Israel Charges Jerusalem Palestinian Man with Spying for Hizbullah

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

A Palestinian resident of east Jerusalem has been arrested on suspicion of being an agent of Hizbullah, Israel's domestic security agency Shin Bet said on Sunday.

Issam Ali Hashem Mashahra of Jabel Mukaber was arrested on Saturday on suspicion of acting as an agent for Hizbullah, after being recruited during a visit to Lebanon in June 2012, a statement said.

Shin Bet said Mashahra had confessed to providing information on official buildings in Israel, "such as the Knesset (parliament) and government offices," as well as public sites including the Hebrew University and two Jerusalem hospitals.

Mashahra was charged on Sunday with "contact with a foreign agent, providing information to the enemy, conspiring to providing information to the enemy and staying in an enemy state without a permit," the statement said.

Israel and Hizbullah fought a bloody 34-day war in 2006 that killed more than 1,200 people in Lebanon, mostly civilians, and 160 in Israel, most of them soldiers.

Comments 19
Missing gabby9 25 November 2012, 18:43

The flag with a penis and a gun.

Missing greatpierro 26 November 2012, 08:48

gabby9 and the resistance we do not need this kind of language in this forum.

Missing phillipo 25 November 2012, 19:42

If this is the level of the discussions between the different factions in Lebanon, then they aught to be ashamed of themselves.

Thumb shab 26 November 2012, 02:22

Filthy militia

Thumb KiLLeR_313_InStiNcT 26 November 2012, 02:55

LOOOOOOOOOOOOL @ Gabby the parramatta whore. Israhel cant even get rid of hezbollah and you think the Fake Satan Army is going to be any better. You really a a joke to society, The day is coming when you will be burning in hell's fire inshallah that day is coming :]

Thumb Chupachups 26 November 2012, 13:03

Leave gabby from parramatta alone u twat from lakemba

Thumb KiLLeR_313_InStiNcT 26 November 2012, 03:34

Hhahhahahahahahahah in your dreams you zombie. The day lebanon gets bombed by israhell is the day you will be begging god to save you

Thumb Chupachups 26 November 2012, 13:05

What a disgusting flag... Who idolises a gun?

Missing phillipo 26 November 2012, 16:30


Missing phillipo 26 November 2012, 16:30

The day Lebanon gets bombed by Israel is the day after the one Hizballah had started shooting across the border.

Missing gabby9 26 November 2012, 04:55

What about.the new Syria?

Thumb KiLLeR_313_InStiNcT 26 November 2012, 05:17

What is the New World Order?

The corporate portion of the NWO is dominated by international bankers, oil barons and pharmaceutical cartels, as well as other major multinational corporations. The Royal Family of England, namely Queen Elizabeth II and the House of Windsor, (who are, in fact, descendants of the German arm of European Royalty - the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family - changed the name to Windsor in 1914), are high level players in the oligarchy which controls the upper strata of the NWO. The decision making nerve centers of this effort are in London (especially the City of London), Basel Switzerland, and Brussels (NATO headquarters).

The United Nations, along with all the agencies working under the UN umbrella, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), are full time players in this scheme. Similarly, NATO is a military tool of the NWO.

Thumb KiLLeR_313_InStiNcT 26 November 2012, 05:17

The leaders of all major industrial countries like the United States, England, Germany, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, etc. (members of the "G7/G8" ) are active and fully cooperative participants in this conspiracy. In this century, the degree of control exerted by the NWO has advanced to the point that only certain hand-picked individuals, who are groomed and selected are even eligible to become the prime minister or president of countries like England, Germany, or The United States. It didn't matter whether Bill Clinton or Bob Dole won the Presidency in 1996, the results would have been the same. Both men are playing on the same team for the same ball club.

Thumb KiLLeR_313_InStiNcT 26 November 2012, 05:18

Anyone who isn't a team player is taken out: i.e. President Kennedy, Ali Bhutto (Pakistan) and Aldo Moro (Italy). More recently, Admiral Borda and William Colby were also killed because they were either unwilling to go along with the conspiracy to destroy America, weren't cooperating in some capacity, or were attempting to expose/ thwart the takeover agenda.

Zionist banker, Paul Warburg:
"We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent." (February 17, 1950, as he testified before the US Senate).

Their intention is to effect complete and total control over every human being on the planet and to dramatically reduce the world's population by two thirds.

Missing allouchi 26 November 2012, 21:00

So what's the solution?

Missing greatpierro 26 November 2012, 08:50

please can we raise the level of discussion and language in this forum. all we need to show respect for each other opinions even if we disagree strongly with each others positions.

Missing greatpierro 26 November 2012, 08:51

common gabby9 we do not need this level of discussion. this will lead no where.

Missing greatpierro 26 November 2012, 08:59

Hizbullah shout out loud when Israeli are spying against them and accuses Israel of undermining the sovereignty of Lebanon. Yet Hizbullah does the same against Israel. No one is better. Maybe Hizbullah should think of dropping its arms so Lebanon could seek peace with Israel.

Missing phillipo 26 November 2012, 16:33

Surely the Republic of Lebanon through its legally elected Government does not need the approval of Hizballah in order to send a message to Jerusalem (even through a third party) asking to open peace talks.