وفاة مراسل صحيفة نيويورك تايمز اللبناني الاصل في سوريا

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أعلنت صحيفة نيويورك تايمز ان مراسلها للشرق الاوسط انطوني شديد حائز جائزة بوليتزر الصحافية، توفي في سوريا على اثر اصابته بازمة ربو.

وقالت الصحيفة ان شديد تسلل الى سوريا لتغطية الاحتجاجات المطالبة بالديموقراطية وأصيب بأزمة ربو سببها الخيول التي يستخدمها المرشدون على ما يبدو.

وقال مدير التحرير في رسالة الكترونية لموظفي الصحيفة ان "انطوني مات كما عاش، مصمماً على ان يكون شاهداً على التغييرات في الشرق الاوسط وعلى معاناة الشعب العالق بين قمع الحكومة وقوى المعارضة".

حصل شديد وهو اميركي من اصل لبناني، على بوليتزر ارفع جائزة صحافية في الولايات المتحدة، مرتين في 2004 و2010 لتغطيته غزو العراق والحرب والفوضى التي تلت ذلك.

وقد قام مؤخرا بتغطية الثورات في العالم العربي من مصر الى سوريا وليبيا حيث اوقف مع صحافيين آخرين في نيويورك تايمز واساءت قوات معمر القذافي معاملتهم.

وتوجه رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي غبر "تويتر" بالتعزية الى عائلة وأصدقاء شديد، مشيراً أنه كان يعرف ويقدر شديد شخصياً

التعليقات 16
Missing jan_sundby 13:26 ,2012 شباط 17

Brave journalist whom i admired. He cared about his job. Not even when the israeli army shot him while he was reporting in the westbank did he consider leaving his post as a journalist. You will be missed anthony.

Default-user-icon Murad (ضيف) 13:55 ,2012 شباط 17

His reporting on Syria was trashy and biased and now we know he had connections with the weapons smugglers whom he did not mention in his articles about "peaceful protesters" being killed. There is no such thing as a good journalist who works for the NY Times. Nevertheless, RIP.

Default-user-icon ghawwar (ضيف) 17:38 ,2012 شباط 17

Guys listen to Marad he knows best about unbiased journalism, it comes in the form of Al Watan, Tishreen, SANA, Walid Mou3alem's best irrefutable proofs and other TV Bloopers, Al Akhbar and Al Manure's Photoshop department.

Thumb benzona 15:29 ,2012 شباط 17

Toutes mes condoléances à ses proches. Un bon reporter qui manquera à la presse libre.

Missing jan_sundby 16:55 ,2012 شباط 17

Murad, you are right that new york times is a bad journalistic paper. But anthony shadid was the only one there who brought some proffesionalism to that paper. He didnt always work for this trashy paper. His work on syria was pretty good considering all the restrictions the new york times editor puts on its journalists. Anthony shadid was not a zionist, he was anti zionist, but he worked for a paper that was zionist. I guess he thought he could change things from within.

Default-user-icon L.I.P (ضيف) 16:58 ,2012 شباط 17

Some beared guys makes us ashamed of mentioning where we are from when traveling or living abroad..others make us proud to be lebanese...he was considered in Boston as the holder of the Khalil Jibran legacy.. his book "house of stone" will be released next week, maybe it´s good to switch our references from shallow politician speaches to deep readings of real life values... it´s time for the intellectual party to rise in that part of the 3rd world.

Thumb jcamerican 17:48 ,2012 شباط 17

God bless his soul. If he wanted to tell lies. He could have done it from his office, pretending to be there.

Default-user-icon Rolfen (ضيف) 17:54 ,2012 شباط 17

It's always a tragedy when a good person dies. But I have to say (and I hope I'm not being out of line) that I had a chuckle when I learned that he died from asthma, although he was doing what might be the most dangerous job and heading towards the most dangerous place and survived being shot and being captured... I didn't even know you could die from asthma nowadays.
God bless his soul and his family and the people who survive him.

Missing startrip 18:07 ,2012 شباط 17

Shadid was an excellent, brave reporter. He contributed to the success of one of the world's best publications, the Old Gray Lady. I understand disagreeing with the NY times editorials occasionally, but their reporting is impeccable. My advice to dimwits who follow Al-Manar, SANA, and Iranian trashy outlets and who want to impugn the Times: go wash behind your ears.

Thumb jabalamel 00:04 ,2012 شباط 18

the filthy zionist media terrorists give "advices" to patriotic lebanese.

this is how we know that we are doing the right thing: we do everything against your advices and we can't make mistake

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 19:17 ,2012 شباط 17

Don't worry he's part of the zionist filthy media war machine. I saved Jabalamel time from posting. Everyone except the glorious resistance (that kills more Lebanese than Israelis) and the defender of the resistance Bashar (who hasn't launched one attack on Israel) are part of the zionist war machine.

Thumb jabalamel 00:02 ,2012 شباط 18

the filthy zionist media terrorist could not restrain itself from mentioning me, bashar and many other totally irrelevant things.

such is their hatred that they even mention me when whitney houston died.

what a bunch of retards

Thumb benzona 01:25 ,2012 شباط 18


Missing ayoor 20:14 ,2012 شباط 17

RIP great guy

Default-user-icon Eli in Aus (ضيف) 23:00 ,2012 شباط 17

He makes one proud to be Lebanese.. RIP

Default-user-icon Rana (ضيف) 10:26 ,2012 شباط 18

People you are insane, Anthony Shadid is a great journalist and he is also a dad and a husband, go post your trashy comments elsewhere...
Let him Rest in peace.