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Geagea: We Back Demarcation of Maritime Borders Away from Exploitation of Regional Events

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea voiced on Monday his support for the government’s efforts to demarcate the maritime borders.

He pointed out however that “demanding this right is one thing, while exploiting this issue for greater regional interests is another.”

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Second Phase of Indictment May Include No Less than 12 Lebanese and Syrian Officials

The second phase of the indictment in the Special Tribunal for Lebanon will include the names of a number of Lebanese officials close to Syria and other Syrian individuals, revealed British security sources to the Kuwaiti al-Seyassah newspaper.

These names include the four generals, former General Security chief Jamil Sayyed, former head of the presidential guard Mustafa Hamdan, former Internal Security Forces chief Ali Hajj, and former military intelligence chief Raymond Azar.

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Raad: The More You Use Indictment, The More We'll Push for Suing False Witnesses

MP Mohammed Raad, head of Hizbullah’s Loyalty to Resistance parliamentary bloc, on Sunday noted that the indictment and the arrest warrants recently released by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon against four Hizbullah members in the assassination of ex-PM Rafik Hariri were “aimed at ensnaring the Resistance by holding it responsible for a crime that was committed in Lebanon and the Resistance was the first to be negatively affected by its impact.”

“Those who had endured your global war in 2006 will be easily able to endure your latest lie – the indictment. And the same as your goals had failed in the 2006 war, the repercussions of this lie will fail and will fire back at you and at everyone who has been involved with you in plotting conspiracies and fabricating rumors,” Raad added.

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STL Confirms Interpol Arrest Warrants

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon, which is investigating the 2005 murder of ex-premier Rafiq Hariri, said on Sunday that Interpol had circulated arrest warrants for the four suspects in the bombing.

"I can confirm that the tribunal has requested Interpol to notify all states of the arrest warrants against the accused in the 14th February 2005 attack," the court's spokesman in The Hague, Martin Youssef, told Agence France Presse.

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Gemayel: Given the Division, I Don’t See Any Point in Holding National Dialogue

Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel stated that on the official scene, Lebanon will ignore the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and its indictment, while its people will hang on to it “seeing as it is the only way to uncover the killers of our martyrs.”

He told the Saudi Okaz newspaper in remarks published on Sunday: “The Lebanese government should take an honest position on the tribunal and openly commit to it.”

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Report: Hizbullah Anti-Terrorism Act to be Approved in Fall

The Hizbullah Anti-Terrorism Act is still under discussion by the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs and is likely to be adopted in the fall, congressional sources told As Safir daily Saturday.

U.S. Congressman Howard Berman has introduced the HATA that sets rigorous requirements for the provision of foreign assistance to Lebanon during periods when Hizbullah is part of the majority governing coalition.

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Intensified Security Measures in Hizbullah Strongholds After Nasrallah’s Revelations

The Hizbullah leadership is taking unprecedented security measures in Beirut’s southern suburbs, the Bekaa and the south, a French strategic news website has said.

TTV site said Friday that around 100 Iranian explosives experts have arrived in the suburbs accompanied by trained dogs over fears that Hizbullah would be targeted by explosions.

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Geagea from Abu Dhabi: This is an Anti-Modernity, Anti-Arab, and Anti-Lebanon Cabinet

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea slammed on Thursday the new government, saying that it does not represent Lebanon and will set the country back to a time before the 2005 Cedar Revolution.

He said during a dinner for Lebanese expatriates in Abu Dhabi: “We will work with all possible democratic means to topple this cabinet.”

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‘Concerned’ France Expects Lebanese Cabinet to Allow STL to Play its Role

France said Friday it was "concerned" by the Lebanese government's attitude towards the Special Tribunal for Lebanon that will try ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s suspected assassins.

Foreign ministry spokesman Bernard Valero said France had noted Prime Minister Najib Miqati's promise that the cabinet would continue to cooperate with the STL.

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Al-Moussawi Accuses Wissam al-Hassan of Leaking Names of Indictment Suspects to Media

Hizbullah MP Nawwaf al-Moussawi accused Police Intelligence chief Col. Wissam al-Hassan on Thursday of providing the information about the indictment in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s Feb. 2005 assassination to a media outlet.

“The security agency that distributed the copies and résumés of the accused before it becomes public is known. Col. Wissam al-Hassan delivered the leaks to a single media outlet,” al-Moussawi said at the parliament.

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