Miqati Says ‘Sabotaging the Nation is a Crime,’ March 14 Suffering from ‘Disorder’

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Prime Minister Najib Miqati snapped back at the March 14 alliance on Monday accusing its members of carrying out a crime against the nation and attacking the cabinet for being unable to confront the truth that they lost power.

“Sabotaging the nation is a crime,” Miqati said in a statement. “It is the national responsibility of everyone to preserve civil peace and stability and not to sabotage or make fictitious heroic acts that stir tension.”

He said the March 14 forces that met at the Bristol hotel in Beirut on Sunday were suffering from “disorder and bouts of extreme anger,” and were verbally attacking the cabinet for “failing to confront the truth that they lost power through democratic means.”

According to Miqati, the Bristol conferees “used the crime against former Premier Rafik Hariri to pour their anger and their hatred on the cabinet for known reasons.”

He said the March 14 forces had expected that Miqati’s government would not be formed and the country would remain in a vacuum over the “failure” of the caretaking cabinet of Premier Saad Hariri to carry out its duties.

The prime minister reiterated that clause 14 of the policy statement stresses the right to achieve justice in ex-PM Rafik Hariri’s Feb. 2005 assassination unlike what the March 14 statement said.

The Bristol conferees said that Miqati’s government disavowed in its ministerial statement the demand for justice to which the Lebanese state has committed itself in previous policy statements.

March 14 further misled the public by accusing the government of evoking the hostility of the citizens and relatives of martyrs and pushing the Lebanese state outside international legitimacy, Miqati said.

Everyone knows about the “settlement” that the coalition tried to reach at a certain stage at the expense of martyrs, the premier said.

“There is enough proof and documents on how the suggestions, at times printed and other times handwritten, were making the rounds inside Lebanon and outside to lure direct and indirect offers” for a settlement, he added.

Miqati also criticized the March 14 conferees for saying that the new cabinet has carried out a coup against the Lebanese. “As if those who met at the Bristol have the sole authority to represent the Lebanese or are the sole agents of the blood of martyrs.”

Comments 31
Default-user-icon Sigma Tau Lambda (Guest) 04 July 2011, 14:12

Nobody should (and most people do not anymore) take these losers and LIARS seriously. Their problem is that they LOST, and now they are willing to burn Lebanon because of that, YES BURN LEBANON. They are LIARS because Cheikh Saad knew that the STL was being used for political purposes. So he thought: why not trade this STL, a farce to begin with, and again HE KNOWS THAT, for governing Lebanon and turning it into Principality Hariri? So HE APPROVED THE SALE CONTRACT. End of story, end of the party and end of Hariri's PARTY. Lebanon's Spring has finally become a reality. Decent Lebanese, REJOICE.

Default-user-icon Ali (Guest) 04 July 2011, 14:27

“Sabotaging the nation is a crime,” Miqati said in a statement. “It is the national responsibility of everyone to preserve civil peace and stability." Who is this power hungry back stabbing opportunist man talking about? Miqati be reminded who sabotaged the peace during the Saniora government, who took to the streets in full armor and murdered people, who threatened to overtake Lebanon and actually did it. Why did u feel the need to change the cabinet policy statement? In which country in the world does a cabinet policy statement refer to the "holy triangle" of the people, the government, and the resistance? What resistance that gets involved in politics, intimidates its fellow compatriots out of religious bias, supports corruption, and actually plans and excutes assassinations!!! Mr. Miqati have you ever asked yourself "why did all assassinations of Lebanese politicians suddenly stopped after the Doha agreement which came into being under the siege of the "sacred" weapons...?!!

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) 04 July 2011, 14:36

Poor Mikati. Poor Mikati. He is riding the back of the tiger and does not even know it. He is about to submit a government to Parliament for a vote of confidence where the most critical element of its policy statement, that dealing with the means and methods by which the Lebanese government will interact with the STL, has already been trashed by Hezbollah.
Nasrallah has pre-empted the Premier in announcing the policy of the Lebanese Government. Nasrallah has declared the STL void and that its writ is of no effect in Lebanon.
Was this the letter and intent of the policy statement worked out by the commitee? No. The committee was a fraud. The policy statement is a fraud. Mikati and his government is a fraud and they are covering the crime against the nation being being carried out by the leader of the coup that brought this "government" to power, namely Hassan Nasrallah and his Iranian sponsors.

Thumb thepatriot 04 July 2011, 15:00

@ Beiruti
Very true.
You remind me of a fellow on asw. (M?)

Thumb canaanite 04 July 2011, 15:54

Miqati can be put into the same boat as Jumblatt and Aoun,... flip floppers who enhance the volatility in the country.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 04 July 2011, 16:11

why hassan looks strong?
because saad and co are so weak.
march 8 will miss the happy days of saado.

Thumb tabasco 04 July 2011, 16:49

“Sabotaging the nation is a crime,” agreed !!
please be so kind and address hizbussilah !

Default-user-icon Bashir (Guest) 04 July 2011, 16:56

Hezbollah runs Lebanon now. Nasrallah basically admitted as much.

Now the whole country can share in the suffering and destruction that use to be reserved for Harat Hurayk and South Lebanon.

Missing peace 04 July 2011, 17:03

maybe m14 lost but m8 won by the most despicable means: threat of killing, strret fights, thug methods! very manful, be proud!

who would go against that? old syrian methods they are using! and their supporters are proud of a nation that builds itself on threats, killings and murders...

bravo, we are proud of you! keep laughing for you do not know what is the meaning of a state! all you want is hide your cowardice behind weapons! oh! that is the sign of strenght isn t it?

go on and continue to make us laugh at your stupidness, the most funny one because you don t even look at yourselves and the stupidity of what you say!!!

chiwawas hiding behind their masters legs!

Missing peace 04 July 2011, 17:15

threatening people by sending black shirts in the streets, killing people in may because they were aginst a law of the gvt isn t sabotaging the country?

launchig a war without refering to the gvt and the army sn t a crime against the state?
come on mikati stop taking people for a..h...s!!!

Missing peace 04 July 2011, 17:44

keep talking mowaten facts are facts and all your shouting won t change that!!!

hezbollah is a mafia militia and all your praising about HA values and ethics don t stand the facts!

just tell us frankly = no one ever stole money or corrupted people in M8? no one collaborated with the syrian racket in M8?

keep your talking, you are just making yourself more ridiculous day after day by asserting that M8 has moral values ,ethics, honesty!

the facts prove the contrary....

Missing peace 04 July 2011, 17:45

keep talking mowaten facts are facts and all your shouting won t change that!!!

hezbollah is a mafia militia and all your praising about HA values and ethics don t stand the facts!

just tell us frankly = no one ever stole money or corrupted people in M8? no one collaborated with the syrian racket in M8?

keep your talking, you are just making yourself more ridiculous day after day by asserting that M8 has moral values ,ethics, honesty!

the facts prove the contrary....

Missing lebanswer 04 July 2011, 17:45

I love how pissed they are hahahaha. I feel sorry for them and Peace especially, it's like Hariri's his dad who got exiled. Tsk tsk tsk traitors hating now. And yes, threats, intimidation, thug-tactics or whatever BS you keep spitting. Do something about it, maybe they'll bring out their paid demonstrators again, wave flags, scream "NO" like little girls getting analled and then go home! You speak like you've turned Lebanon to Switzerland when you were in power, no ones was benefitting but the rich and corrupt. Time for a new phase without traitors and cheats. And if HA wanted to take Lebanon, it'll be on you haters' doorsteps right now raping your existence so STFU.

Missing peace 04 July 2011, 17:51

lebanswer: hopefully being ridiculous doesn t kill otherwise you would have been dead a long time ago!!!

keep that way, you are more funny than M. Bean!!!!

Default-user-icon Enough (Guest) 04 July 2011, 18:27

To Peace:

Yes HA carries arms, Yes they took over the government, Yes all the blah blah and nonsense you guys keep on saying, I agree to all of it........

If and only if, you can give me just ONE accomplishment your foreign collaborators did for Lebanon.

Your leader Saad is a Saudi national before he is Lebanese. And for gods sake couldn't you pick some one is a bit of intelligence to at least make hard on us taking over.......

Your doctor is a butcher and assassin.

Your Jamayel is one of the worst presidents in history and stole millions in the mirage deal...

So, please please, give me just ONE accomplishment.

If not, then STFU and look at the facts and not because you follow a foolish politician or militia that you dare to attack or diminish an opposing side.

Default-user-icon jabal amel (Guest) 04 July 2011, 18:40

he's wrong....they are on drugs....most probably LSD. but i guess the result is the same. And to all those zionist agents spiting on hezb'allah on this page...eat your hearts out traitors...he is here to stay.

Default-user-icon Kid (Guest) 04 July 2011, 19:02

How would March 14 feels if March 8 sells Solidere, building by building to Israel and will make it lawful to launch takeover bids for the banks and businesses of March 14? May the heads roll.

Default-user-icon Gebran Sons for Cedar Revolution II in 2013 (Guest) 04 July 2011, 20:04

Before too long Mikati will be acting like Assad and Ahmadinajad. His cabinet has been formed by a criminal organization and a criminal regime. Aoun and Nassrallah have never hesitated destroy the country for their personal agenda. No Doubt Don Quixote and all the pirates in this cabinet will make a priority to sell oil and gas fields so they can buy Iranian arms and pay their click of profiteers. Anyone believing freedom and democracy will be respected by this government is a dreamer. The brave Syrian people have shown us the level of sacrifices needed to regain freedom from a criminal regime and we need to prepare from now for the dark days to come. This movement should be independent of M14 which has failed us in the past. This is a struggle for principles not for people or organization.

Default-user-icon Bashir (Guest) 04 July 2011, 20:09

Good puppet Najib, does it hurt to have Nassrallah's hand up your backside as you speak?

Default-user-icon Collardo (Guest) 04 July 2011, 22:17

One striking disorder is that Mafia Hariri & Co., SARL worked tirelessly to issue a pardon to the criminal who assassinated the man who was at the time the Prime Minister of Lebanon, Rachid Karame. Why? I guess they wanted the assistance of anyone who could help them find the truth about the assassination of Mafioso Rafik Hariri, and no one is more qualified than an Israeli tool. eweeeeeeha badna al 7a2i2a bi mouse3adet moujrimiha al isra2iliyeh wa moumawiliha wiliwiliwiliwili

Missing peace 05 July 2011, 00:03

enough: 1/ i have no idol nor do i follow anybody unlike you...
2/ geagea is the only civil war party leader that has been sent to jail for 11 yrs unlike berry or aoun or whoever killed hundreds of lebanese during the civil war
3/ after the civil war who has rebuilt lebanon? hezbollah maybe?
4/ during 5 yrs the m14 gvt was blocked by your mafia who prevented lebanon to make any reforms
5/ hezbollah detroyed lebanon in 2006 and cost billions of dollars to the llebanese, forgot that?
6/ a party that does not obey the rules of the state and keeps an arsenanl is called a militia like it or not!
7/ hezbollah pledge allegiance to iran not to lebanon towel head reminded that he will not obey any gvt of lebanon! isn t that treason?
8/ your friend aoun has accused SYRIA of racketting the country and that in the US SENATE... forgot that too?
9/ m8 seeks revenge not justice otherwise they would also want to accuse M8 leaders of corruption no?

Missing peace 05 July 2011, 00:06

10/ who allowed shiites christians sunnis druzes to study abroad for free during the civil war, rafic hariri?

if you weren t blinded by hatred you would also notice that i always asked your m8 guys if they would ALSO accuse and judge M8 leader for corruption, i voluntarily added "also" to show that i want justice independently of the politcal side of the politicians!
if gemayel stole money let him be trialed but also your beloved leaders of M8!!
that is the main difference between you and me! you only want revenge and accuse one side, forgetting that lot s of your leaders were in power for 20 years too!!! not only hariri and co!

be honest in your thinking please or (may i return you your fantastic sign of politeness so typical of aounist people) " STFU"...

Missing lebanswer 05 July 2011, 00:33

Wow Peace you must be pretty pissed to still be here hahaha.. Your username is peace and you refer to a Muslim cleric as a towelhead, what a character you are. Go and write your thoughts on banners since you're going down for street demos soon and hopefully some amal thugs rip you a new one on the way home. You are represented by a Saudi with the credibility of money, a man who was in solitary confinement for 11 years 3 levels underground, and an outdated shmuck who makes his sons who btw haven't broken puberty by 35 represent them. Wake up you Peace, before they rip you a new one as you said earlier "thug-style", I'm sure you Sami fans like it that way hahha

Missing lebanswer 05 July 2011, 01:00

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BRv9wGf5pk.. Sing with us Peace! Come onnnnnnnnn you useless traitor you!

Missing peace 05 July 2011, 01:25

lebanswer: i only can notice that you don t have any counter arguments to what i said previously, you are so empty that the only thing you can do is attack me.
you are unable to justify anything because you know that you are supporting lots of hypocrites and you cannot deny the facts....

poor you!

make me laugh again!

Missing lebanswer 05 July 2011, 01:40

My compatriot Mowaten put you in your place and as for me, I don't respond to a hypocrite who insults other religions' clerics and calls himself peace. I'd take you as the joke of a traitor you are, that has no ceiling in Lebanon begging the internation community for help like little babies while we in M8 will hold power and our weapons to your face. Too bad you can only express your hateful opinions online though, and twice a year in your little demonstrations where you make $50 to demonstrate. You jokes are even paid to support! You're all bought! Call us sheep, thugs, rapists... At least we're not paid to do it! You're a little monkey on Mossad's payroll hahaha.. Poor you peace, I wish HA are as moralless as that butcher of yours, your traitor-self would've been gangbanged and put on a pole as the model lebanese traitor! Go and tell the int'l community now hahahaha

Missing peace 05 July 2011, 02:22

hahahaha! still no answers from lebanswer! doesn t surprise me...

oh! by the way it isn t because you hate other religions that everyone is like you... where did i write any hatred towards any religion?

see you are full of lies.... just like M8 gang members....

just vomit you hatred as you wish, i cannot talk to someone who can t give me ANY justifications or prove that among M8 no one has ever participated to corruption for example... not to say that you support a party that pledge allegiance to iran not to lebanon... you like that?

no one else did that excpet your militia...

any justifications you smart guy?

Missing peace 05 July 2011, 02:30

oh by the way lebanswer explain us why he isn t a traitor? he is your friend now? see how hypocrite M8 is... you hate the USA but you are allied to the one that said this!!! he is not a traitor? just answer :) ! ( it s your orange face that said that in case u don t know!)

"Madame Chairwoman, the true nature of the Lebanese people is love of freedom and affection for America; and the true nature of America is support for those aspiring to freedom. And looking the other way while a democracy is being turned into a repressive satellite state is inconsistent with the American nature and interests." "I come before you today to urge you to be true to America's nature, to aid those aspiring to freedom, to strike a blow to terrorism
"Lebanon must be saved, because it is right to save Lebanon; a nation which cherishes American principles and human values that we all believe in."
ah poor you traitors everywhere in M8! so the ones that are with the usa now where is the difference?

Missing lebanswer 05 July 2011, 02:39

Towel-head isn't insulting? That's all I'll answer you oh ignorant little one. You see, you're not a man. As you can't say what you type anywhere you go and I'm sure you won't say towel-head if I throw you anywhere in Baalbak for example. So you're not worth an argument, only a mockery of your being. While under our control, I don't need to justify shit to you. You're under our control. It's not an illusion. It's true. Our power controls you. It's not a lie. You're a minority. It's not a dream. You can't do shit about it. Your life's a waste now. Your beliefs are dumped. It's all true. Now you can find asylum in Tel Aviv, your racist self's dream. I personally hope you get it, the butcher's still got the connections from the war you cunt.

Missing peace 05 July 2011, 03:00

may i remind you that towel head is the leader of a politcal party... so as a leader of a party i don t like i just call that way because it looks like a towel on his head no? i argue political ideas not religions if you see the difference!

so where is the insult to the religion here?

ah and you didn t answer why aoun is not a traitor in your eyes for the support he asked from the USA... see , you cannot justify yourself!!!!!!!!!!

and calling me a cunt i thank you for that, it shows to everyone that you get nervous when you can t argument and lose your temper!

cool down man and be polite if you know the meaning of this word and if it is in the M8 dictionary!

aoun asked for the help of the usa, why can t M14 do the same? what aoun did the M14 can t? he even said that there was no shame in that!

explain us why it is bad now?

those who shout loud mask their weakness the old saying goes...

Default-user-icon Tricolore (Guest) 05 July 2011, 13:28

@peace and the other similar pieces of ...: Peace, brothers. Cool it! Cheikh Saad sold his father and the martyrs (his father wasn't. He was a mafioso who got the punishment that all mafiosos get) a long time ago. It has been confirmed. You are furious, and I understand that. But Cheikh Saad sold you and the martyrs. He is vacationing in Marbea or the Riviera or elsewhere, getting tanned while your asses, which he left behind, are burning, burning, burning! A word of advice from a friend: RUB SOME SUNTAN LOTION ON YOUR TUSHIES, SWEETIES!