1 of 2 Boston Bomb Suspects Dead as Towns, Mass Transit Shut Down 

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The two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing killed a university police officer and hurled explosives at police in a car chase and gun battle overnight that left one of them dead and his brother on the loose, authorities said Friday as thousands of officers swarmed the streets in a manhunt that all but paralyzed the Boston area.

The suspects were identified by law enforcement officials and a family member as Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, brothers from a Russian region near Chechnya, which has been plagued by an Islamic insurgency that has carried out deadly bombings.

Meanwhile, the father of the suspects stressed that his two sons are innocent.

"In my opinion, my children were set up by the secret services because they are practicing Muslims," Anzor Tsarnaev told the Interfax news agency from the North Caucasus Russian city of Makhachkala.

"Why did they kill Tamerlan? They should have taken him alive," said the father.

He added that the younger brother Dzhokhar "is in hiding. He was a second-year student in a medical university. We were waiting for him to come back (to Russia) for the holidays."

"Now I do not know what will happen," he said.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who had been known to the FBI as Suspect No. 1 and was seen in surveillance footage in a black baseball cap, was killed overnight, officials said. His 19-year-old brother — dubbed Suspect No. 2 and seen wearing a white, backward baseball cap in the images from Monday's deadly bombing at the marathon finish line — escaped.

The law enforcement officials spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the unfolding case.

Authorities in Boston suspended all mass transit and warned close to 1 million people in the entire city and some of its suburbs to stay indoors as the hunt went on. Businesses were asked not to open. People waiting at bus and subway stops were told to go home.

"We believe this man to be a terrorist," said Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis. "We believe this to be a man who's come here to kill people."

The bombings on Monday killed three people and wounded more than 180 others, tearing off limbs in a spray of shrapnel and instantly raising the specter of another terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

The endgame — at least for Suspect No. 1 — came just hours after the FBI released photos and video of the two young men at the finish line and appealed to the public for help in identifying and capturing them. Tips came pouring in to the FBI immediately, but exactly how authorities managed to close in on the two young men was not immediately disclosed.

The brothers' uncle, Ruslan Tsarni of Montgomery Village, Maryland, told The Associated Press that the men lived together near Boston and had been in the U.S. for about a decade. They traveled here together from the Russian region near Chechnya.

The White House said President Barack Obama was being briefed on developments overnight by Lisa Monaco, his assistant for homeland security and counterterrorism.

The images released by the FBI depict the two young men walking one behind the other near the finish line. Richard DesLauriers, FBI agent in charge in Boston, said Suspect No. 2 in the white hat was seen setting down a bag at the site of the second of two deadly explosions.

Authorities said surveillance tape recorded late Thursday showed Suspect No. 2 during a robbery of a convenience store in Cambridge, near the campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where a university police officer was shot to death while responding to a report of a disturbance, said State Police Col Timothy Alben.

From there, authorities said, the two men carjacked a man in a Mercedes-Benz, keeping him with them in the car for half an hour before releasing him at a gas station in Cambridge. The man was not injured.

The search for the vehicle led to a chase that ended in Watertown, where authorities said the suspects threw explosive devices from the car and exchanged gunfire with police. A transit police officer was seriously injured during the chase, authorities said.

In Watertown, witnesses reported hearing multiple gunshots and explosions at about 1 a.m. Friday. Dozens of police officers and FBI agents were in the neighborhood and a helicopter circled overhead.

Watertown resident Christine Yajko said she was awakened at about 1:30 a.m. by a loud noise, began to walk to her kitchen and heard gunfire.

"I heard the explosion, so I stepped back from that area, then I went back out and heard a second one," she said. "It was very loud. It shook the house a little."

She said a police officer later knocked on her door and told her there was an undetonated improvised explosive device in the street and warned her to stay away from the windows.

"It was on the street, right near our kitchen window," she said.

State police spokesman David Procopio said: "The incident in Watertown did involve what we believe to be explosive devices possibly, potentially, being used against the police officers."

Boston cab driver Imran Saif said he was standing on a street corner at a police barricade across from a diner when he heard an explosion.

"I heard a loud boom and then a rapid succession of pop, pop, pop," he said. "It sounded like automatic weapons. And then I heard the second explosion."

He said he could smell something burning and advanced to check it out but area residents at their windows yelled at him, "Hey, it's gunfire! Don't go that way!"

Doctors at a Boston hospital where Suspect No. 1 died said they treated a man with a possible blast injury and multiple gunshot wounds.

In the past, insurgents from Chechnya and neighboring restive provinces in the Caucasus have been involved in terror attacks in Moscow and other places in Russia.

Those raids included a raid in Moscow in October 2002 in which a group of Chechen militants took 800 people hostage and held them for two days before special forces stormed the building, killing all 41 Chechen hostage-takers. Also killed were 129 hostages, mostly from effects of narcotic gas Russian forces used to subdue the attackers.

Chechen insurgents also launched a 2004 hostage-taking raid in the southern Russian town of Beslan, where they took hundreds of hostages. The siege ended in a bloodbath two days later, with more than 330 people, about half of them children, killed.

Insurgents from Chechnya and other regions also have launched a long series of bombings in Moscow and other cities in Russia. An explosion at the international arrivals hall at Moscow's Domodedovo airport in January 2011 killed at least 31 people and wounded more than 140.

Comments 29
Thumb _citizen_ 19 April 2013, 12:18

so convenient... Dead huh?

Missing Cyanide 19 April 2013, 18:29

why would a so called terrorist go and rob a shop and bring heat on him. something is not right here. they showed us the picture of the lady that supposedly died at Boston but she was one of the dead at the high school shooting. they are making it up I say.. Part of the ZION project

Thumb banima3roof 19 April 2013, 19:13

one of their names is tamarlane which is the same as timur. this is the name of comrade walid junblat's son's name. tamarlane/timur had conquered and burnt damascus. hence why comrade junblat named his son timur!

Thumb geha 19 April 2013, 13:02

for those who want to know: there seems to be a strong assumption these bombers are Syrian operatives or Syrian backed.
as well, info is coming in that plans of massive invasion of Syria is in preparation.
this includes cleaning up Lebanon from hizbushaitan.
please do not insult the messenger.

Thumb Kalzyturks 19 April 2013, 14:50


I would like to say I totally disagree with you and find your comments of irrelivant.

Please post something constructive.

What happened in Boston is a tragedy and should be condemned. For you to post what you have posted I would say it is not suitable and out of taste.

FYI The suspect is of Indian origin. This is probably the first non muslim to be tagged as a terrorist.

Thumb geha 19 April 2013, 15:57

they are from Chechnya and please revert to my post where I said: "or Syrian backed". :)
let us wait and see, OK?

Missing rudy 19 April 2013, 21:18

Come on man. This would be the stupidest way to make a point.

If you enjoy conspiracies though, check out the story about a missile attack on the texas fertilizer plant :)

Maybe its a HA katyusha

Default-user-icon Zofran Bajkaman (Guest) 19 April 2013, 14:13

The Sunnis have done it again, in the good old USA! Man, the Sunnis are getting crazier and crazier, this in addition to them becoming filthier than the filthiest filth. It must be too much filthy faith, huh! As you may have noticed, the crazies kill their own only when they do not find people of other religions and sects to kill. I wonder when allouchti, geha and primesuspect will finally and officially get called for the supreme mission called the Jihad! alehom chabab. The virgins can wait NO FRIGGIN MORE.

Default-user-icon habib (Guest) 19 April 2013, 15:00

They are Chechnyan Sunni Muslims with connections to Turkey, it has been confirmed. So much for lame theories.

Thumb andre.jabbour 19 April 2013, 15:26

Putin's present for Obama.... Because of the marinskiy list.

Missing futureleb 19 April 2013, 17:45

I also linked this to russia when i read they were chechens. It's nothing new, intel services often use men belonging to their foe people to do dirty work. If not directly, then indirectly by claiming to be something they arent. Russia is currently at odds with the US on many levels, this good absolutely be a message sent. It could also be related to syrian intel via the russian one, they may have an greement in place such as giving russia more power in syria in return for punishing the US for its support for rebels. This is not a long shot, it is definatly a possible scenario that the authorities should look in to when investigating. Of course, other scenarios are possible as well.

Thumb geha 19 April 2013, 19:37

Russia and the US are not t odd with each others.
to the contrary, they are in agreement to use Syria as a battle ground for all extremists from all sides to kill each other, and Europe is in on it too.
many fighters from different US, European and Russian are pouring in on Syria to be killed as well iran and hizbushaitan are sending their fighters in there too.
now this bston event may lead to the US giving the Russians the go ahead with wiping the chechnians and in turn the US and Europe will do the same to both assad and extremists fighting in Syria.
this way they will resolve many problems at the same time and not on their territory.

Default-user-icon Mamaanba (Guest) 19 April 2013, 15:45

The Syria link http://vk.com/id160300242

Thumb cityboy 19 April 2013, 16:00

Call me crazy but I don't buy into any part of this whole story. These two guys are being out to be made some scapegoats for whatever reason. This whole episode from the marathon bombing to now these two suspects 12 hour later makes no sense, what terrorist going to go to the usa to plant a bomb and lay in waiting to get caught soon after.

Default-user-icon ilovelebanon (Guest) 19 April 2013, 16:23

Don't underestimate the power and intelligence of the U.S. internationally and more so domestically. Unlike the Middle East and other backwards thinking nations, they have evolved over the past 10 years.

Default-user-icon Ramz (Guest) 19 April 2013, 16:37

GEHA is right ... said no man ... ever ...

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 19 April 2013, 16:38

I agree with you. I don't think syria is either capable or even stupid enough to try something like this. The last thing they would want is to have the US military involved. CNN says the "suspects are are originally from the Russian Caucasus and had moved to Kazakhstan at a young age before coming to the United States several years ago."

Thumb shab 19 April 2013, 17:05

Who cares?

Missing tomahawk 19 April 2013, 18:53

When a major incident such as the recent bombings happens anywhere around the world 99%of the time it turns out to be from "Islamist extremist " . Once again Russia & China on numerous occasions Vetoed UN security council from using force to remove Basshar from power for this very reason . The west even know what would happen if these Islamic insurgents take control of Syria . Enough is enough from 9/11 NY, the London bombings, Mumbai , Spainish Train bombings the list just go & on & now the Boston bombings total disregard for innocent people! When will these Muslim fanatics no matter what name they are are using Qaida , Nusra , Taliban , boko haram, you name it they are just causing havoc all around us , one would wonder where & who are their sponsors? It won't be hard to figure that out !!!!

Thumb banima3roof 20 April 2013, 00:19

you forgot hizbullah killing of the marines in 1980s and all the other terrorist attacks committed by the shias, including the hijacking of airplanes. so if you want to attack sunnis for making a point then why not attack all of islam. otherwise just include all extremists of all religions including iran and hizbullah and the shiaas!

Missing futureleb 20 April 2013, 03:47

It seems to you that an major incident is only when non-muslims are killed by muslims but when non-muslims kill muslims then thats not a major incident to you! How many muslim children have been killed by the christian US army in afganistan, pakistan and iraq the past years alone i wonder? Thats not a major incident to you of course. Hypocrite! Christian militias in africa and south america comit massacres and brutal rapes basicly every day, thats not major incidents right. These fake islamists that murder were backed by the US and its puppies not long ago. Every mukhabarat agency has use the "islamist card" nowadays to threaten, murder or get their point across, would u really be surprised to know that behind many such fake islamists are fake christians from various mukhabarat in the world?

Missing topace 20 April 2013, 05:10

Re- educate yourself with not only history but also social philosophy Futureleb, I believe and feel that you will have the intentions that these fanatics are committing , but you are a failure at all cost.. You have no passport no country except where you live and that's the illegal settlement with the other refugees ... Go back and try reclaim your land that your grandfather owned not on our land which is Lebanon ! Keep on dreaming you will never become a Leb ,nor the past , present or future ever !!!

Missing tomahawk 19 April 2013, 19:01

Once again I would rather walk pass a barking dog than a vicious one that bites, thank god for the Russians & the Chinises keep Bashar in power & let him finish these extremist off , he is fighting terrorist after all & we certainly don't want them here in Lebanon ! Good thing we have HA to give these fanatics a taste of their own medicine..

Missing tomahawk 19 April 2013, 22:45

Peacelover "hippie" HA will never bite you unless you start provoking them you dead shit meth addict,,,,,,

Missing VINCENT 20 April 2013, 03:48

Tomahawk, I admire Sayed Hassan Nassrallah to a certain extent that he was able to go out of the norm of Lebanese politics (away from short sighted and oppressive billionaires who have purchased membership in Lebanese portfolios and the Parliament), but my issue with his party, H.A., is that it was created by Iran, and he has to answer to Iran and its interest for the region. No longer purely Lebanese interest. Unfortunately, the creation of H.A. was the product of the difficulties facing the region and our country and to combat the other extremists since it has reached, or verge of reaching, Lebanon.

Missing peace 19 April 2013, 19:41

in lebanon they DO NOT want to find any terrorists...bad for their businesses! lol

Missing rudy 19 April 2013, 21:14


Missing karim_m3 20 April 2013, 00:37

Sick filthy terrorists.

Missing helicopter 20 April 2013, 03:26

Here we are analyzing world events expressing opinions as facts and yet we are incapable of analyzing what is wrong with Lebanon to fix it.