March 14 General Secretariat: To Punish Syrian Regime for Chemical Weapons' Use

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The March 14 General Secretariat held the Syrian regime responsible for the bombings that rocked the Dahieh area and the city of Tripoli in August, and backed the decision of the Arab League foreign ministers to punish the Syrian regime for using chemical weapons against its own people.

In a statement issued following its weekly meeting on Wednesday, the Secretariat said that the involvement of the Syrian regime in the bombings that targeted the southern district of Beirut and the northern city of Tripoli has been proved, pointing that the vicious schemes come to complement the schemes of Mamlouk-Samaha.

The statement also rejected “Hizbullah's accusations” which blamed internal parties in a bid to cover the real perpetrators behind the crimes, and voiced calls to inform the Syrian ambassador that he is a “persona non grata.”

March 14 praised the vigilance of the people of Tripoli and Dahieh who were able to thwart the plans that aimed to “drive them to sedition.”

Two massive blasts car bombs exploded on august 23 outside two Sunni mosques in Tripoli killing 45 individuals and wounding 500, a week after a similar explosion rocked the Dahieh suburb, Hizbullah's stronghold, killing 27.

On the situation in Syria, March 14 described the Syrian regime's use of chemical weapons against its people as an “unprecedented massacre” adding that it is a “crime against humanity” that shows the “madness” of the regime.

The crime highlights the necessity to punish Syrian President Bashar Assad to put an end to his “criminal approach,” the statement added.

The General Secretariat backed the demands of the Arab League foreign ministers that called to “punish the regime of Assad”, reiterating their support to the Syrian people's fight for freedom and dignity.”

Arab League foreign ministers on Sunday urged the United Nations and the international community to take "deterrent" action against the Syrian regime over alleged chemical attacks near Damascus.

Comments 24
Thumb geha 04 September 2013, 16:12

latest news from iran: they do not expect the Alaouite rule to last in Syria, and they are searching for an alternative way to keep their grip on Syria without the Alaouites.
the Syrian regime made his biggest mistake by using chemical weapons against its people, and they will pay the price: no one can save them.
now if iran and their terrorist militia want to retaliate, they will pay a bigger price.
what is in store is beyond their expectations, and this time round the lead terrorist Nasrallah will not even exist to say: if I knew....

Missing peace 04 September 2013, 16:51

LOL... funny as ever...

Thumb geha 04 September 2013, 17:05

blind? :) yeah, if you say so :)

Thumb benzona 04 September 2013, 21:32

Ex pro GMA. Burning implies fire or acid..... or even ice ;-)

Don't worry for him, it will be the cold shower for him when his employer's (Aoun) employer (Bachar) will go down. It's a matter of time really. m8ers will be running amok...... Bumping into each other.

Thumb zahle1 05 September 2013, 02:15

I do not believe that Assad used chemical weapons. I believe that M14 should keep its comments quiet on this because it hurts its credibility. At the sametime, HA needs to stay out of the Syrian war, and let Syria fight its own battle. HA needs to disarm and fall under the LAF. They are no longer solely resisting Israel.

Thumb Maxx 04 September 2013, 16:29

And Southern, when Lebanon most needed hard cash from tourism, who was it who occupied Downtown and crippled the tourism business for god knows how long and doomed Lebanon into a slow recovery? When Al-Qaeda was killing our soldiers out of Nahr el Bared, who issued the red-line threat against whoever would defend the country from those terrorists? Who flaunted the government's central authority and established an illegal phone network and established spies in the airport? Who invaded Beirut and murdered and burnt down buildings when the government stepped in to assert its authority? Who's been murdering our politicians at the behest of foreign powers? Who has brought this doom upon us? M14?

Thumb shab 04 September 2013, 16:54

Who cares who used gas or not. Just bomb Assad and his people/army for occupying and murdering Lebanon. And then shove all the regugees back together with the Palastinians.

Thumb shab 05 September 2013, 07:01

You are wrong, Assad and his sect will never be our historian brothers. I never rejoiced about Syria. Now go play.

Default-user-icon Lebanon First (Guest) 04 September 2013, 19:57

In Agenda of HA for Lebanon to become a Proxy for the Persian Empire, Wake up Lebanon and smell the the Ayatollah before it is too late!!!!

Default-user-icon mike_in_ny (Guest) 04 September 2013, 21:28

I think you are asking god for too many blessings.
He told me to tell you to give him a break and take one yourself.

Thumb benzona 04 September 2013, 21:29

Longue vie Au 14 mars! May god protect our righteous men. The anti terrorist squad. we safeguard of democracy in the near east.

Thumb benzona 04 September 2013, 22:11

10 countries so far back the US. The other dont care about the middle east, nor about you or me for that matter.theyre selfish.

Missing hb9z 05 September 2013, 03:45

wake up buddy......even iran admitted what assad did , you got your math reversed.....

Thumb benzona 04 September 2013, 21:32


Thumb Maxx 04 September 2013, 21:42

ROFL! Alright, now I'm beginning to understand you. You're like RFT, and just being ironic with your posts. My apologies it took me so long to get it.

Thumb Senescence 04 September 2013, 22:03

Welcome to the club Maxx.

On a sidenote, I hope Rennes was/is fine and dandy; is it full of castles like pretty much everywhere in France?

Thumb benzona 04 September 2013, 22:13

Endless. There are more castles in Spain or
Scotland. A much prettier country is Italy..... Unmatched in Europe.

Thumb Senescence 04 September 2013, 22:43

benzona, Italy's castles are breathtaking, especially those in Milan. I've only seen pictures of them, but would love to see them personally some day. I've been to Spain and only remember the Sagrada Familia, too hot though.

Maybe I'll go to the UK exclusively next year for sightseeing them castles, not to mention my accent needs a bit of retuning lol.

Thumb benzona 04 September 2013, 23:34

Oh yes, not to mention palaces in Italy. I've been there with high school. The UK's castles have lots of histories (usually acts of barbarism too) associated to them. They're definitely worth the visit.
If you can afford it (pricey accommodation unlike western europe), you should visit Saint-Petersburg.... and its imperial palaces. they're waouw.

Thumb Senescence 04 September 2013, 23:50

Thanks benzona, noted!

Missing patomk 05 September 2013, 19:42

eza l usa darabet ra7 to5las l ossa .w eza la2 ra7 ndal 3a nafs l ossa.khllas usa finish it.russia ma badda WW2 fa ma ra7 testarje.

Missing patomk 05 September 2013, 19:50

dude,; chemicals saro used chi 20 times in syria and nobody the regime expected that 21 would not make a difference cs the us was not likely to strike(iraq experience,economic reasons,contant use of chemicals with nobody acting).and its a shame that u still beleive the officielle syrian tv.and btw the UN will not know and will not act cs of the russian veto so its an emty circle.

Missing patomk 05 September 2013, 19:51


Default-user-icon Cimon (Guest) 16 September 2013, 01:43

The Syrian Arab Republic would like to state that the Syrian Arab Republic deplores the way it is teertad and regarded on the current council. The Syrian Arab republic does not kill her own citizens. The Syrian Arab Republic deeply regrets that the current efforts of her government are not recognized by most delegates present and wiped off as hilarious and false. Elections cannot be organized while citizens are being killed off by fanatical rebel groups. The Syrian Arab Republic is open to discussion but not attack and unfortunately the fellow delegates of the UN Security Council does not seem to understand that the government welcomes change and wishes to organize elections and has already planned them. As such first official steps were made during the past year. Change cannot be forced upon a country and takes time. The international community must understand that.