Jumblat Slams Aoun's 'Reckless, Biased' Stances on Bahrain

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Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat on Thursday blasted Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun over his stances on Bahrain, saying Lebanon must not be “implicated in reckless, hasty and biased political stances.”

In remarks published by the National News Agency on Thursday evening, Jumblat criticized “the latest statements on the Kingdom of Bahrain, which is going through a difficult period in its history.”

Aoun has recently criticized the international community and the Arab League for their lack of support for Bahraini protesters.

The FPM leader's statement to Iran's al-Alam television on Wednesday was considered by Bahrain as an “irresponsible meddling in its internal affairs.”

Aoun hit back on Saturday, saying “we support the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Bahrain would incur a lot of criticism if it does not advocate it.”

Jumblat lashed out at Aoun without naming him, noting that "reducing the number of ineffectual, 'heroic' political viewpoints, stances and analyses would spare the Lebanese expats in Arab countries threats against their presence.”

He noted that the Lebanese expats “are supporting the entire structure of social endurance in Lebanon through the financial transfers they send to their families to help them live with the minimum requirements of human dignity, especially after the continuous failure of the successive governments in addressing the social and economic issues.”

“If only some voices … would respect the minds of the Lebanese and their sacrifices in the diaspora … instead of launching fiery remarks that will lead to irreversible damage.”

Comments 18
Missing angrysyrian 21 February 2013, 21:43

Slaughtering Druze people? They should be slaughtering your kind instead...the iranian farsi foreign cancer type.

Default-user-icon wow (Guest) 21 February 2013, 22:13

Sorry to educate you: But Aoun is the government and he has many ministers in the cabinet. His statements are considered a reflection of the official lebanese government stance.

Missing peace 21 February 2013, 22:46

aoun is just hezbis voice...their faithful pup.

Missing peace 21 February 2013, 22:59

if it makes you feel good...

Missing peace 21 February 2013, 23:03

your friends were so happy to have the voice of saudi money to topple the previous gvt... means they don t care as much as you do about it, as long as it serves their interests money can come from anywhere!

Default-user-icon Lebanon4all.of.us (Guest) 21 February 2013, 23:20

Flamethrower: Seriously...why not share some facts and useful information (you have access to it) instead of repetitive comments expressing your opinion that everyone already knows. I'm directing this comment to you because I think you can engage many readers in healthy dialogue if you wanted to. I just don't understand why you don't. How else can a reader honestly see your point of view for what it's worth?

Missing zakariah 21 February 2013, 23:40

My friend, in view of your name, I trust you must be most sensitive to the fact that we should be against any foreign interference in our affairs.

The same goes for us interfering in other peoples affairs.

I happen to know BAhrain well, and can assure you that the situation there is highly influenced by foreign forces. -- I wish we all could leave the Bahrainis to resolve their own issues.

We would also pay dearly as well if the GCC countries boycotted the Lebanese. -- I doubt a responsible person would want to take such a chance.

Let's not throw stones on others, especially as our home is made of glass...

Missing peace 21 February 2013, 23:45

it goes the other way too... in bahrein at least they are not using heavy weaponry to crush a rebellion...how many protesters died in 3 years there compared to 2 years in syria? so how can you support a regime using war planes on its people and keep silent about it? that is exactly what aoun is doing... being quiet and supporting the syrian regime while defending people in bahrein... i guess some people deserve better than others in your standards? some can be free and not others?

Thumb bananasplit 22 February 2013, 01:27

Excuse me- but who the hell is Aoun to talk about Bahrain's internal affairs? Why does he feel the need to bark about this subject? I am not pro- ANYONE in Lebanon, but I do think that Jumblatt's statement on this is wise and mature. What good will Aoun's remarks do? Will they change the policy of the State of Bahrain? Does Aoun have any leverage over Bahrain's internal affairs? No and no. So let him shut up and mind his business and not make life hard for Lebanese expats already under pressure.

Thumb geha 22 February 2013, 05:20

yes aoun's opinion is representative of the Iranian point of view.
the real Lebanese do not aggress other countries and do not meddle into other countries affairs to please their patron and hurt the Lebanese interests abroad.
the real Lebanese are the ones outside Lebanon, working their way, as their country is invaded by Iranians, and the little general Petain(aoun) is licking their boots to be hired as president.

Thumb bananasplit 22 February 2013, 04:17

There are quite a number of personalities vying to be the "primary Christian leader" of Lebanon- I am not really sure Aoun has sealed the deal on that one.
But, let's put that aside for just a moment. Agree that Jumblatt talked about another country- but that country's affairs is intimately linked to the security of ours. If anyone sneezes in Syria we catch a cold. I would venture to say that any so-called Lebanese leader would be justified in expressing their opinion on Syria. Its not the same for Bahrain. Should Aoun in his capacity as the "primary leader of the Christians in Lebanon" be justified in expressing his opinion on the conflict in Yemen between the Houthis and the central government? Or what about the murder of Shia in Quetta,Pakistan? Your argument does not stand up to logic.

Thumb geha 22 February 2013, 05:22

there is never any logic in what this karim character says. he is just provocative, accusing others of being salafis, and praising his master aoun. that is all he knows to say :)

Default-user-icon +Oua nabka + (Guest) 22 February 2013, 05:17

If Lebanon or rather a Lebanese politician criticised France do France send all Lebanese back to Lebanon ?
Arab jarab

Thumb barbar 22 February 2013, 06:11

Definitely. But of course he did support the Syrian revolution when it was peaceful, and the Baath are for sure not committing war crimes at all next to "FSA-Al Qaeda". Your logic eats itself.

Missing peace 22 February 2013, 10:11

don t worry, people such as spartacus believe they are smart when they insult others. in their mind if you are against them it means you are with israel... typical extremist thinking. binary minds and limited thinking is what characterize them...
just pity them.

Thumb imk_ 22 February 2013, 13:45

Why can't we have one representative to each party that speaks publicly to the media on the behalf of everybody in his group. And the rest stays "Under the table". Rather than a mixed salad. This way we prevent individuals sharing their ideas to the public viewers confusing us the lebanese citizens. Our equation needs to be simplified, but we only seem to make it bigger and harder. People we have petroleum on its way that's our breakout point. Please stop fighting like chickens and work for a better Lebanon for us and our children. Everybody bring the better person in you to build our Lebanon.

Thumb sophia_angle 22 February 2013, 14:45

Mr. jump-alot... is it wise in politics to jump from one side to another? honestly am just asking not making fun

Default-user-icon Carlito (Guest) 22 February 2013, 15:20

And why is he drinking coffee instead of Matte ?