Masked Gunmen Open Fire at Tripoli Cafe, 4 Hurt

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Four people were wounded on Monday when unknown gunmen opened fire on a cafe in the northern city of Tripoli, state-run National News Agency reported.

“Masked gunmen on a motorcycle opened fire on a cafe owned by Hatem al-Ward in the Tripoli neighborhood of al-Qobbeh, leaving the owner and three people wounded,” NNA said.

It identified the three other men who were injured as Khaled al-Jaaydi, Ziad al-Jaaydi and Abou Nazir Kaakouz.

“The wounded were rushed to al-Monla Hospital for treatment as Lebanese army troops arrived on the scene, imposed a security cordon and launched a probe into the incident,” the agency added.

On Sunday, four people were wounded when a family dispute erupted into an armed clash in the Tripoli neighborhood of Bab al-Tabbaneh.

Comments 5
Thumb benzona 16 September 2013, 21:39

Ya latif. This must end. Khalas ba2a, enough of this lawlessness and masquerade!

Thumb benzona 16 September 2013, 22:28

La violence engendre la violence, et les armes appellent les armes.

We're way past the point of the egg or the hen.

Everyone must be disarmed. And nobody will of the role-model aka hezbollah doesnt do it first.

Or else we'll witness more criminality and one day it might be FT and his gang who get stopped and shot at an illegal checkpoint set by those who copycat HA.

Missing lebanese_uae 17 September 2013, 08:29

and do you think that anyone accepts this to happen to any Area ?
some people are really sick..
talking like Lebanon is now divided into Areas.. if something happens in Dahyeh, M14 are happy. and if something happens in Tripoli, M8 are happy...
really getting sick of you guys..

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 September 2013, 20:11

M8 is not happy. that's the difference. i feel sorry for all the people living in Tripoli under the threat of gunmen.
and look at the reactions they had when the bomb blew up in dahiyeh killing dozens of innocents ("yea it's deserved because HA was in syria")

compare that to the reaction the people in dahiyeh had when tripoli was hit by terrorist attacks:

Default-user-icon كميل فرنجية (Guest) 18 September 2013, 00:10

ما في دولة وحكومة أعضاءها محتالين حرامية .منذ سنين والدولة البنانية فاشلة هم عبارة عن جماعات من النصابين والمجرمين والقتلة . ولكن لايوجد من يحاسب . ان الشعب البناني شعب فقير نهشته الحروب علمه الفقر . لا كهرباء منذ ٢٠ سنة والحالة نفسها لا كهرباء إلا عند النواب الحرامية والزعماء الكزابين الذين أكلوا مال الشعب وأعطوه السلاح ليقتل بعضه . يجب ان تستقيل الدولة الفاشلة وان يأتي حكام ذو خلق وكفاءة وعلم وصدق تستطيع ان تغير الوضع بأكمله وان تضع الحكام الذين هم سبب الأوضاع التي وصلنا إليها . يجب ان يحاكموا لفشلهم وسوقت هم لأموال الشعب الفقير .