Miqati Says Truth and Justice Correlated, Vows Not to Remain Silent to ‘Smear Campaign’

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Premier Najib Miqati said Monday that the truth in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s murder and stability go hand in hand, stressing that it was his responsibility to preserve Lebanon’s stability.

In remarks to As Safir newspaper, Miqati said: “There is a correlation between the truth and stability.”

“Since day one of my appointment I am reiterating this equation to all the Lebanese out of the major national responsibility placed upon me,” he told the daily.

Miqati’s remarks came after the March 14 forces accused him of abandoning in the cabinet policy statement the demand to achieve justice in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination.

During a conference attended by the coalition’s leaders and politicians at the Bristol Hotel on Sunday, March 14 said Miqati should either announce his commitment to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon or step down.

“The protection of Lebanon and its stability is my responsibility and the truth is my responsibility as well,” the prime minister said. “Has anyone heard me say that I am against stability or resolution 1757?”

U.N. Security Council resolution 1757 has established the STL, which will try Hariri’s suspected assassins.

Miqati told As Safir that he would accept any “constructive and positive criticism,” saying parliamentary sessions aimed at discussing the cabinet policy statement starting Tuesday should turn into “beneficial” dialogue that would consolidate the confidence of Lebanese in their country.

The premier’s sources also told An Nahar daily that the March 14 statement was a “smear campaign.”

“Do they want the truth and justice or power?” the sources wondered. “Rather than following up the course of the indictment (in Hariri’s murder) as promised by Miqati, they are asking him to step down and quit so that they replace him.”

They warned that the prime minister will not remain silent to “unjust smear campaigns against him.”

Comments 9
Default-user-icon Gebran Sons for Cedar Revolution II in 2013 (Guest) 04 July 2011, 10:21

All countries should boycott Miqati's illegitimate government imposed by Ahmadinajad's occupation army and Assad's puppets, the worst two tyrants in our region. Miqati has earned the same legitimacy as Assad and Ahmadinajad. His cabinet is controlled by obsessive unbalanced leaders like Nassarallah, Aoun and Jumblat that will certainly divert state resources to oppress the people and attack the opposition as happened in Tehran and Syria Springs. Any international aid to this illegitimate cabinet is like giving aid to Khadafi before his assured fall, causing more oppression and destruction, and delaying Lebanon's final liberation from this nightmare of Basij, Mukhabarat and their useful idiots. This cabinet will certainly crumble along with its sponsors in Syria and Iran though we have no illusion that the months ahead will be very tough and we may be subject to the same brutal tactics used in Damascus and Tehran.

Thumb thepatriot 04 July 2011, 10:55

I agree with Gebran sons...and I am one of 'em!
Let me also add that this government won't attract a single dollar in our country.
Who would like to invest a penny in a country runned by Hezbollah, and controled by the agonising Syrian Regime??
Who will spend Hollidays in Lebanon (Hotels down by 32%)?
Who will purchase residences here (RE down 28%)?
We have no Industry and rely on our services and foreign (and domestic) investors... and I can tell you, we are entering dark ages for business, commerce, trade, and Real Estate...

Thumb shab 04 July 2011, 11:40

Somehow he's right, M14 have lately shown they're a bit power hungry. Looks like they're not going to give this government a chance to prove anything. I'm curious how the PM is going to trick the mafia militia around and get his will in the end. Being a businessman he must be very shrewd.

Default-user-icon jabal amel (Guest) 04 July 2011, 12:16

You people are also on drugs just like your mafia masters...or maybe you are zionist agents. Or both. Anyway, keep barking.

Missing peace 04 July 2011, 12:34

jabal amel for a supporter of the biggest mafia in this country you are so funny labeling the others the same... are you so lonely?

how easy it is for you to accuse the others of being sionists! just taking the old recipes of all the fascists states! accusing all opposed to the state of traitors! you are pathetic.....

Default-user-icon zaki ansari (Guest) 04 July 2011, 12:38


This GOV is zzz best, and P Mikati is the best. Alliance of lebanon with Syria & Iran is also zz best for lebanon. Let this gov work and everything will be solved coze these people know how to handle matters, unlike its precedent. thank you

Default-user-icon Respone tp Jabal Amer (Guest) 04 July 2011, 12:38

We are zionists like you are Iranain Mullahs.. ur sense of democracy and intellect is a joke.. u call to all ur oppenents traitors, while u shoot and kill them.. of the entire world, u stand with two, Syria and Iran, both run by militant dictators hell bent of destroying half the world.. personally i think ur as bad as israel in how ur killing our country, but fortunately for me, i dont have to be with either of u.syria will collapse and so will iran and Hizb will lose its weapons after they kill enough of us, then the moderate shia will realize that Lebanon is thier home, and lebanese thier brothers, not some lunitic like Ahmadinajad..

Default-user-icon Sam from Boston (Guest) 04 July 2011, 13:37

Hezbollah is one group not reaming silent as to who is the real problem in Lebanon, forget about Amreekah, the Zionists, the West or the CIA (who membership has ballooned with so many Hezbollah members they opened a big Husseiniya at Langley, very classy of them).

Ze problem in Lebanon are the Christians, yup them again, the usual suspects from the 70s and 80s and even before that.

Sayyed Hassan confirmed it again on Saturday, it's the Christians who want war, they crave war, war is in their blood and has always been. Geagea was in prison dreaming of the day he gets out and start a war. War! What is it good for! It's good for the Christians, Sayyed Hassan said .

Further just the other day on the LBC the magnificent Mohammed Obeid of Hezbollah reminded us that the blood thirsty Bashir Gemayel deserved to die, it's like something right out of Hezbollah's manifesto of the 1984, and I was very proud of the FPM not to have contradicted Mr Obeid's true statement they agree of course.

Thumb thepatriot 04 July 2011, 14:54

@ Sam...from Teheran...
You are a racist, and seem to have no clue of what is going on here.
First you generalise when you speak of all the Christians...who dares to do that!!??
Second, the only ared militia that could get us back to war are Nasralla's dogs!
Third Since 1990, the only one who started wars were Hezballah in 2006 and 2008!
Four, Geagea gave back his weapons 20 years ago! He was the only one to do so!
Get you facts right! Ignorant!