U.S. Weighs Military Options for Syria

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The Pentagon is moving forces into place in case President Barack Obama opts for military action against Syria, U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel suggested Friday.

Amid calls for military intervention after the Syrian regime carried out an alleged chemical weapons attack this week, U.S. commanders have prepared a range of "options" for Obama if he chooses to launch an attack on the Damascus regime, Hagel told reporters aboard his plane en route to Malaysia.

But he declined to provide any details on the positioning of U.S. troops and assets amid escalation in the Syrian civil war.

"The Defense Department has a responsibility to provide the president with options for all contingencies," Hagel said.

He spoke as a defense official said the U.S. Navy will expand its presence in the Mediterranean with a fourth warship armed with cruise missiles.

The U.S. Sixth Fleet, with responsibility in the Mediterranean, has decided to keep the USS Mahan in the region instead of letting it return to its home port in Norfolk, Virginia.

Three other destroyers are currently deployed in the region -- the USS Gravely, USS Barry and USS Ramage. All four warships are equipped with several dozen Tomahawk cruise missiles.

The reinforcement allows the Pentagon to act more rapidly if Obama orders a military strike.

"The president has asked the Defense Department for options. Like always, the Defense Department is prepared and has been prepared to provide all options for all contingencies to the president of the United States," Hagel said.

The Pentagon chief and other defense officials made clear no decision had been taken on whether to employ military force against President Bashar Assad's regime.

U.S.. newspapers have suggested disagreements within the administration over the risks of another American military intervention in the Middle East.

Hagel, who visited U.S. Marines in Hawaii on Thursday before setting off on a week-long tour of Southeast Asia, said he expected American intelligence agencies to "swiftly" assess whether the Syrian government indeed used chemical weapons.

He said the U.S. government would work closely with its allies.

"The international community should and will act in concert on these kinds of issues," Hagel said.

Comments 26
Thumb geha 24 August 2013, 07:37

are the days of iran and the Syrian regime closer to an end?

Missing coolmec 24 August 2013, 08:09

I hope so Geha.
Iran, Assad and Hizbullah must be defeated so as Lebanon can start living in peace. We should not forget the Salafists and jihadists either.
The moderates should again shine

Thumb scorpyonn 24 August 2013, 10:27

That would really solve our problems.

Default-user-icon Tom (Guest) 24 August 2013, 11:11

no one will touch iran.. no one can speculate .. the americans and jews cannot open two conflicts in the same time.. they are bastards invaders killers.. they did the chemical offense so they can prepare for the larger offense and occupation to secure oil.. apparently the jews launched that chemical rocket from their F16 few days ago as they are helping the americans to get in.. creating thus a full scenario to complete the logistic of preparing the international community to accept their aggression .. old tools.. time to get creative bastards ... i know them .

Default-user-icon Batman (Guest) 24 August 2013, 09:28

... From your mouth to God's ears... and ali baba nasrallah and his mini regime too...

Thumb lebanon_first 24 August 2013, 08:01

obama is acting spineless. he should at least train and arm the moderate syrians while posing conditions to them instead of letting this conflict fester and develop in something uglier and uglier. He is loosing the american standing in the middle east, something his predecessors have taken decades to build.

Missing VINCENT 24 August 2013, 08:10

He did accept a premature "Nobel Peace Prize". He was groomed and funded to be a U.S. President for other reasons that the world is yet to see.

Thumb scorpyonn 24 August 2013, 10:39

You are right! I voted for him and now regret it.

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 24 August 2013, 09:32

Bless you Barak Hussain Obama and your "illuminati" administration for weighing out the options on Syria. I am sure more time is needed to carefully assess what is happening and who used sarin gas since you don not want to just rely on satellite and intelligence information. More people need to die and more videos need to be screened. The free world is forever indebted to your wise administration for making the correct decisions to preserve our freedom. God Bless America!

Missing coolmec 24 August 2013, 10:17

@ Roaring Flame Thrower
Good sarcasm dude!!

Thumb scorpyonn 24 August 2013, 10:24

If Dick Cheney was in power, none of this waffling would occur-- Iran and Damascus would have been flattened. I would love to see that happen.

Missing coolmec 24 August 2013, 10:30

Flattening Iran and Damascus would hurt the oppressed people of Iran and Damascus. Regime change would be welcome

Thumb scorpyonn 24 August 2013, 10:36

You are right- poor choice of words on my part!

Thumb scorpyonn 24 August 2013, 10:38

In fact, I think the best way to change the regimes is to get the Mexican Mafia and the drug cartels to go after Assad and his cronies and those Islamic clerics in Tehran- believe me, they are the deadliest and nastiest predators!!

Default-user-icon John (Guest) 24 August 2013, 10:59

How Iran the nastiest predator? Is it because they refuse to run their countries the way external forces want it to be run? Or is it because they do not want to be robbed of their natural resources like every other arab puppet government?

Please enlighten me as I do not see what Iran has done to earn the criticism you target them with. You praise Dick Cheney as if he has done good things in the Middle East. Was he not responsible for, to use your words, "flattening" Iraq on the outright lie that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.

Missing coolmec 24 August 2013, 11:09


oh I know that. I live in SO. Calif pretty close to the Mexican border. I witness their actions regularly..hum maybe before we liberate Iran or Damascus we should bring them to Lebanon and help us liberate our country first... Not a bad idea

Default-user-icon John (Guest) 24 August 2013, 11:28

Liberate Iran? I had no idea that Iran was being occupied at the moment.

Thumb scorpyonn 24 August 2013, 11:28

Cool and I live in Northern Cal!! Nice to meet you!

Missing coolmec 24 August 2013, 11:26

Wrong jcamerican
The US will help Lebanon but we did not get help thanks to our corrupt leaders

Thumb scorpyonn 24 August 2013, 11:30

Once we get rid of Iran and its Lebanese servants we will be ok.

Missing davids90 24 August 2013, 14:47

I doubt it.

We'll then be talking about Saudi/Qatari/US and its Lebanese servants.

Fossilized politicians cannot lead, only follow the feudal mentality and uphold unreasonable allegiances only to remain power instead of doing good for the country. New elections must be enlightened.

Default-user-icon John (Guest) 24 August 2013, 11:33

Why do my comments not get posted? Do I have to support Al Nusra to have my comment posted on this website? What ever happened to unbiased media outlets?

Missing coolmec 24 August 2013, 11:46

likewise scorpyonn
Actually I arrived yesterday in Beirut. I landed a few minutes before the Tripoli blasts
talking about a welcome ceremony....

Missing george710 24 August 2013, 11:48

No offense but Cheney is a pathetic disgrace. He profited off the lives of valiant soldiers and innocent civilians.

Missing coolmec 24 August 2013, 12:39

I am not scorpyonn

Missing coolmec 24 August 2013, 12:56

no man I am not into childish games I am me period