Geagea Urges Suleiman to Maintain Contacts with Political Powers as Substitute to Dialogue

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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea renewed on Friday his rejection of the resumption of the national dialogue, hailing President Michel Suleiman's ongoing consultations with various political powers.

He said during a press conference: “We urge Suleiman to maintain his bilateral consultations as a substitute for dialogue.”

“The current dialogue table is a waste of time and it is being used to cover up the developments on the ground in Lebanon,” he said.

He listed Hizbullah and the March 8 camp's repeated violations of national dialogue agreements since 2006, such as its violation of the 2008 Doha accord, refusal to tackle the Palestinian possession of arms that was agreed upon during 2006 dialogue sessions, and its violation of the Baabda Declaration that was reached in June.

“We value Suleiman's invitation to return to the national dialogue, but I would like to say that political life in Lebanon does not exist at the moment,” added Geagea.

“When we voice our rejection to dialogue we mean that we oppose dialogue with some of the current members. In principle, we do not reject dialogue,” he explained.

He then noted how the March 14 camp officials have been restricted to remaining in their houses due to the threat of assassination.

“What kind of political life is this?” wondered the LF leader.

“What kind of political life is this where MP Butros Harb is the victim of a failed assassination attempt aimed solely for gaining a seat in the 2013 parliamentary elections?” he asked.

In July, the opposition MP escaped an attempt on his life when it was discovered that the elevator of his office building was being booby-trapped with explosives.

Addressing Suleiman, Geagea said: “The killing machine in Lebanon must be stopped and you and various security apparatuses are responsible for making this happen.”

“I call on Suleiman to maintain his consultations with various political forces because contacts must continue in Lebanon as dialogue is one of the cornerstones of political life in Lebanon,” he explained.

Furthermore, he rejected proposals that the national dialogue be resumed in order to tackle the formation of a new government.

Geagea explained that there are constitutional mechanisms that dictate how a new cabinet should be established.

“We have never violated constitutional principles,” he stressed.

“The suggestion to hold dialogue to discuss a new government is a trap being set up by the other camp,” he continued.

“It is idiotic to continue the dialogue at a time when unrest and assassinations are taking place in Lebanon,” he noted.

“The resumption of the all-party talks would be tantamount to covering up the instability,” remarked Geagea.

The March 14-led opposition announced its boycott of government-related activity, including the national dialogue, in light of the assassination of Internal Security Forces Intelligence Bureau head Brigadier General Wissam al-Hasan.

Hasan was killed in a massive car bomb in Beirut's Ashrafiyeh district on October 19.

The opposition accused Syria of being behind the murder and blamed the government, which is comprised of Syria's allies, of covering up for it.

Commenting on Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's denial on Sunday that the party was linked to political assassinations in Lebanon, Geagea said the Special Tribunal for Lebanon has accused members of the party of being linked to the 2005 assassination of former Premier Rafik Hariri based on evidence.

“Evidence has also indicated that Hizbullah members were linked to the failed attempt on Harb's life,” he added.

Addressing Nasrallah, he asked: “Do you want us to believe that Israel and the United States want to eliminate the March 14 camp? You have the most powerful intelligence apparatus in Lebanon, so tell us who is behind the assassinations.”

The Hizbullah leader had slammed during a speech on Sunday the accusations against the party as “completely baseless.”

The STL accused four Hizbullah members of being involved in Hariri's assassination and it has urged the Lebanese authorities to apprehend them, which it has failed to do.

Nasrallah has said he doubted the four indictees will ever be found and has branded the tribunal a U.S.-Israeli conspiracy aimed at bringing down the party.

Comments 53
Thumb mckinl 30 November 2012, 14:42

Geagea will not dissolve parliament because that would mean the old electoral rules. Yet he and March 14 will not engage parliament by attending. March 14 needs to engage and get new electoral rules for the 2013 elections.

What Geagea and Hariri are up to is the destabilization of Lebanon for their own ends and to please their benefactors Qatar and Saudi Arabia the two of which are carrying out a fatwah against Shiite, other Sunni sects and of course Hezbollah.

At a time when Lebanon needs stability first and foremost Geagea and Hariri are using March 14 and hatred of Hezbollah to fracture the economic, political and social structure of Lebanon. The winds of change are sweeping MENA and Geagea and Hariri are throwing Lebanon's fate to the wind.

Thumb mckinl 30 November 2012, 15:31

Enjoy your pompous sanctimony at your own peril. The entire world is heading into a dangerous unknown. One so impervious to self reflection as yourself will no doubt reap the rewards of the ignorant.

Thumb lebanon_first 30 November 2012, 17:43

u have a point

Thumb Lebfrcan 30 November 2012, 15:22

FT isn't possible that Aoun brought the syrians 1990 bombings/invasion of christian areas by his miscalculations knowing that the international community was not supporting him, even if he had canons like 'forks and knives':))
And isn't possible that Geagea saw what was coming and knowing that there is no way he could counter it because of his military capabilities, did not try to stop them and saved us extra dead and distruction??

By the way my logo is still missing some blue... Soon

Thumb Lebfrcan 30 November 2012, 15:25

Do u have proof FT that Geagea helped the syrians against Aoun?
Usually you claim that u have facts for everything you say, can u show us some here?

Thumb Lebfrcan 30 November 2012, 15:58

FT i have an open mind, hit me with your info, you seem to have plenty.
I will check the reference to the 2 months old doc you mentioned but give us some meat here.

For you info i was still in Lebanon during this period, i even enrolled with the army and i was just 16 at the time, trying to help my country, thinking that Aoun knew where he was taking us.

Thumb Lebfrcan 30 November 2012, 17:08

See my post further above FT.
So I take it you will not release any of your "info".
Hmm.. that reminds of someone.... oh yes AOUN...

Thumb geha 30 November 2012, 15:31

whether you like Geagea or not, what he is saying makes sense, and I noticed non of m8 guys has posted a comment to debunk what he is saying.
let us let the past remain in the past as all Lebanese leaders have done bad things and concentrate on the present and how to solve the problem of the traitors amongst us, and those supporting them for their current personal gains.
m14 is on the right track.

Thumb geha 30 November 2012, 15:51

are you receptive to debunking? or you will insult anyone against your point of view?
when people are constantly under threat of being killed it is understandable they flip-flop.
but what about it when you are a traitor to your country working under the orders of Iranians? and worse what about it when you support and legitimize those traitors for your personal gain as aoun is doing?
words are heap FT, but reality of facts is real.

Thumb geha 30 November 2012, 16:24

see FT, you just insult people when you are faced with the truth. you went back in history once more, while we decided to talk about the present :) pitiful!
what I sadi is clear:
- hizbushaitan are Iranian executors and that has been demonstrated on several oasions, and they declared it. so stop trying to hide it. useless.
- by aligning with those who are traitors what does it make aoun?
- is covering up politically with these traitors helping the Christians in Lebanon?
- or is it facilitating to fill the pockets of jebran and aoun?
so many other questions can be asked but you aare not able to answer because being a shia you are doubly blinded: being a shia, you follow hizbushaitan, and being a aounist you follow aoun, and that blindly.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 30 November 2012, 15:39

lebanon will remain sick as long as the christians are part is giving cover to farsis and the other part giving cover to the wahabies

Thumb Lebfrcan 30 November 2012, 15:45

FT, being a leader is making sure you protect your people as well, and knowing very well what your army's capabilities are, you do not start a devastating war on your country.
My reference to the international community is strictly for helping our army not bending to them!

Default-user-icon Elias Bejjani (Guest) 30 November 2012, 15:54

Who are you, Are Ghosts, don't you have actual names?
Shame on all those who do not have the courage or the self confidence or respect to put their names when making any comments. Personally I do not respect or take seriously any comment that is posted under a fake and stupid names like Flame thrower, Geha, lebfrcan. If you have any thing to say, say it loudly and say who you are.
Elias Bejjani

Thumb Chupachups 30 November 2012, 17:04

Elias.. Some of us including myself, prefer to keep our real names hidden since we feel we can speak more freely about those "parties/militias" we don't agree with... But if I had used my real name and insulted Hezbollah on many occasions how can I be sure I won't be dealt with at Beirut airport ???....

Thumb Chupachups 30 November 2012, 17:06

Soo ya FT.. Do u realise the intimidation that Hezbollah creates on us?... And u still support them

Thumb ghada12 01 December 2012, 01:47

Mr. Bejjani, are you really Mr. Bejjani? I enjoy you articles.

Thumb ghada12 01 December 2012, 01:49

Mr. Bejjani, since you live in Canada, from what I know, please explain to me why is Canada so pro israel these days, so much so that they are really reacting to the palestinians getting the UN vote. I thought Canada was kind of neutral, I had no idea that it feels so passionately about the middle east.

Thumb Lebfrcan 30 November 2012, 16:09

FT i keep reminding you to keep civil with your comments and not attack the other but so far not successful.
Who started the war wanting to eliminate the LF ??? Who???
Who left like a cat when the first bombs started falling and left his christian generals get slaughtered????
I thought you said the lebanese army was superior to the syrian army at that time no??? Why didn't Aoun win???

Thumb mckinl 30 November 2012, 16:36

Here is your Samir Geagea:

~1990 - Geagea's Lebanese Forces militia backed the Syrian army attacks on the Lebanese Presidential Palace and the Defense Ministry with artillery support.

~Geagea's Lebanese Forces militia killed prominent Christian leader Dany Chamoun

~1978, Samir Geagea led an attack against Tony Frangieh

~In September 1982, the Lebanese Forces militia, of which Geagea was a rising member, participated in massacres against Palestinian refugees in camps in Beirut.

~Around 1986-1987, Geagea's militia buried nuclear and chemical wastes on Lebanese territories in exchange for millions of dollars:

~In the year 1994, four years after the end of the Lebanese War, Geagea was arrested for being behind four political assassinations ..

~Samir Geagea denied all charges, but was found guilty and got sentenced to four death sentences.

Samir Geagea is a psychopath ...

Thumb mckinl 30 November 2012, 20:01

I see at least 5 people who ignore the facts ...

But they can't ignore the truth and the truth will haunt them ...


There are none so blind as those who will not see ...

Missing rami 30 November 2012, 16:45

....give the other people at least half as much??? To double up all the existing problems, NO THANKS. Now, tell us about your " M14 is blocking" episode no. 149. Give them at least half as much al, walla ennak a3ma ya zalami.

Default-user-icon TrueLFer (Guest) 30 November 2012, 17:00

And how can I trust a man who said he would never leave his country, but left his wife and daughter to take the first plane to France while his pcokets were filled with Christian money that was supposed to fund the military and resistance of the syrian army? How can we? Matter of the fact is, we need a new political arsenal in Lebanon. All these politicians must go and new ones into the scene. They screwed us Lebanese over and will keep doing it over and over again with their mistakes and lies. It is all just a game to them. But at the end of the day, people are still being assissinated and killed and money and fighters still being sent to Syria. This has to stop. We should not interfere with Syrian issues, we should not interfere Iranian issues, we should not interfere with American Issues, and we should not interfere with Israeli/Palestinian issues.

Default-user-icon TrueLFer (Guest) 30 November 2012, 17:01

We should work together as one Lebanese entity, as brothers of different religions and beliefs for a united Lebanon. I hate no one of Lebanese ancestry as we are all brother. But what I hate is this division among these corrupt political parties. Arms should not exist bemong the armies jurisdiction, no matter what religion or party you belong too. No political party actively working in the parliament or cabinet should have affiliation directly with any foreign country it should be done through parliament and in public eyes, not behind locked doors(This is called Treason in any civilizes country). We must unite behind ONLY and I repeat ONLY the Lebanese flag to save this country

Thumb Lebfrcan 30 November 2012, 17:04

FT keep insulting people, people will judge you as you are.
You were not the only one living there and getting bombed at, I had my share of changing bombed homes.
For your info, I was still with Aoun even after the syrians came in and I was against Geagea until I saw the positions he took after he came out of prison.
So, I am fair and not stuck like a sheep behind a "clawn".

Missing peace 30 November 2012, 17:22

why is that that FPMers always resort to what geagea did in the past to justify that he is not fit for politics? when others resort to the past about aoun they tell us to forget that because he has changed and is "pragmatic"! LOL

so why don t they apply to geagea what they impose for aoun?

LOL see how biased and idiots some can be.....

Missing peace 30 November 2012, 17:31

oh! before some idiots accuse me of being pro geagea let me be clear: i am not and i don t care. just pinpointing the idiocy of reasoning some have...and shouldn t deny others what they allow themselves!

Missing peace 30 November 2012, 18:25

yes MR Ft, i am just pointing out how muwh M8 sheep followers like you are double standard people denying others what you allow yourselves, i am not defending geagea but rather criticizing your stupidity...

tons of testmonies, newspaper article prove how much your puppet aoun has changed his stances that you call pragmatism, so why don t you allow geagea your enemy the same credits... because of your stupidity that s all....

Missing peace 30 November 2012, 18:22

lol so just see how much what aoun supported in the "past" he is against it now... LOL stop trying to justify your mediocrity...

Missing peace 30 November 2012, 19:07

"a lebanese resistance that understood that its initial aims would lead to its destruction " hezb is more cleve than that in case you haven t understood. they never do things overtly but through others. they act indirectly to better have a hold on things without anyone noticing and thus can always claim to be innocent. they have a hold on eveyone in its zones and if you are against them you have troubles. "hezb has a 1.5 million base and nobody can ignore it"take out their weapons and "secret police" and they ll have no more base...
"aoun criticized hezb before that hezb demonstrated itself by liberating the south" aoun criticized them even AFTER....

Missing peace 30 November 2012, 19:15

"hezb repeatedly said that as soon as shebaa is returned to lebanon, it will disarm. " that s why nasrallah recently said he will not give up his arms even in 300 years! that till jerusalem is not freed he ll "resist"...if aoun or hezbis wanted shebaa to be freed why doesn t he asked bashar to give the official documents to the UN and make shebaa fall under UN425 and not UN 242?israelis will thus retreat! only written documents count in front of the law not oral declarations...

"whereas if hezb was left alone, this would have alienated 1.5 million lebanese and an armed force superior to the army, with all the unpredictable results this entails."

hezbis already have a hold on the country. can anyone go against it? NO. its armed force IS superior to the lebanese army already....

Missing peace 30 November 2012, 19:17

why do hezbis still have a koran on their flag and "islamic resistance" written rather than lebanese resistance if they were truly honest?
why do hezbis forbid farmers to till their land in the chouf to hide whatever they are hiding in the mountains there? (direct testimony from the owner...)

see how your arguments contradict the reality... so take off your blinkers once in a while you ll see the light!

Default-user-icon Altimo Spontana (Guest) 30 November 2012, 17:46

March 14, my friends and compatriots, Dr. Arreet 7akeh should be our president (or brezident, as some of those who know you say, so they say!!!) because he has now given our greatest president the world has ever known, may God bless him and extend his term indefinitely, valuable advice that only Dr. Arreet 7akeh can come up with! So repeat after me, warriors: We want Dr. Arreet 7akeh for president and we want him after our current president's indefinite term expires. You go, babes!

Thumb Lebfrcan 30 November 2012, 19:01

FT something we don't seem to share is: I respect other opinions...
I have nothing to proove to you re:your lame comment "see the light"... keep judging people without knowing them and based on nothing.
Finally, when I ask you to proove something, it is not to "change history" or mislead my readers, it is simply because I am not aware of what you stated and I lived in Lebanon, so for the last time either proove me wrong, and I will gladly thank you for the information you provide, or stop answering without no additional info.

Missing gcb1 30 November 2012, 19:09

Am I the only one that believes the Lebanese people suffer from other basic issues (like electricity, water, unemployment, massive debt) than what those politicians bicker about? Can some of you actually point to an improvement in your life and basic necessities and attribute that improvement to those politicians? If not, then why do we follow them?

Down with the sectarian system.

Missing gcb1 30 November 2012, 19:11

For so long we have been arguing about the same things, which are Hezb's weapons, stories about the 20 year old civil war and who was right and wrong, the so-called threat of wahabbis, the so-called conspiracy of Israeli/Iranian/Saudi domination, and so on.

But think about it for a second, are these the issues that affect your daily life? Don't you think that if our government actually worked to improve our socioeconomic conditions, then all these issues above would disappear?

Missing gcb1 30 November 2012, 19:14

I am not saying that we should ignore Hezb's weapons, or ignore the potential threat posed by Israel or any other foreign country, but isn't it obvious that, with a third of the population living in poverty, with unreliable infrastructure that lead to traffic jams, with unreliable food safety regulations, etc., isn't it obvious that we have more important issues? So why are we not voting for politicians that can actually address those issues?

Thumb Lebfrcan 30 November 2012, 19:15

Allow me to reply FT because I thing you were refering to my post.
You're saying above that hezballah will disarm when Shabaa is liberated: Do you frankly believe what you are saying??? Are you for real???
I went to the south with shia friends after the liberation and you see signs pointing to AL KUDS and when they will liberate it.
Even Nasrallah doesn't talk about returning his arms after only shabaa is liberated "because Israel will always be a danger".
And you're talking about "lebanization" of HIZB??? What about the drone and all info sent to IRAN and nothing to our president or government???
Enough brainwashing FT, enough. Be fair.

Missing gcb1 30 November 2012, 19:16

Take a look at all your posts on this web, and it is the same debates over and over again. How do we expect the country to progress when our minds are fixated on the past? It is time we abandon the mainstream political parties, form new ones that represent liberal values, improve socioeconomic conditions that would pull people away from religious fundamentalism and blind political allegiance.

Missing Perestroika 30 November 2012, 19:32

@ gcb1
"Can some of you actually point to an improvement in your life and basic necessities and attribute that improvement to those politicians? If not, then why do we follow them?" la2an sha3eb ghanam...
shouf w talla3 kiff bidef3o 3an zou3ame2oun lal 3ama! ra2eb kiff bi "mas7o"! sar samir GeaGea Mar Chrabel w Michel Aoun Mar maroun!
3enna bel balad a "social problem"! ma fi aya na2ed zetti, wala 7ata na2ed lal zou3ama. 3atoul l 7a2 3al teltyin! Kezeb w Propangada!
3anjad ta3a 2ri kel l te3li2at! hek 2aghlabiyet l sha3eb : "ignorant"!

Missing gcb1 30 November 2012, 19:41

Ma3ak 7a2, bas el sha3b byitfa3 el taman, wel nayeb byi2bado w 2e3din merta7in

Missing peace 30 November 2012, 19:54

right, and have you ever heard a politician about what to do to solve environmental issues? anyone to be outraged at how beirut is becoming a city of concrete? about the gentryfication of the city forcing families to leave? about how beirut has become the most expensive city after dubai but the salaries are still pocket money?
are there any politician outraged about the lack of efficient transportation means? the minister to justify the huge traffic jams in beirut just said " well , it s the same in all the big cities!" lol! what a responsible comment... and so on and so on..

NO politician really works for the people, they just give them crumbs to shut their mouths and fight over stupid things to make believe they are "working"!

Missing gcb1 30 November 2012, 20:02


Exactly. But I have seen you participate in those useless debates that don't actually serve Lebanon. Perhaps you are simply stating your opinion on a particular issue, but, if I may ask, will you still vote in the next elections? I understand that you dislike M8, but will you vote for M14 just because they are the alternative?

Missing peace 30 November 2012, 20:09

i will vote for no one as both sides are liars and take lebanese for fool people. if there were an alternative i would vote for it and for new faces! not for those feudal families who ve proved that they are unable to make lebanon become a 21st century country and certainly not for all those who participated in the civil war and are still in politics mocking the citizens!!

all talks but nothing done so far...

Thumb Lebfrcan 30 November 2012, 20:15

Can you offer us an alternative to vote gcb1?

Thumb Lebfrcan 30 November 2012, 20:18

Not voting is voting for the other camp.
Even if you don't like M14 and M8, if you have a slight preference to one camp I suggest you stil vote for them or give us a better alternative.

Missing Perestroika 30 November 2012, 20:30

El mashakal moch iza betsawit 8 Mars or 14 mars, moch heda l mashkal.
el mashkal houwi l TAZALLOUM!! ma fi 2enti2ad zetti, wala 7ata 2enti2ad lal fari2 yalli bet7abzo!!!!!! iza ana b7abiz 3on 3atoul 3on ma3ou 7a2, w shou ma yeshta7 wy2oul 3atoul ma3o 7a2! iza geagea 7eki ghalat baddi defi3 3ano!
Inta 7or t7eb w t2ayid bass yerat men wa2if hon w mne7terim 2ara2 gherna, w mnente2id zou3ame2na, w men talib bi 72ou2na, w nouda3 2esbe3na 3al ghalat men l melten w 3al sa7 men l melten...

Thumb Lebfrcan 30 November 2012, 21:36

Perestroika thank you for checking all my previous posts.
With all due respect, i'd appreciate if you use the letters of the langage you are using, it is very hard to understand you this way.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 30 November 2012, 19:34

They might be half of Aouns block but they definatly have 50 percent of the christian street. Why do you think Aoun doesn't want small constituancies? Last I checked Aoun got 43 percent of the christian vote. The largest single bloc sure. But considering his other christian ally is Franjieh who is no more than 5-6 percent of the christian vote, the other 50-51 percent were M14 christians.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 30 November 2012, 19:41

Ts be honest. The christians called the Syrians because they were losing. And total defeat though not easy to come by was imminent. They didn't think the syrians would come in and play hopscotch jumping between sides. And the demanding total obediance to their will. Then at least some Christians rose up to fight them. Aoun was not the only one to declare a war against the Syrians the LF fought them too. And did a much better job than Aoun if you ask me. Think Ashrafiyeh. Zahle.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 30 November 2012, 19:45

WHy did Geagea sell out to Syria? Because HE and a large section of the christians wanted peace? Most of M8 supported taef. So they sold their country out too?the taef stipulated that the syrians should have left a looong time ago. Again you blame Geagea for not knowing syria was a backstabing manipulative country who wanted to own lebanon.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 30 November 2012, 19:47

AnD last but not least. We had 6 years with you up in our face.

Missing gcb1 30 November 2012, 20:32


I think right now, with our sectarian political system that encourages corruption and unaccountability, it is very hard to get something done that would benefit all individuals in Lebanon (and not just one or a few sects). First we must have a liberal secular movement that separates religion from politics and appoints ministers based on merit rather than sect. Only then can parties be defined by ideologies and work for all of the people, rather than being divided amongst ourselves.

Thumb Lebfrcan 30 November 2012, 21:31

I agree that many things need to change in Lebanon.
But to change things you need to participate and vote or get elected.