Israel: World Must Send 'Clear Message' to North Korea

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Israel on Tuesday condemned North Korea's latest nuclear test, saying the world must send "a clear message" to Pyongyang that such activities were unacceptable, a foreign ministry spokesman said.

"Israel strongly condemns North Korea's nuclear test, and joins the international community in expressing the grave danger that this act poses to regional stability and international peace and security," Yigal Palmor said in a statement.

"These actions by the DPRK, in violation of its international obligations, must be met with a swift response by the international community.

"A clear message must be sent to DPRK and to other countries, that such activities are unacceptable and cannot be tolerated," it said in a clear nod towards Iran's nuclear program which Israel and much of the West believes to be a weapons drive.

Israel has repeatedly called for the world to draw a clear red line for Iran over its nuclear program and has refused to rule out a pre-emptive military strike to prevent it from going nuclear in a move which it said would present an existential danger to the Jewish state.

North Korea on Tuesday staged its most powerful nuclear test yet, claiming a breakthrough with a "miniaturized" device in a striking act of defiance which sparked an international outpouring of condemnation.

Israel is the Middle East's sole if undeclared nuclear-armed power.

Comments 2
Thumb jcamerican 12 February 2013, 18:16

I think the World should nuke N. Korea, then Iran. Israel can be the only smallest country with nukes.

Default-user-icon John Marina (Guest) 12 February 2013, 21:07

Perhaps because North Koerea is posing a nuclear threat to the Jewish State, so the world must do somthing about it. But Israel to possess nuclear weapon does not pose any threatd to the Middle East world.