فيديو يظهر كيفية حصول تفجير حارة حريك وحركة السيارة المفخخة

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عرضت قناة "المنار" مساء الجمعة صورا لكيفية حصول إنفجار حارة حريك الخميس من خلال كاميرا مراقبة موجودة في الشارع الذي دوى فيه.

ويتبين من خلال هذا الفيديو الذي تم عرضه في نشرة القناة المسائية أن سائق السيارة كان محتارا في أمره، إذ كان يود التوجه يمينا ثم استدار يسارا.

وحين لم يتمكن السائق من ركن السيارة "بسبب العوائق الحديدية" كما قالت القناة، إنفجرت السيارة مخلفة سحبة دخان كبيرة ما لبثت أن خفت بسرعة بسبب زنة العبوة الصغيرة إذا ما قورنت مع تفجيرات أخرى.

وبعد حصول الإنفجار، لوحظ عدد من المواطنين يهربون ويغيرون مسارهم.

وفي المشاهد يتبين باص ركاب لطلاب مدرسة، إلا أنه كان "خاليا" بحسب القناة.

ولم تحسم القناة فرضية الإنتحاري واكتفت بالقول أن هذه الفرضية هي الأكثر ترجيحا.

يذكر ان التفجير أدى إلى مقتل أربعة وجرح أكثر من سبعين شخصا وتضرر كبير في السيارات والمباني المجاورة.

التعليقات 39
Thumb geha 20:55 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

I believe we reached a very dangerous stage: a Lebanese sunni ready to blow himself up just to kill a few shia!

so the hatred between sects has reached this high! is aoun happy now? is nasrallah and qassem happy now? is anyone who attacked a moderate sunni happy now? those who did 7 ayar, are they happy now?

this is really dangerous now. with all their guns, hizbushaitan cannot defend themselves against suicide bombers, and they know it.

is it the time for concessions to avert a bloody future?

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 20:59 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

it takes a sick mind to do what we just saw. a real sick mind

Thumb geha 21:04 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

but it is worth it to look back a few years till today and see what might have driven this young man to act.
constantly humiliating sunnis by hizbushaitan and their ally aoun have pushed him to do this.

Thumb geha 21:32 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

why? do you have a better analysis?

can you explain why a Lebanese blew himself up against his fellow Lebanese?

Thumb geha 21:48 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

I do not care about Syria and what is going on there.

I care about why this young man decided to blow himself up against his fellow Lebanese. this is absolutely not a dispute of classes :)

we have to admit that the policies of hizbushaitan since the 80s against the sunnis in this country have driven this young man to do what he did and nothing else.

by the way, now that one has done it, many mor ewill follow, and they are not stoppable.

Thumb sword_of_yazid 21:56 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

Assad's army is almost entirely shia/alawite. The sunnis deserted, there hasn't been a census taken since before the war began. That's why assad needs iranian/iraqi/lebanese shia theocratic militiamen as reinforcements. How many sunnis are going to willingly fight alongside iraqi shia death squad fanatics (who are known for their assaults on sunni civilians) from the mahdi army?

Thumb geha 22:07 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

you are so wrong southern.

this type of terrorists, the ones that are willing to blow themselves up for their cause are not easy to stop. ask the americans about that.

unfortunately now the shia community will be paying with the blood of their children the foolishness of hizbushaitan and aoun.

Missing lebcan 22:10 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

Southern! lets say someone keeps poking on your shoulder and you tell them to stop... but they keep poking you and poking and poking and you demand them to stop but then they start pushing you aggressively ...
As a human your emotions get to you and you start pushing back but in a sick way
i.e. like suicide bombing.
that I think is what geha is saying to you.
Hizbshitan is no long a resistance they are the enemy of them selves
Lebanon need
PEOPLE + ARMY = Resistance,Security

Thumb sword_of_yazid 22:11 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03


Of course the Americans are going to know about suicide bombing, especially coming from Hezbollah.

The first suicide bombing the US experienced came from Hezbollah at the barracks in 1983.

Missing lebcan 22:18 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

I believe the Saudi's Weapons Donation is to strengthen the LAF to be able to stand against Hizbshytan.
Once LAF is strong enough they will start to stop ALL fighters from entering and leaving Syria (long Shot but worth a try).
Only then if Hizshytan willingly or unwillingly is forced out of Syria these EVIL terrorist acts will stop against all Lebanese.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 22:23 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

fellas. Everyone of us wants to see HA disarmed. but please, we cannot justify this kind of behavior against Lebanese civilians. This is not something we want to continue happening in our country. we should all stand against suicide or samaha style bombings. both are deplorable.

Thumb sword_of_yazid 22:25 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

Then how come when shias are in the majority, such as in iraq, they are ethnically cleansing sunnis and christians? Shias are just using the christians in syria/lebanon, we know how they act when they are in the majority.

Thumb zakblat 21:14 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

Anyone who wants to make excuses or justify this act is a sick person. Humiliating Sunnis? Your a joke.

Thumb sevilla 21:28 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

When you appoint their prime minister.... When you eject their prime minister...... When you invade their city..... when you destroy their TV station..... When you assassinate their leader.... when you kill their MPs..... all that and you don't consider it humiliation? You are the only joke around here.

Thumb geha 21:34 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

making excuses? you are sick man!

for me a terrorist is a terrorist.

but trying to understand what might have pushed a Lebanese to do this is an exercise that we all should be doing.

Missing peace 21:26 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

al manar....LOL

Thumb geha 21:38 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

see, this is the type of comments we are talking about!
so now the PM is for all Lebanese? and the president is for all Lebanese? but the istiz is for the shia :)

second, why do you ridicule the PM who is the leader of a major sect?

third, do you like it when nasrallah is ridiculed?

Missing sanctify 21:55 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

Minister Shatah is assassinated, you blame HA and now the Dahieh explosion and you blame HA again. Just open your mind a bit, it's a war that has engulfed the whole region extending from Afghanistan all the way to West Africa and it's intensifying. You're not getting anywhere if you narrowmindedly keep on blaming HA or the so called takfiris (blame goes to HA and supporters the same) everytime there's an incident here or there.

Thumb geha 22:03 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

you are correct in a way: the war is on the shia from ... to...

but why? since the 80s iran terrorism had spread across the globe, and they anted to export their Khomeini revolution.

Shatah was blown up and we accuse hizbushaitan, and so we do for all the other leaders since 2004.

the other day a Palestinian answered the call for investigation, so can you explain why all wanted hizbushaitan operatives refuse to do so?

we accuse hizbushaitan because we believe it is their doing and all their attitude and doing and constant threats point towards that.

Missing sanctify 07:52 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

But the targets are not military. These are soft targets and should be condmened. The aim of such operations is to inflict as much civilian casualties as possible. There can be no justification or else you would justify the 9/11 attacks as well! Unacceptable!

Thumb sword_of_yazid 22:00 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

To all those who go on about sunnis and suicide bombing, keep in mind that suicide bombing as a tactic was pioneered by the shias in the 1980s. They only stopped using it after they became powerful enough, but if they get desperate again, they have the tactic as an option still.

Khomeini even praised the 13 year old suicide bomber, Mohammad Hossein Fahmideh, he was an iranian national hero in the 80s.

Thumb sword_of_yazid 22:53 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

The Iraqi shia brothers of Assad and Hezbollah are targeting civilians in Iraq with their terrorist majoosi-sponsored Shia Death Squads.

Thumb bill_the_butcher 22:56 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

Sword of the devil

If you had any brains, which you clearly do not, you would know that their are SUNNIS tribesmen helping the Iraqi Army get rid of your Al-Qeada girlfriends in Iraq.
How much is Saud family paying you to spread Wahhabism??

Thumb sword_of_yazid 23:03 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

If you had any brains you would know that the Iraqi Army is almost entirely Shia, and that sunnis have faced discrimination by the majoosi puppet Al-Maliki regime and that Sunnis are on the verge of staging a full-scale insurrection and have done so for many years before in Iraq.

Thumb sword_of_yazid 23:14 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

Those tribesmen are not fighting for shias. They previously signed a deal with the US against sunni insurgent forces in 2006, and they're just continuing the contract.

That being said, it's not a surprise that the same opportunists who collaborate with zionists, also collaborate with shias. Time for another hezbollah zionist conspiracy theory, isn't it?

Thumb sword_of_yazid 23:25 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

What happened to Assad's assaults against Israel? The Alawi regime has been threatening the 'zionists' for decades, yet they never did anything about the Golan Heights. On the other hand, the shias/Iran did in fact willingly collaborate with the zionist americans in Afghanistan and Iraq and are now being punished in kind for doing so. How hilarious is that even after the zionists toppled saddam and installed the puppet central government, that the shias for over a decade still have not been able to put down the insurrection. There's a reason why Iran even offered to sell out Hezbollah in exchange for receiving direct US assistance in Iraq. They knew the sunnis would put up a heavy fight, which they are still doing to this day.

Thumb bill_the_butcher 23:28 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

Sword of Devil

You are Al-Qeada.
You are everything that is wrong in the world.
This is your ideology.
You are Al-Qeada. You are Al-Qeada. You are Al-Qeada. You are Al-Qeada.

Thumb sword_of_yazid 23:40 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

Do you know who trained al-Zawahiri? The Russian FSB, that's right, the supposed 'russian buddies' of the shias/Iran. Do you know what this means? No one really cares about shias/Iran, you are on your own, LOL.

Thumb sword_of_yazid 23:44 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

Putin is just using Assad for the offshore oil drilling rights, that's it.

Default-user-icon Israeli Man (ضيف) 23:31 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

Al Hamdul-allah. God will always feed you what you fed the Jews. You just don't get it yet do you?

Missing coolmec 23:47 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

Hello dogkiller
how are you this evening?

Missing coolmec 00:12 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

I am ok Thanks.
just got home

Thumb sword_of_yazid 23:50 ,2014 كانون الثاني 03

It's confirmed that the Russian FSB did train al-zawahiri:

"There have been doubts as to the true nature of al-Zawahiri's encounter with the Russians in 1996. Jamestown Foundation scholar Evgenii Novikov has argued that it seems unlikely that the Russians would not have been able to determine who he was, given their well-trained Arabists and the obviously suspicious act of Muslims crossing illegally a border with multiple false identities and encrypted documents in Arabic.[83][84] Assassinated former FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko alleged, among other things, that during this time, al-Zawahiri was indeed being trained by the FSB,[85] and that he was not the only link between al-Qaeda and the FSB.[86] Former KGB officer and writer Konstantin Preobrazhenskiy supported Litvinenko's claim and said that Litvinenko "was responsible for securing the secrecy of Al-Zawahiri's arrival in Russia, who was trained by FSB instructors in Dagestan, Northern Caucasus, in 1996–1997."[87]"

Thumb smarty 00:45 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

Hizbullah are stupid people, they started a war against fellow lebanese but simply don't have the means to win it nor to end it. They will be doomed just like the Palastinians were before them.

Missing coolmec 02:35 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

Hello Friedman
how are you?

Default-user-icon GET A GRIP! (ضيف) 04:49 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

Sunni - Shia- Sunni- Shia- Sunni-Shia- Sunni-Shia....you guys make me sick. Small minded medieval brains sinking to the lowest common denominator. When will these people wake up to see how manipulated and blinded they have been? If there is a God she/he/it would renounce himself and all religion. You think HA is there to fight for the rights and the interests of a low-income Shia? Or M14 or Salafis or whoever represents the sunnis is there to represent the interests of ordinary Sunnis? People are people- they want a decent life, security, health care regardless of these ridiculous titles. WAKE UP and stop arguing about nothing!! You are all educated so move beyond the primitive discussion of Sunni/Shia and work to help overcome these divisions in our society and our country instead of putting oil on the fire. We all have a responsibility to do this!

Missing coolmec 06:55 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

hello myholylandislebanon

Thumb ice-man 07:17 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

is Bandarian a Chinese recipe?

Missing lebcan 15:23 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

Agreed !!!