقل الجرحى الى المنازل لان المشفى الميداني استهدف بالقصف ومحاولة الخروج من بابا عمرو الان انتحار"، مضيفا "نتخوف من إبادة جماعية، وهذه ليست عبارة نطلقها اعتباطيا".

وتابع "لا نفهم لماذا لم تتحرك الاسرة الدولية بعد، ولم هذا التخاذل، فالشعب يتعرض لمذبحة من أجل ان يتمسك رجل بسدة الرئاسة؟".

ويبدي الناشطون منذ ايام تخوفهم من اقتحام القوات النظامية لحي بابا عمرو الذي يوجد فيه عناصر من الجيش السوري الحر، بحسب ناشطين.

وقال رامي عبد الرحمن ان نظام الرئيس بشار الاسد "يريد ان يحسم الوضع لكنه يخاف من مقاومة عنيفة داخل الحي، ويخشى حرب الشوارع".

التعليقات 39
Missing allouchi 19:26 ,2012 شباط 23

There is NO excuse for killing your own people and on mass. No one should de-humanize others to justify their killing. NO ONE should do that and we as human beings should stand up and help anyway we can. Assad is a butcher and shame on the ones that try to defend such a filthy inhuman government.

Thumb bigsami 20:53 ,2012 شباط 23

You are naive and lack education my friend. Go back to your cave! Ignorant to say the least!

Thumb falanges 11:06 ,2012 شباط 24

why dont you go into your home country of syria and try to video/report the "terrorists" so the world can see the real story you tell?? oh because you'll catch an assad bullet to your dome

Thumb jcamerican 12:43 ,2012 شباط 24

You are right Allouchi, but you only have one person in your sight. Other people have other views too. It doesn't mean you are right and they are wrong because you said so. This is not democracy as we know it. Every country has its dirt. We bombed Hiroshima. Still we are looking for more wars. I think we have you on our sight.

Missing realist 02:03 ,2012 شباط 25

proof lol? how about thousands of videos?? he's not gona long live except in your sick head. You need help.

Default-user-icon Hippo from Heraklion (ضيف) 19:49 ,2012 شباط 23

The hypocrites, what about rotten Israel.
The filthy Israeli army killed thousands of Palestinian civilians under the pretext of defending itself from armed terrorists.. humm but the fearless Syrian army bombed the Palestinian camps in Lebanon killing thousands of Palestinian civilians under that same pretext, but never mind that, stay focused on Israels atrocities right.
And don't forget how many thousands Lebanese civilians did the slimy Israeli army kill while pretending to respond to armed terrorists attacks from Lebanon.. OK probably less than the Lebanese civilians killed by the valiant Syrian army innocently returning armed gangs fire in Lebanese towns and cities, silly me I'm getting distracted again.
Now this is dilemma I'm stumped, the smutty Israeli army hasn't killed many Syria civilians has it, unlike what the heroic Syrian army is doing now. Take that ugly Israelis the glorious Syrian army sees your atrocities and raises you one, you lose again!

Default-user-icon Murad (ضيف) 19:59 ,2012 شباط 23

Look at the pictures of all those dead people! Because now a picture of a dead Syrian is enough proof that the Syrian army killed him/her/it.

Default-user-icon Murad's groupie (ضيف) 20:43 ,2012 شباط 23

You are so right Murad, they should just follow Walid Mou3alem's lead and show pictures of non Syrians taken a few years ago outside Syrian and claim those are Syrians killed by the Syrian army, that would be all the proof you need and then a critical "thinker" like yourself would believe them.

Missing hasanzibowawa1 19:59 ,2012 شباط 23

what i do not understand is how the illiterate shiaa still support this criminal. what are they betting on? his days are numbered and no country will deal with him even if he kills thousands more. but at the end of the day, they are illiterate and lack common sense and are not used to democracy but rather wilayet al faqih. and with their lack of common sense and then they wonder why lebanese and arabs are tired of their decisions..

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 02:16 ,2012 شباط 24

Saad Hariri referred to KSA as a "democracy". Do you consider KSA a "democracy"?

Missing realist 02:05 ,2012 شباط 25

KSA is not a democracy, iran is not a democracy and their turn should be next. Fair and square.

Default-user-icon shiite (ضيف) 20:11 ,2012 شباط 23

bigsami you are wasting your time the creature cannot was never equipped with a brain it only works when someone pushes a button, in fact it was probably cheering when the syrian army's rocket launchers was killing lebanese

Default-user-icon rami (ضيف) 20:40 ,2012 شباط 23

The readers who are supporting the Assad regime, forgot probably that during the Syrian occupation, their passports were checked by Assad's moukhabarat at the airport, before getting the stamp of the ridicilous Lebanese immigration, or when the Syrians used to stop them and abuse them at check points all over the country. I sincerely hope that they get an equal number of years of civil war as we had, one is gone, 14 to go.

Missing realist 02:08 ,2012 شباط 25

how about when hizbala and amal killed each other, brother against brother? how about when amal and hizbala went through months of war against the palestenian camps?? how about the assasinations of any she3i intellectual who was critical of iran and the hizbala back in the 80's and the assasinations in the 2000's of all the m14er political figures?. I agree that gaga is not that clean but no one in lebanon is clean or "ashraf" nas bla bla.. this nazi mentality does not belong to this century.

Thumb jcamerican 21:10 ,2012 شباط 23

I don't think Bashar needs anyone support. He handled his country and Lebanon for years single handed. If his time is up, that choice is not yours to be made or his people. It is up to america and israel.

Missing realist 02:10 ,2012 شباط 25

and this is precisely why the west is extremely hesitant to intervene. Israel is the real deal behind Assad .tell that to mowaten and all those naieve resistors lol. If assad was such a bad dude for israel he would have been bombed back in april and without UN or baloot. The Syrian people took everyone by suprise and embarassed the world. Syria of the future will no longer be good for israel's borders.

Missing allouchi 21:52 ,2012 شباط 23

Slow down with your hate boy...

Default-user-icon Former Lebanrse (ضيف) 22:20 ,2012 شباط 23

I am an atheist and I think mfawaz is a blind baffoon following the herd and beleiving everything they told him. The atrocities in Bahrain are not ignored, and I personally feel bad about them. However, only a maniac, a nutjob, a tool, or a complete psychopath would think what Assad and his cronies are doing is righteous.

Missing realist 02:13 ,2012 شباط 25

Those following the hizbustan rhetoric do not see beyond their nose. They do not see that they live in a region full of muslims and that they need to make peace with them instead of supporting the butcher. Iran lives on those sectarian division and cares less what will happen to the arab she3as, go ask the iraqis and you would have a different view about iran than the lebos.

Missing samiam 23:07 ,2012 شباط 23

So based on your logic, you can't argue with Israel's actions against Gaza, the west bank, and Lebanon?

Seriously dude, do you think about what you have written or do you just follow the party line?

Default-user-icon LebExile (ضيف) 23:28 ,2012 شباط 23

The ignorance on this board is overwhelming. the Americans would love nothing more than democratic countries to deal with. Take what happened in Egypt - the USA could have said to Mubarak to put down the uprising using whatever means - they could have sent ammunition to help them quell the uprising from the beginning - but rather - respected the people who have risen up and reclaimed their right.
The US didn't benefit at all from the ouster of Mubarak - just like it didn't benefit from the ouster of Qaddafi and like they wont benefit from the fall of Assad - the people are the sole beneficiaries.
Hizbollah could have respected the wishes of the masses of people who have risked life and limb to demand their rights, and thousands have been killed (much much more than is reported), yet Hassin from his RAT HOLE selfishly defends the butcher in Damascus - cause he benefits from having the Assad regime in power.
Hassan couldn't care less

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 18:51 ,2012 شباط 24

Mubarek left but the regime remains. Egypt still has relations with the Israeli terrorist state and it is still suppliyng it with oil even though the overwhelming majority of the Egyptian people oppose it. What do you think will happen if the Egyptian government supports Palestinians freedom fighters and changes its slavish role toward Israel? Will the Israeli occupied American government continue on supporting the Egyptian people???

Missing realist 02:15 ,2012 شباط 25

And of course he tells you he follows the husain!? the husain who was killed because he refused opression. Isnt hums today like karbala?? what kind of faith is this?? it is like the faith of the jews: if you are not jewish you are 3rd class citizen. Pretty much the same, different bottles same wine.

Missing youssefhaddad 00:03 ,2012 شباط 24

Sectarian feelings should not blind anyone from the humanitarian tragedy that is unfolding in Syria.
The Syrian regime is a Monster that no sect should be proud to be associated with!

Default-user-icon nomo (ضيف) 01:20 ,2012 شباط 24

How a shiite can support this evil regime is unbelievable. Didn't Hussein and his followers die fighting against an evil regime? Nasrallah says his supporters are the followers of Hussein; the fact is that they are currently the followers of a modern Yazid, Bashar Assad.

Missing realist 02:24 ,2012 شباط 25

They view the sunis as the descendants of yazid and mu3awiya so in their sick heads the sunis of hums deserve death. Get it now?? This is what religion brainwashing does to people: the us and them mode, the same people who distributed candy in da7iye when hariri was murdered. Do you hear any criticism of MALIKI on al manar?? didnt maliki come on US tanks!?!? lol.. in other words, the real agenda is SECTARIAN, israel is for rhetoric propaganda purposes. The beauty of this revolution is that it has taken all the masks down. You should read what they think of salah el deen .. you would be suprised.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 02:09 ,2012 شباط 24

"As in Darfur or Kosovo, such calls are in reality an abandonment of people fighting against oppression" Why doesn't the West and their Arab league puppets arm the Palestinians to fight against oppression AND Ethnic Cleansing??? (Maybe Naharnet will print this question even though they do not like it)

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 02:22 ,2012 شباط 24

The Syrian opposition are teling many lies. They now are saying that the regime are using Chemical weapons ( I guess next they will claim that the regime used NUKES). If Palestinians made the same claims on the Israeli terrorist state the way the Syrian opposition is doing...the Western press would verify every report and refuse to print any of these lies (and their Arab puppet governments would not print this garbage).

Thumb jcamerican 09:50 ,2012 شباط 24

I saw an interview with an opposition leader in Syria. He said the opposition movement had been hijacked, he accepts to deal with Bashar ruling, than seeing his country being destroyed. Then I go back to the M14 being against Hizballah, by saying they destroyed the country. I would say the same thing about the Syrian opposition, why fight for the destruction of you country?

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 18:41 ,2012 شباط 24

"he accepts to deal with Bashar ruling, than seeing his country being destroyed" well the friends of Israel governments would like to see Syria destroyed because this helps Israel. What happens to the people of Syria and Lebanon..they do not care. IF a new regime takes over and it is also not a western puppet regime whether it is Sunni Islamists or anything, The blood thirsty Western Imperialists will try to do the same thing in trying to destroy the country.

Missing realist 02:27 ,2012 شباط 25

"oppostion leader" lol who the f is that "leader" jc?! lol..stay in america and away from syria hehehe

Missing realist 02:29 ,2012 شباط 25

The regime would use chemical weapons at some point, i would not be suprised one bit. There is evidence thre regime has used nerve gas in rastan and other areas. Israel can not use such weapons because even their public would oppose it plus the west (who is pretty much the patron) can never condone it. In other words our "enemies" have more mercy than the Arab rulers.

Default-user-icon nomo (ضيف) 02:29 ,2012 شباط 24

How a shiite can support this evil regime is unbelievable. Didn't Hussein and his followers die fighting against an evil regime? Nasrallah says his supporters are the followers of Hussein; the fact is that they are currently the followers of a modern Yazid, Bashar Assad.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 02:44 ,2012 شباط 24

"this is not about an existential threat, this is about the massacre of one's own people"...Listen to this Israeli war criminal with the "existential Threat". Israel's existense came about with the colonization and wiping Palestine off the map. Yes you Isarelis do not kill each other. You just love to kill Christians and Muslims.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 18:19 ,2012 شباط 24

WOW! I received 2 Negative votes from 2 Zionist criminals who claim to be Lebanese. This will make a huge differance on the Lebanese public opinion who do not read Naharnet English (LOL)

Missing realist 02:19 ,2012 شباط 25

john, i would not be suprised if an alliance between israel/iran and the so called "mumana3a" emerges in the next decade against the majority of arabs. Let us remember that iran-shah was an ally of israel. The west is not genuinely against iran, of course they do not want iran with nukes, they just want iran in the size they define. Read history and see who were the allies of the crusaders against the salah el deen (who btw is despised so much in the literature of the mumana3a!). This region is sectarian to the bone and has been for over a thousand years. Israel did not come out of vacuum.

Missing realist 02:26 ,2012 شباط 25

Assad can not win, his fall is a mathematical certainty. It will take a long time and thousands of casualties but his regime, economy, government structure can not survive. he might convert to become a militia somewhere in latakia. There will be civil war in syria for many years to come until things simmer down.

Missing realist 02:35 ,2012 شباط 25

mowaten.. ya mowaten.. supporting the killing of the muslims in hums in this barbaric fashion is not an act of FITNA ya genius?? you think the syrian people are stupid?! you just parot the SANA line.. you fear that what you believe in.. what you hear from your hasan n.. might not be true.. might not be logical.. you have blind faith.. just like the jewish settlers.. isnt it the right of the Syrian people to earn freedom?? did you know that even hitler had a line like yours when he attacked europe?? every aggressor has some sick line, You are disgusting.

Missing realist 02:37 ,2012 شباط 25

mfawaz, and how sick and stupid was it for Hussein to stand against Yazeed?? look in the mirror and ask youself this question. You are just like jews btw, they say the very same lines when they stole palestine from the Arabs. And mowaten, KHAS israel w nos because your thoughts/words are just as evil and your religion (read ur quran instead of watching manar) tells you that your god will judge you on every word and every ill feeling you have in your heart. The people dying in Syria are muslims like you.