Jumblat Rejects Orthodox Gathering Electoral Proposal

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Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat openly opposed on Tuesday the adoption of the Orthodox Gathering proposal, describing it as an “adventure.”

“Adopting the Christian proposal has many risks that would lead to extremism and isolation of sects,” Jumblat told As Safir newspaper.

He considered that the Orthodox Gathering proposal jeopardizes coexistence and the Taef accord.

On Sunday, the Christian four-party committee on the electoral law agreed to endorse the electoral system proposed by the so-called Orthodox Gathering, under which each sect would elect its own lawmakers.

The panel comprises representatives from the Free Patriotic Movement, the Lebanese Forces, the Phalange Party and the Marada Movement.

Jumblat has already rejected an electoral draft-law approved by the government that divides Lebanon into 13 medium-sized districts based on a proportional representation system, and another suggested by the March 14 opposition to divide Lebanon into 50 small-sized districts based on a winner-takes-all system.

Comments 17
Missing lqu7 08 January 2013, 10:20

Another slap in the face for M14 Christians. This shows their futility and irrelevance in th decision-making process of their allies.

Thumb kesrweneh 08 January 2013, 10:37

HA and Amale accepted the Orthodox project following the FPM acceptance so now all we need is LF and Kataeb votes, but will they dear to anger their Saoudi sponsor?? hum let us see...

Thumb kesrweneh 08 January 2013, 10:38

By the way where all M14 remainings supporters??

Missing phalangistes 08 January 2013, 10:50

Well i am a full M14 supporter and i fully support the orthodox law!

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 08 January 2013, 10:54

i wont call myself a supporter of either.. but lean more to M14.. and i support the orthodox law too...and????

Thumb Chupachups 08 January 2013, 12:30

I am in the same boat.. I lean more towards M14 but support this law

Missing beirutbastard00 08 January 2013, 16:55

How many districts???... This is the disagreement.

Missing lqu7 08 January 2013, 12:39

It is high time that Christian M14ers realize that their allies, current and past, have different priorities than yours! It is never too late to escape from the Dark Side LOL.

Thumb cedar 08 January 2013, 12:57

I support any law that unites the Christians.

Missing lqu7 08 January 2013, 13:23

Cedar, we all do. But Joumblatt and Hariri will never allow it to happen. Ever.

Missing lqu7 08 January 2013, 13:52

Sidon93, your Future TV rhetoric doesn't sell anymore. Save it for the ex-FMers who are now cheering for El Assir.

Thumb andre.jabbour 08 January 2013, 15:17

If ortho is dox, what is his bro?

Thumb jabalamel 08 January 2013, 16:15

who cares what that old fart says.

m8 wins what ever the law is.

and the filthy zionists here agree with orthodox law because it cements sectarian state so they agree with everything that is divisive in lebanon

Missing beirutbastard00 08 January 2013, 17:03

Any law that doesn't guarentee the durzi power in Lebanon will not pass. Joumblatt will not be trivialized. When Lebanese start voting base on qualifications, not the sect they belong to, we can talk about passing a law that would give Druze a 5% say in Lebanese politics.

I kno this comment will not be liked by many. I'm just speaking the facts on the ground, if u have a rebuttlel based of fact, plz share...

Missing beirutbastard00 08 January 2013, 19:36

There was talk about creating a senate with a durzi as the senate leader.

But these are just ideas to trade for jumblatts vote. Not until we can vote for a person based on his abilities and local agenda, not his sect, can we hope to have a real country.

The Druze are about 5% of the population, so bil nihayi that will have to faced, but in Lebanon today you cannot pass a law that will sideline a sect like the Druze.

And to pass a law that will FORCE you to vote for your sect only, destroys any hope of a unified Lebanon where we are identified as just "Lebanese". This is a self imposed apartide. If I live in a mixed town and we can't agree on who best represents us, because of our dif sects, then something should done in terms of education, not pass a law that makes our differences perminant.

Missing realist 08 January 2013, 22:53

The future force in the region is the suni arabs. Get over it and get used to it.

Missing realist 08 January 2013, 22:55

in few months Iraq will become like Syria, and few months after Lebanon will follow, the map in the region is changing and sadly based on sectarian lines. Maybe in few thousand years when people start to reject religions we would have a civilization.