Butros Harb
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March 14 Forces Agree to Return to Parliamentary Subcommittee Meetings

March 14 opposition members of the parliamentary subcommittee announced on Monday that they will return to the committee meetings aimed at discussing a new parliamentary electoral law.

They announced, after a meeting held at MP Butros Harb's residence, that they will return to the meetings, which will be held a hotel near the parliament building in downtown Beirut, adding that the discussions should not exceed one week.

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Harb Accuses March 8 of Paralyzing Polls to Keep 'Hegemony'

March 14 MP Butros Harb accused on Saturday the Hizbullah-led March 8 alliance of paralyzing the 2013 parliamentary elections to keep the government of Prime Minister Najib Miqati in power.

During a press conference he held at his residence in Hazmieh, Harb accused the parliamentary majority of corruption and protecting drug dealers and assassins.

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Opposition Studies Proposal by Berri for March 14 MPs to Stay at Hotel Near Parliament

Speaker Nabih Berri has suggested that March 14 opposition lawmakers, many of whom have received death threats, reside at a hotel near parliament to attend the meetings of a parliamentary subcommittee after they said they were fearing for their lives.

March 14 MP Marwan Hamadeh, who held a telephone conversation with Berri, told As Safir daily published on Wednesday that the speaker suggested that the lawmakers reside at the hotel and hold the meetings in parliament after guaranteeing enough security protection to them.

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March 14 MPs Call for Activation of Electoral Subcommittee in Absence of Cabinet

Several opposition lawmakers gave their consent on Monday to the activation of a parliamentary subcommittee to discuss an electoral draft-law on condition that no government representative attends the talks.

Following a meeting held by the opposition's parliamentary committee heads, rapporteurs and members of parliament's bureau at MP Butros Harb's residence for the second time in 12 days, the MPs said they were willing to attend the meeting of the subcommittee to agree on a new electoral draft-law but stuck onto their demand for the nonattendance of government representatives.

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Hamadeh: March 14 Officials to Meet to Issue Stance on Berri's Consultations

March 14 MP Marwan Hamadeh announced that officials from the camp are set to meet again in order to discuss the recent consultations held with Speaker Nabih Berri aimed at revitalizing parliament activity, reported An Nahar daily on Sunday.

He told the daily that the heads of parliamentary committees and members of the parliament bureau will meet for a second time to take a united stand on the resumption of parliamentary work.

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Saniora to Suleiman: No Dialogue with Cabinet that Provides Cover to Murder Suspects

Al-Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc leader Fouad Saniora told President Michel Suleiman that it would be useless to sit at the dialogue table in the presence of a government that gives cover to the suspects in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri's Feb. 2005 assassination, An Nahar daily reported on Sunday.

“What's the point of (engaging in) dialogue in the presence of a government that covers up suspects in ex-PM Rafik Hariri's murder and the assassination attempt of MP Butros Harb,” An Nahar quoted Saniora as telling Suleiman during a meeting they held at Baabda Palace on Saturday.

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Geagea Urges Suleiman to Maintain Contacts with Political Powers as Substitute to Dialogue

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea renewed on Friday his rejection of the resumption of the national dialogue, hailing President Michel Suleiman's ongoing consultations with various political powers.

He said during a press conference: “We urge Suleiman to maintain his bilateral consultations as a substitute for dialogue.”

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March 14 Warns Berri against 'Dangerous Precedence' of Holding Meeting of Joint Committees

Several March 14 coalition MPs warned Speaker Nabih Berri on Friday against a call for a meeting of joint parliamentary committees to discuss an electoral draft-law, saying such a move would be a “dangerous precedent” in the absence of the opposition.

Following a meeting held by opposition heads of parliamentary committees, rapporteurs and members of parliament's bureau at MP Butros Harb's residence, a statement said that the boycott of March 14 MPs of all parliamentary activity “was forced by the government over its own failure in governing the country.”

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Report: At Least 18 Lebanese Figures Face Assassination Threat

Several Lebanese figures are targets of possible assassinations, reported al-Joumhouria newspaper on Thursday.

A widely informed western diplomatic source told the daily that at least 18 Lebanese officials are being monitored, urging them to take the greatest precautions to protect themselves.

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Marten Youssef Says Tueni Case May Fall within STL Jurisdiction as Berri Slams Campaign against Hizbullah

Spokesman for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon Marten Youssef stated that certain conditions need to be met in order for the assassination of MP Gebran Tueni to be added to the cases tackled by the tribunal, reported An Nahar daily on Wednesday.

He told the daily that the date of the assassination falls within the timeframe of the crimes that may be addressed by the STL.

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