New Policy Statement to Adopt Arms and Some Tribunal Clauses of Hariri’s Cabinet

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The new cabinet’s policy statement is expected to remain committed to some of the major clauses of Saad Hariri’s ministerial statement including the right of "Lebanon, its government, its people, its army and its resistance" to liberate all Lebanese territory.

An Nahar daily said Wednesday that Najib Miqati’s new cabinet would also commit itself to international resolutions and the protocol signed between the Lebanese government and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon that will try ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s suspected assassins.

The March 14 forces have expressed fears that the new government would stop Lebanon's share of funding for the Netherlands-based court, remove the three Lebanese judges on the STL and renounce the protocol of agreement concerning the court.

The move to keep several clauses intact is aimed at avoiding a confrontation with the international community pending the release of the indictment in Hariri’s case, said the newspaper.

March 8 sources told pan-Arab daily al-Hayat that agreement was reached between Miqati and Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on controversial issues linked to the international community, including the tribunal.

The two officials agreed to state in the ministerial statement that the government is keen on guaranteeing justice in Hariri’s case and rejects its politicization. According to al-Hayat, Miqati and Nasrallah also decided not to announce the cabinet’s stance from the indictment until it was issued.

Once it has drafted its policy statement, the cabinet will go to parliament to seek a vote of confidence.

A ministerial source told al-Hayat that the drafting would take one week or maximum 10 days. The constitution grants the ministerial committee a 30-day time limit to draft the statement.

Comments 1
Default-user-icon Gebran Sons for Cedar Revolution II in 2013 (Guest) 15 June 2011, 09:02

Green Revolution brought brief hope and optimism to educated Iranians locked up in Ayatollah’s prison until Ahmadinajad’s Basij butchered the Iranian Spring with appalling violence and brutality. Syrian Spring brought a scent of freedom and liberty to one of the most oppressive regimes in the region until Assad’s executioners were let loose massacring peaceful demonstrators by Assad orders. Cedar Revolution I was most extraordinary event that showed the power of peaceful demonstration and inspired a whole region to reject tyranny and demand freedom, justice & democracy, until it was crushed by the Basij and its useful idiots. Aoun, Jumblat and Miqati are Assad’s hired assassins of the Cedar Revolution and Miqati’s cabinet is a creation of Assad and Basij. So hear The Silent Majority: As the sun is certain to rise so the tyrants in Syria and Iran are certain to fall, and our firm promise to you is that every idiot or accomplice will be brought to justice for selling Lebanon to tyrants.