Iran Welcomes Palestine Vote as 'Step Forward'


A senior Iranian official on Friday welcomed the upgrading of the Palestinians' status at the United Nations as a "positive step."

The U.N. General Assembly vote to make Palestine a non-member observer state was "a positive and forward step and proves that the Zionist regime is illegitimate," Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian said.

Abdollahian, quoted by the Arabic-language Al-Alam television, said Iran "considers this move to be a preliminary step in the path of Palestinians having full sovereignty over their historical lands which were seized."

Thursday's vote was seen as a major diplomatic defeat for the United States and Israel, a state which Iran does not recognize.

Comments 1
Thumb ghada12 30 November 2012, 20:15

yeah a step forward for palestine and a step backward for Iran. How is iran going to continue it's "we're the only ones who care about Palestine" after this show of support from the world? poor iran, it may be losing its only reason for being of any importance to the arab world.