FARC Attack in Colombian Capital Foiled


Colombian police said Tuesday they intercepted a vehicle loaded with explosives in Bogota, foiling an attack by FARC guerrillas.

Two men accused of belonging to a FARC cell were arrested Monday night as they drove through the city with 25 kilograms of an explosive mixture of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil, police said.

Bogota police commander General Luis Martinez told reporters the bomb was intended as "pressure for the payment of extortion."

He said the cell the suspects allegedly belonged to raise funds by extorting businesses in the capital.

The FARC, Colombia's largest guerrilla group, has been engaged in peace talks in Havana with the government of President Juan Manuel Santos since November.

Santos has repeatedly refused a cease-fire while the talks are under way, fearing that the rebels will use it to regroup, thereby prolonging the nearly 50 year old conflict.

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