Syrian Arrested for Attempting to Prepare Explosives

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

A Syrian national was arrested on Saturday on charges of attempting to prepare explosives, reported the National News Agency on Sunday.

It said that the General Security arrested Ahmed Osama al-Toumani near the vegetable market in the Nahr Ibrahim region.

He was found in possession of a plastic bottle, flammable material, and en electric charger.

He confessed to communicating with individuals in Syria who were teaching him how to assemble explosives.

Investigations are underway with the suspect.

Forty-five people were killed and over 800 wounded in a twin explosions in the northern city of Tripoli on August 23.

The blasts targeted the Taqwa and al-Salam mosques as worshipers were performing weekly prayers.

On August 15, 27 people were killed and at least 280 wounded in a bombing in the Ruwais neighborhood in Beirut's southern suburb of Dahieh.

Initial investigations in the Tripoli blasts revealed Syrian links to the attacks, with Lebanese suspects contacting Syrian officials over the planning of the bombings.

Comments 14
Thumb lebanon_first 08 September 2013, 15:00

Assad will not save Lebanon from the takfiris he created. Opposite. He will send them to create strife and put bombs in Lebanon.

Missing helicopter 09 September 2013, 01:21

Asssad used takfiris throughout the years to weaken Lebanon so he can control it and steal its wealth.

Thumb _mowaten_ 09 September 2013, 10:21

lol so assad was so bored he decided to create takfiris (a wahhabi extremist movement that follows saudi religious hardliners) to fight im. guys, your level of analysis impresses me everyday.

Thumb _mowaten_ 09 September 2013, 15:26

hilarious flamecatcher. not.

Thumb zahle1 08 September 2013, 15:11

Yes, I agree he has done stuff like this in the past to create strife in Lebanon. Its just that this time, he is experiencing it for him self in his own back yard.

Thumb Senescence 08 September 2013, 15:29


"He confessed to communicating with individuals in Syria who were teaching him how to assemble explosives."

It's the 'rebels' here. Well, the takfiris. At least in this case. And Lebanon is not Syria's backyard.

Anyway, I don't really know how to feel towards this. On one hand they captured a terrorist, on the other hand, they captured a terrorist, you know? There are terrorists everywhere though not quite equally distributed; at least they caught him.

Then again it makes you think what would have happened if a slightly more competent and trained specimen of vermin was sent to terrorize Lebanon since this guy's just a noob, would the security agencies be able to capture him still or would we see another bloodbath with limbs and such everywhere?

Thumb benzona 08 September 2013, 15:31

A Lebanon first said, the regime created these terrorists. The regime nurtured them. These aren't
FSA rebels, these terrorists are made in Damascus.

Thumb Senescence 08 September 2013, 16:07

Well, LBCI said al-nusra specifically, so.

Thumb Senescence 08 September 2013, 16:39

the1phoenix, I'm all for quick and swift execution of capital punishment for terrorists who's cases are clear-cut. We never hear of their convictions though, which we should.

Thumb Maxx 08 September 2013, 16:59

Your Hizb terrorists are the ones who imported this strife; it has nothing to do with the legitimate revolution by the people of Syria who want freedom and no more political oppression and economic marginalization based on sectarianism. Otherwise, nobody feels "sad" about the foiling of a terrorist plot. If anybody feels sad it should be because not enough of these terrorist plots are being foiled, and some terrorists in Lebanon are working in broad daylight and with the government and army turning a blind eye on them.

Default-user-icon The Pulse (Guest) 08 September 2013, 19:45

Syrian government poured the takfiris into Iraq to kill americans when the US was there, now they cry and moan that their pets have turned against them...

Missing karim_m3- 08 September 2013, 22:31

Typical FSA-Al Qaeda terrorist cowardly targeting innocent civilians.

Missing helicopter 09 September 2013, 01:20

I would have rejoiced if HA allowed complete demarcation and fencing of the border, then we will not be contending with such issues to justify HA arms. I also would have rejoiced if HA gave its arms to the LAF so they can fulfill their duties in protecting all its citizens.

Thumb primesuspect 09 September 2013, 07:28
