Report: Jumblat Clinches Deal on Cabinet but March 14 Rejects Army-People-Resistance

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Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat succeeded in clinching a deal with the March 8 and March 14 alliances on the form of the new government, As Safir daily reported on Monday.

The newspaper said that his talks with President Michel Suleiman, Premier-designate Tammam Salam and members of the March 14 coalition culminated with the approval to form a 24-member in which March 14, March 8 and the centrists would get 8 ministers each.

An agreement was also reached to end the March 14 veto on giving cabinet seats to Hizbullah, the report said.

The alliance's members had been urging Salam to exclude Hizbullah from the government over its participation in the fighting alongside President Bashar Assad's troops in Syria.

But al-Mustaqbal MP Hadi Hbeish denied to Voice of Lebanon (93.3) that such a deal was reach.

“March 14 is still discussing in the 8-8-8 formula with Hizbullah's participation in the cabinet to issue its official stance,” he said.

According to As Safir, the deal lied in leaving to parliament the decision on giving its vote of confidence to the new cabinet or rejecting the line-up.

Following the latest developments, As Safir said Jumblat dispatched caretaker Social Affairs Minister Wael Abou Faour to Riyadh for talks with top Saudi officials on the cabinet formation efforts.

The newspaper also reported that the March 14 alliance's leaders have agreed in the latest meeting they held at Center House to have the Baabda Declaration as the basis of the cabinet's policy statement rather than the army-people-resistance formula.

But such an effort would face the obstacles of the March 8 alliance and mainly Hizbullah and Amal movement that hold onto the formula.

Comments 7
Thumb lebnanfirst 02 September 2013, 09:23

Enough with the army-people-resistance formula as it was always the obstacle to the rise of a you Lebanese government and a thorn in the side of our republic. This formula is nothing but a tool to derail the efforts of a true constitutional democracy. Where in the world has a government ever shared the right of bearing arms with a sectarian militia?
Even Aoun has finally recognized that HA is not interested in the rise of the Lebanese institutions and independence. Bury it just like Geagea said in his speech.
We Lebanese believe in live and let live and abhor the principle of martyrdom for the sake of a foreign sectarian power. It is time to move on.

Default-user-icon dddd (Guest) 02 September 2013, 09:47

Army-People-Country ... we dont have or want resistance!
HA is an Irani occupier

Missing samiam 02 September 2013, 10:30

again, not a square centimeter of lebanese land is under foreign occupation, so why is there a 'resistance'? Of course, it could be argued that the israeli occupation has been replaced with the hizb iran one, but that means we now need a 'resistance' against this self proclaimed resistance.

Thumb general_puppet 02 September 2013, 10:47

Same all old, thing the militia forces their meaningless slogan into the policy statement... then their cheerleaders claim that makes them legitimate.

If Hizbullah wants to be part of the Lebanese government then they must stop fighting to pro-up Assad in Syria and fight only to defend Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Dala Rishani (Guest) 02 September 2013, 11:12

Before Hizballa start giving out orders and taking part in our government. they should end their butting in into other countries business. get the hell out of Syria.

Thumb benzona 02 September 2013, 15:15

The army is our resistance. We don't need hesbollian parasites.

Thumb Chupachups 02 September 2013, 15:20

All good things come to an end, and all the good things hezbo supporters think they're doing will come to an end one day..full of regret.