Qassem: You Cannot Compare Resistance's Weapons with Street Arms

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Hizbullah deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem reiterated his calls for a national unity cabinet, stating also that the resistance's weapons cannot be compared to arms used on the streets.

"The arms of the resistance are in the interest of Lebanon and this has been proven on ground,” Qassem said during an Iftar banquet on Saturday.

He elaborated: “These weapons prevent Israel from launching any attack against Lebanon because we have a resistance that is ready to defend the country,”

"Weapons are a tool that can be used for good or for evil purposes. It could serve the country's interests or work against them. What matters is how weapons are used and what are the goals behind the possession of arms.”

Qassem continued: “For those saying that weapons used on the streets aim at confronting the resistance's weaponry we tell them they are mistaken.”

"The owners of street weapons are known, same as those financing the possession of these arms, training people, and easing their movements between Lebanon and neighboring countries.”

"You will not succeed in defeating the resistance's weaponry by making this comparison,” Qassem stated. “The resistance's arms are far more noble and important and will not be present on the streets.”

In a ceremony marking the 68th anniversary of the army’s founding on Thursday, President Michel Suleiman criticized Hizbullah without naming it, saying it was time for the Lebanese state and the army to be the sole decision-makers on the use of the nation's capabilities

Regarding the new cabinet, the Hizbullah official said the party is keen on forming a council of ministers to “lift the country and manage crises.”

"We urge the formation of a national unity cabinet where no one can disclaim the responsibility of its failure,” Qassem expressed.

"All factions agreed on naming premier-designate Tammam Salam to form a national unity cabinet. And looking for other options is a waste of time and harms Lebanon as no one in the country is apolitical.”

Addressing the party's political foes, Qassem said common grounds can be reached between various parties inside the council of ministers.

"We have lots of things in common, and all previous experiences failed because there were no united effort and because of individuality in the cabinet,” he commented.

"When we agree, we can reach a solution.”

Comments 47
Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 04 August 2013, 18:43

wlak fik 3ana ya qassem.. your weapons are not holly, nor sanctioned by God.. as long as you posses weapons others will arm, and this will lead to chaos. and Lebanon will NEVER rise as long as you hold on to them. Join our beloved army, take your orders from the elected govt. and play the political game on par with everyone else.
You have used those weapons to force your ideology on us, and if heaven forbid an elected govt makes a decision that is against your interest we all know what your response will be.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 04 August 2013, 18:47

you are in Syria, what does that have to do with Israel?? your lies that Israel is conspiring against Bashar is loaded with dung. Bashar safe guarded the syrian-israeli front and so did his dad.
"The owners of street weapons are known, same as those financing the possession of these arms, training people, and easing their movements between Lebanon and neighboring countries" and all parties and individuals have a right to do so as long as you posses yours. stop your holly-er than thou attitude and you are not infallible.

Thumb geha 04 August 2013, 20:06

Terrorists trying to embellish their weapons with which they kill Lebanese people who do not agree with them.

Thumb benzona 04 August 2013, 20:20

Indeed. That's what terrorists do.... Ben laden did the same in his days.

Thumb LebDinosaur 04 August 2013, 19:11

You can go to hell with your arms and stupid ideas. You don't speak for Lebanon nor it's interests. We are sick and tired of Hezbollah. We want a normal Lebanon that talks prosperity and future progress, not backwardness and going to the past.

Thumb lebanon_first 04 August 2013, 20:04

Resistance is not saving Lebanon. It is underming the state. It is creating resentment and putting seeds of a civil war. it is marginalizing the army by having more weaponry that the state. It is sucking Lebanon dry of its customs revenue.

HA is not resistance. HA is a MILICIA that has overgrown its time, and beleive me, One day it wheel will turn and HA will go to the dustbin of history like all those milicia thugs that tried to control lebanon, strating with the PLO and finishing with the SSNP.

Default-user-icon i-4n-i (Guest) 06 August 2013, 01:26

Dude, u don't really understand do you ? Israel have no interest in invading lebanonm it has it own Palestinian problem. they invaded Lebanon for those reasons :
1) PLO
2)protect their borders by creating a buffer zone
4)make sure the low ranged rockets wouldn't reach tel aviv
praise ur militia HA as much as u want, we Lebanese get attacked cause of HA , why would Israel attack a peaceful Lebanon that doesn't pose any threat ?!

Missing baba_oreily 04 August 2013, 19:30

He's right. They're not the same. His weapons are worse.

Missing pureleb 04 August 2013, 19:40

Stop insulting the Lebanese intelligence Mr Qasaem. Those weapons are used to intimidate the Lebanese who disagree with you. Your had been used on the streets of Beirut and Damascus. You are nothing more than agents to Wilayet Elfaqih. Your true locality is to Iran and not Lebanon. Your theoretic only works for your supporters since they are brainwashed and follow you like sheep

Thumb thepatriot 05 August 2013, 12:52

yeah FT... you sound so clever right now...

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 04 August 2013, 19:47

the enemy of Lebanon are HA. Yes terrorists were on the border.. and want a monopoly on the terrorist title.. the resistance??? my a__ resistance.. nothing but a sectarian militia.. born and bred hatred and war.. and picking up the palestinian cause when it is not yours to pick up. fiko 3ana let us partition.. and go resist in the south as long as you want then.. but until then.. this is Lebanon.. not Hizbolahstan.. and the decisions are not yours to be made,.

Default-user-icon Gone South (Guest) 04 August 2013, 21:13

Why partition Lebanon? Syria is wide open and is already in chaos. Why not export the resistance and its supporters to Syria? This way they can resist Takfiri state and liberate Palestine from the Syrian border and leave Lebanon alone.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 05 August 2013, 11:38

i would agree to that GS.. either

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 04 August 2013, 19:48

indeed there isnt... some have klashins and small arms and the other have rockets and are more powerful than the army...
their weapons are just as dirty as assirs...
but of coarse mon general said other wise.. way to fall in line.

Thumb lebanon_first 04 August 2013, 19:58

Southern. I agree with your list as number 3, 4,5,6. But the first 2 ennemies are 1-Assad and 2-HA/Iran

Thumb lebanon_first 04 August 2013, 19:59

Flame. You do not understand.

Lebanese army can take on and destroy all those microthugs if political will is present.
However the big thug AKA HA and affiliates are too strong for lebanon's army.

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 04 August 2013, 20:03

True. Resistance arms are weapons of treachery, disguised behing resistance to kill and murder fellow countrymen, political oppenents, and other arab nationals, in the pursiut of Wali Al Fakih aims and strategy. I agree, street arms and resistance ones do not stand comparaison...

Thumb cedre 04 August 2013, 20:33

Resistance weapons have been blessed by Khamenei and will help us to have a shia president and shia generals.

Thumb cedre 04 August 2013, 21:40

Yeah, and Nasrallah should be the Supreme Guide...

Thumb benzona 04 August 2013, 20:59

Lebanon first yes, at all costs, no!

We demand justice for the assassinations since 14 feb 2005.

Missing kamal_jamra 06 August 2013, 21:46

Thephoenix, stop lying. You dont "keep hammering the same thoughts". You keep flip floping. One day you say lebanon first, the next day you threaten tripoli and akkar or insult them and try to relive your glory days as a terrorist thug for the LF.

Missing kamal_jamra 06 August 2013, 21:49

Thephoenix, stop lying. You dont "keep hammering the same thoughts". You keep flip floping. One day you say lebanon first, the next day you threaten tripoli and akkar or insult them and try to relive your glory days as a terrorist thug for the LF.

Missing formerlebaniz 04 August 2013, 21:09

I have two words to say to you ya wateh in response to your weapons not being used internally and who is protecting and harboring thugs: Hashem Salman.

It's fascinating how they always bank on people having the attention span of a gold fish.

Thumb general_puppet 04 August 2013, 21:57

These thugs never stop talking about their Divine weapons... that only they have a right to possess. Hizbullahs arms are the worst of all, they hold all of Lebanon captive.

Missing samiam 04 August 2013, 22:08

Two words: May 2008

explain that one away....

and again, the self proclaimed resistance is not what is says it is--it is a paid mercenary group sponsored, paid for and controlled by Iran. PERIOD

Thumb primesuspect 04 August 2013, 23:02

Qassem stinks. He's not honest... his days are numbered, so are Nosralla's.

Thumb primesuspect 05 August 2013, 00:47

woof woof

Hizballa assassinated more people than al forms of Al Qaida combined!

they spread terror and kill any1 opposing them.

Missing helicopter 05 August 2013, 03:35

Like almoqdads and Zoaiters ........ their military wings (baby HAs)

Missing samiam 04 August 2013, 23:48

and M8ers are so bent on rationalizing their existence that they can't explain it to anyone else.

Missing samiam 05 August 2013, 03:15

again, rationalize where in the world an armed entity controlled by a foreign power is a success. Answer that first, and then we can talk, otherwise, talk to the hand...

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 05 August 2013, 10:37

Oh no FT. The right thing to do is bow down to them because they are powerful. Doesn't that go beyond the thinking of HA itself? Attacking Israel when they are more powerful? Same thing can be done here. I expect no answer because I know you have none.

Missing samiam 05 August 2013, 10:58

again, I have said I am not an M14er but am against M8 which I have repeated multiple times. if you can't answer a simple question, maybe you should look to your fpm hierarchy to tell you what to say in these types of situations. i know they choose to ignore these types of questions because they fear the answers.

and a second question, do you think that hizb iran will ever voluntarily give up their arms under any situations

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 05 August 2013, 11:12

i was using the same logic you were by saying HA is more powerful than the army.. so do we confront them head on?? well 3ajbak aw mish 3ajbak it is the same concept of attacking and facing Israel.. they are stronger.. did they bow down? no..
and m14 again if you want to admit or not.. gave a stretched hand to m8 way more than m8 did.. the blocking third TWICE when they were under no obligation to do so.. a consensual president when they could have passed their own with 50% +1..

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 05 August 2013, 11:14

the numerous proposals that were discussed at the table to integrate their arms.. and to rid the palestinians of theirs.. ofcourse you just want to sit and talk.. and HA refuse.. and talk.. and HA refuse.. there were plenty of chances that the1phoenix mentioned that you not able to come up with an answer to except.. let us sit and talk some more. so they can refuse some more.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 05 August 2013, 11:15

and i am right.. talking to a wall is better than talking to a Aouni who have NO opinion of their own and flip flop according to the chemical imbalances in Aouns head.
bravo.. such a loyal one

Default-user-icon Abu qassim (Guest) 05 August 2013, 00:34

Yes all smart guys. It's easy to talk n bark on ur smart phones. I guess 2006 was not far away. So don't act as Zionist agents like ur masters. If u have guts go out and show it. If it was not for HA u guys would be worst off than Syria. Wait for ur turn.

Thumb shab 05 August 2013, 01:33

Pure inbreed filth

Thumb primesuspect 05 August 2013, 01:49

if i may add something

Pure inbred eViL filth.

Thumb beiruti 05 August 2013, 02:02

This guys Resistance Racket" is about to take a big hit. Israel and the Palestinians are seriously talking peace. What is a resistance to do when the party that supposedly justifies its existence, no longer needs to be "liberated" by force. They will have done it by negotiation. Hezbollah is soon to become obsolete in. 9 months.

Missing samiam 05 August 2013, 03:17

yeah, they will look to free Tibet next. They will NEVER give up their arms and always look to a reason to keep them.

Missing canadianadam 05 August 2013, 02:06

In response to FT, I am not m14, and as a matter of fact there are several parallels.

Both operate on selfish interests, whether it be of an individual or a group. Both operate with a sense of impunity. Neither answer to a civilian led government.

I can go on ... but you re simply ignorant.

Missing formerlebaniz 05 August 2013, 04:44

I don't understand why isn't anyone shining a light on the Hashem Salman incident? Why hasn't the murderer been arrested yet? Is he not a thug? Is he not a criminal? Or is he above the law?

The murder of Hashem Salman is sadly not getting the momentum it deserves and it is beyond my comprehension. The man was assassinated and not allowed proper burial! This man is a TRUE Lebanese Martyr that must be given proper respect.

Missing zahle_night1 05 August 2013, 07:05

Qassem Shut the hell up!!

Default-user-icon Ponderozo Bishkaban (Guest) 05 August 2013, 21:41

I get goosebumps every time I read you, not for anything, but because you remind me of the Bash with his Ray Bans and crossed arms, may God bring him back to our prairies from Israel soon, and straighten up Potato Nadim, first, and then Dr. Arreet 7akeh and arreet everything the Bash left behind. alla yer7amak ya bassel ya 7ami amn al moujtama3 al massi7i yalli tole3 kello akbar 3amaliyet art 7akeh. takbir

Missing libanenren 09 August 2013, 14:08

brinstormed idiot, seek help fast!

Missing libanenren 09 August 2013, 14:08


Default-user-icon Elie (Guest) 10 August 2013, 05:53

Lean (ENGLISH) ya Southern