Walid Jumblat
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Report: Jumblat Seeks to Reach Consensus over New Candidate to Premiership

Centrist Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat is exerting efforts to reach consensus among foes over the formation of the new cabinet and the name of the candidate to the premiership, media reports said on Thursday.

Sources close to Jumblat said in comments published in An Nahar newspaper that the rival March 8 and 14 alliances are intensifying talks over the formation of the government to resolve the dispute.

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Opposition Hands Berri Petition on Change of Retirement Age for Security Leaders

A March 14 opposition alliance delegation handed Speaker Nabih Berri on Wednesday a petition that calls for the extension of the tenures of top security officials.

The petition with nearly 69 signatures was handed over to Berri during a visit to Ain el-Tineh. It calls for holding a parliamentary session to discuss an urgent draft-law to modify the retirement age of officers in leadership posts in the army, the Internal Security Forces and other security agencies.

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Jumblat Stresses Cooperation with Berri to Guard National Unity

Centrist Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat is keen to maintain the ties with Speaker Nabih Berri to safeguard the national unity, calling on the political foes to kick off consultations to form the new cabinet.

“My stance will always remain in harmony with Berri over the name of the nominee to head the government and maintaining the national unity,” Jumblat said in comments published in As Safir newspaper on Wednesday.

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Report: Jumblat Seeking Formation of Unity Cabinet as Opposition begins Consultations

The March 14 alliance kicked off preliminary consultations to take a decisive stance from the upcoming challenges confronting it as Centrist Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat insists on the formation of a unity government, media reports said on Tuesday.

Sources close to the opposition told the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat that a wide meeting will be held between the March 14 coalition leaders after Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel returns to Lebanon from a visit to the United States.

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Jumblat Reveals Plan to Replace Rifi with Ali Hajj: It's All about Protecting the Intelligence Bureau

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat blamed on Friday the resignation of Prime Minister Najib Miqati on “political factions that prevented him from even assigning the head of the Civil Service Office."

"This issue is about protecting an important system in the state which was established by (the chief of the Intelligence Bureau of the Internal Security Forces) Brigadier General Wissam al-Hasan,” Jumblat told LBCI television, noting that the March 8 coalition “did not give him any chance in assigning even the head of the Civil Service Office”.

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Cabinet Session Expected to Witness Saber-Rattling on Electoral Authority

Divisions between cabinet members on several controversial issues are likely to exacerbate on Thursday over the formation of the authority that would supervise the elections, which is rejected by the Hizbullah-led majority.

A cabinet session that is set to be held at Baabda palace could either witness a last minute deal to form the authority or March 8 majority ministers could vote against it if President Michel Suleiman insisted on putting it up to vote.

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March 14 Petition to Urge Berri for Session to Extend Terms of Rifi, Qahwaji

The March 14 alliance is seeking signatures on a parliamentary petition to urge Speaker Nabih Berri to call for an urgent session to discuss and approve a draft-law that extends the retirement age of officers in leadership posts in security agencies amid a strong opposition by the Free Patriotic movement.

According to As Safir newspaper published on Wednesday, the opposition is pressing the extension of Internal Security Forces chief Maj. Gen. Ashraf Rifi and Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji to safeguard the country.

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Jumblat Calls for Respecting Disassociation Policy, Warns against 'Assad's Trap for Lebanon'

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat called on Monday for respecting the cabinet's policy of disassociation towards Syria's war, warning against the “trap the neighboring country's regime is planning for Lebanon”.

"Political and security dangers resulting from the weak execution of the policy of disassociation are threatening Lebanon's stability,” Jumblat stated in his weekly editorial to the PSP-affiliated al-Anbaa website. “We must avoid dragging Lebanon into Syria's turmoil”.

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Baabda Session to Witness Heated Debate over Formation of Electoral Authority

The upcoming cabinet session at the Baabda Palace is expected to witness a confrontation with President Michel Suleiman over the formation of an independent authority overseeing the elections.

Sources in the March 8 majority told As Safir newspaper that a decision was taken to vote against the formation of the committee.

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Jumblat Calls for Preventing Sedition, Warns: Tough Days ahead for Lebanon

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat warned on Saturday that “difficult days are ahead for Lebanon”, urging political factions in the country to work on preventing sedition.

"We must all work towards preserving national unity and preventing sedition as tough days are ahead,” Jumblat said following a march organized by the PSP from the Mukhtara palace to the grave of the party's founder Kamal Jumblat on the anniversary of his assassination.

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