Report: Iraq is a Major Weapons Route to Syria

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The air corridor over Iraq has emerged as a supply route for weapons for the beleaguered government of Syrian President Bashar Assad, including rockets, antitank missiles, rocket-propelled grenade and mortars, The New York Times reported late Saturday.

Citing unnamed U.S. officials, the newspaper said that to the disappointment of the administration of President Barack Obama, U.S. efforts to persuade the Iraqis to randomly inspect the flights have been largely unsuccessful.

Iran has an enormous stake in Syria, which is its staunchest Arab ally and has also provided a channel for Iran's support to Hizbullah, the report said.

According to the paper, Iran appears to have been tipped off by Iraqi officials as to when plane inspections would be conducted, thus helping Tehran avoid detection.

Iran's continued efforts to aid the Syrian government were described in interviews with a dozen U.S. administration, military and Congressional officials, The Times said.

"The abuse of Iraqi airspace by Iran continues to be a concern," the paper quoted one of the officials as saying. "We urge Iraq to be diligent and consistent in fulfilling its international obligations and commitments, either by continuing to require flights over Iraqi territory en route to Syria from Iran to land for inspection or by denying overflight requests for Iranian aircraft going to Syria."

Comments 3
Missing realist 02 December 2012, 08:46

Even if iran sends its army to Syria, bashar and his cronies are doomed, Iran has placed false hopes and expensive bet on this money pit moron bashar. The USSR sent its armies to afghanistan, killed one million afghani, what was the result? USSR fell apart and the soviet-supported dictator was killed. Bashar's fate will probably be similar.

Thumb rover98 02 December 2012, 09:18

Iran has proven itself to be nothing but a petty self absorbed state that thinks its a super power empire. Why can't the Syrians choose their own leaders like anyone else and there was no evidence they would have been hostile to Iran or Russia but now its too late.

Thumb Elemental 02 December 2012, 11:45

Well duuurrrrr, it's the only path Iran has nowadays besides Hizballah to get more "strategically influential."