Qatar Jails Poet for Life for Incitement against Regime

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A Qatari court on Thursday jailed for life a poet accused of incitement against the regime and defaming the Gulf emirate's crown prince, who supported anti-government uprisings in the region, his lawyer said.

"A Qatar court sentenced to life in prison Mohammed al-Ajami, alias Ibn al-Dhib, charged on three counts: incitement against the regime, defamation of the crown prince, Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, and attacking the constitution," Nejib Naimi told AFP.

He said he would appeal next week against the verdict, which was taken "after six hearings, most of them in secret."

Under the charges against him, the poet was liable to a maximum five years in prison, said the lawyer, who was formerly Qatar's justice minister, stressing that "life in prison only applies in the case of an attempted coup."

Amnesty International said in a statement that the verdict bore "all the hallmarks of an outrageous betrayal of free speech," and called for Ajami's immediate release.

"It is deplorable that Qatar, which likes to paint itself internationally as a country that promotes freedom of expression, is indulging in what appears to be such a flagrant abuse of that right," said Philip Luther, Amnesty's regional director.

The poet was arrested in November 2011, accused of incitement "to overthrow the ruling system" and "insulting the Emir" Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, the London-based rights group said.

Amnesty said the charges on which Ajami was convicted were based on the content of his poetry.

His arrest followed the publication of the "Jasmine poem" which criticized governments across the Gulf region, saying "we are all Tunisia in the face of the repressive elite," the statement added.

Comments 9
Thumb gebran_sons 29 November 2012, 22:52

Still living in the Middle Ages. High rise buildings and expensive malls do not define civility... but freedom, human rights, civil rights, gender equality and transparent democracy do!

Default-user-icon Vendo Zoklam (Guest) 29 November 2012, 23:08

March 14, my compatriots, I am sure you will not leave any stone unturned in your efforts to secure the... duh... umm... well... continuation of the arrest of this "insensitive and dangerous" poet. You go, March 14, who single-handedly triggered the global revolutions since Che Guevara and even long before him. God bless you, March 14, the only hope for freedom for everybody everywhere and always. Life without you is boring.

Missing beirutbastard00 30 November 2012, 01:01

Jordan will b the first of the kingdoms to fall. Let the chips fall where they may, this backwardness just doesn't cut it anymore. Down with bashar, and down with the kings preaching democracy thru arms!

Missing beirutbastard00 30 November 2012, 02:40

Jordan will b the first kingdom to fall...

Thumb ghada12 30 November 2012, 02:42

jailing a poet is like killing a bird, these people are nuts

Missing beirutbastard00 30 November 2012, 05:52

The age of kingdoms ended a long time ago everywhere else, finally we're starting to move in that direction too.

Missing beirutbastard00 30 November 2012, 06:47

U will get deleted if u say the Arab kingdoms will fall soon???

Default-user-icon Asad (Guest) 30 November 2012, 19:44

Qatar is forerunner of freedom in Arab world,AL-JAZARI is the mouth piece of such activities then why such action?
Some heads should role in concerned ministries?
LIBYA struggle was inked by QATTRIES .
SYRIAN libration was chaired in ,DOHA, QATTAR.
Something is wrong somewhere in this forward looking Nation; it imported SEX WORKERS from abroad to ease the load on QATTRI married women folk, yet another mile stone,AFTER INTRODUCTION OF alcohol FREE

Thumb andre.jabbour 30 November 2012, 20:57

is he a poet or a politician now?