Hariri Calls on Formation of Cabinet 'Capable' of Supervising Upcoming Elections

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Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri stressed on Thursday that hijacking the state's will harms the Lebanese as he is holding onto toppling PM Najib Miqati's government and the formation of a cabinet that is capable of carrying out “fair elections.”

“We have no choice as Lebanese but to meet under the auspices of the state and its institutions... No team has the right to control another by its military force or through its regional links,” Hariri said in an interview with pan-Arab newspaper al-Hayat.

He said that he is not a “permanent” candidate to the premiership, pointing out that it's not about who governs the country rather than about implementing the March 14 opposition project, “which is based on respecting the Taef accord and social and economy development.”

“I am holding onto the toppling of this cabinet over the damage it caused to this country's political system, economy and stability,” Hariri said.

The former PM said that the March 14 coalition is seeking the formation of a government capable of supervising the upcoming 2013 parliamentary elections.

The alliance announced its boycott of government activity in light of the assassination of Internal Security Forces Intelligence Bureau chief Brigadier General Wissam al-Hasan until the current cabinet resigns.

He was killed in a car bomb explosion in Beirut's Ashrafiyeh district on October 19.

The opposition accused the Syrian regime of being behind the crime, while blaming the government, which is comprised of mainly pro-Syria allies, of covering up for the criminals.

“I would rather lose in the elections than fall into the trap of sectarian bids,” Hariri told al-Hayat.

He said that the opposition “has no choice” but to be united during the elections.

Asked if Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat will be part of the March 14 alliance during the 2013 ballots, Hariri said that “he doesn't want to forestall the matter.”

He noted that Hizbullah “chose to boycott him as we were partners, but the party later decided to end it.”

Discussions among Lebanese foes over the new electoral law remains at a standstill as they are holding onto their proposals refusing to budge an inch.

The government approved in August a parliamentary electoral law based on proportional representation and 13 electoral districts, however, the opposition's proposal made by MPs Adwan, Sami Gemayel and Butros Harb supports the formation of 50 small-sized districts in a winner-takes-all system, while a plan suggested by the Change and Reform bloc allows every sect to elect its own MPs under a proportional representation system with Lebanon as a single district.

“Hizbullah's approach harmed coexistence (among the Lebanese)... The party's adopted policy can't build the country,” Hariri stressed.

“We will not yield... We are doomed to live together under the state, constitution and the institutions... We must rise together,” he stated.

He slammed Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's accusations that some of the Christians in the March 14 alliance are attempting to create Sunni-Shiite strife.

“This is a useless accusation,” Hariri said.

The former PM hailed the stances of President Michel Suleiman, saying: “he succeeded in restoring respect to the presidency post.”

He said that the international community and the Arab world are seeking to preserve stability in Lebanon.

On his stances from the uprising against the regime of President Bashar Assad that began in March 2011, Hariri said that he would “take the same stances if he was the premier as it is in the best interest of Lebanon and Syria at the same time.”

He criticized Hizbullah's position over the developments in Syria.

“Hizbullah must be aware of the standing with the oppressor,” Hariri noted.

Comments 18
Thumb geha 15 November 2012, 09:23

well said

Thumb beecause 15 November 2012, 17:33

He looks like Alfred E. Neumann!!

What, me worry????

Thumb boulmich 15 November 2012, 09:42

Third Mamas boy

Thumb habib 15 November 2012, 10:12

Alla ye7mik wye7mi kol mokhles la lebnan kalemak salim wa watani weza btesma7 tzakron bel we7di lwataniyi yalli 3amada bi dammo jebran twayni weshahid weldak lw7di leslamiyi lmasi7iyi yalli aksamet lmalayin 3laya wenno hiyi bakyi la labad mahma 7arrado

Missing mmckinl 15 November 2012, 11:16

Hariri is a leader in name only. He is not half the man his father was which is fortunate for Lebanon because his father amassed his fortune by looting Lebanon for billions while leaving Lebanon with huge national debts.

Hariri is but a sock puppet for Saudi interests. Where did both he and Geagea go when Lebanon was in shock over the assassination of Wissam al-Hassan ... Saudi Arabia. It is no secret that Saad is deeply involved in the Syria bloodshed. (Not saying that Nasrallah isn't)

It is only Hariris' name and money that keeps him relevant. The West and the Saudi's are propping him up, getting him appearances with the mover and shakers to give him some credibility for their efforts to destabilize Lebanon. Hariri is too stupid to see how he is being used.

Missing mmckinl 16 November 2012, 14:31

But the KSA isn't the entire government. The fact is that is The West and the Saudi's that are destabilizing the Middle East not Iran.

With all due respect to the domestic resistance against Assad it is NATO- Saudi terrorists that are destroying Syria. The West's alliance with Israel gives the Zionists carte blanche to kill.

Lebanon's best course is to get Hariri and Geagea to agree to unconditional dialog about the election process and let the people decide in next years elections.

As the Middle East unravels, we now see Jordan in turmoil, Lebanon's most important asset will be a stable government with the people deciding next year who will follow.

Default-user-icon stoptherot (Guest) 15 November 2012, 12:02

This man is mad he still thinks he should be in Politics, he is a man who did nothing for this contry as Prime Minister. Yes he paid money here and there for voters and paid Bribes for getting supporters. Lebanon should refuse any Hariri altogether. Remember his Father, some call a Hero, he also did nothing for Lebanon other than grabbing all Beirut for life through Solidere, and making Billions through Suckleene and Ogero, and building Motorways and Tunnels, Billions he made for himself, and he left Lebanon is with no Water, No Electricity, No Telephone, No transport system. Mad are those who support any Hariri, the Crooks or Incompetent Crooks.

Thumb ado.australia 15 November 2012, 16:36

Stop the rot... Agree 100%.

Take away Saadadine Hariri's sectarian appeal, what is left? He lived most of his life in Ryahd, only coming to Lebanon after his father's martyredom and leaving as soon as he lost the PM seat in a political movement to oust him.

Since then, he has been begging for money to address his financial problems, but he was ignored for most of the time until he is now useful!

Nothing but a slave.

Missing allouchi 15 November 2012, 17:14

M8 figures were/are in EVERY government and Berri was/is speaker of parliament...and presently your M8 government is doing such a great job (sarcastically)....hummm let us keep blaming everything on Hariri and people might believe us ...such a narrow view...At least Hariri's hands are clean...

Thumb shab 15 November 2012, 13:40

No to M8 and M14. New faces and ideas please.

Missing allouchi 15 November 2012, 14:28

M8 will cease to exist (accept Hizb Irani) after their Syrian masters is killed like a dog. May god protect Sheikh Saad and M14 leaders...Aoun and the rest of M8 cronies better start learning farsi so they can beg better from Iran...

Missing allouchi 16 November 2012, 16:07

FT, have you started taking Farsi lessons yet? hurry up dude and you can be with Aoun in the same class room...MULLAH Ho MULLAH Ho MULLAH HO...:)

Default-user-icon Pragmatist (Guest) 15 November 2012, 17:06

Mr Hariri-Saud, what have you achieved in Lebanon since 2005? How many killing occurred whilst you were in power? How much more debt did we go into and what did you do for the average Lebanese living below the poverty line? What have you done Mr Hariri-Saud for the Lebanese people? Mr Hariri-Saud, we have occupied land and are at war with a common enemy..let me remind you of the enemy - it's Israel, not Syria. What have you doen to free our lands and allow for the safe return of the 600,000 Palestinian refugees back to their lands? What have you done? Nothing...absolutely nothing.

Thumb stalin 19 November 2012, 02:04


Default-user-icon anti-Hariri-Saudi politics (Guest) 15 November 2012, 17:10

All you do is bark from Saudi Arabia and your dogs in Beirut echo your words. Keep barking habibe. You are a disgrace to the Lebanese and Lebanon. You have no integrity and no shame. You and your political camp demonstrated this on May 5th, just before you attempted to cut off the telephone network of Hezbollah. You are fools and will remain fools in the eyes of the world. You are bought by Intelligence Agencies around the world and you sell your wive's and daughters to the highest Arab bidder. Ehhh rou77777777777777 l3abbbbbbbbbb ya feden.

Missing gabby8 15 November 2012, 17:34

Hizbcocaine will do whatevery necessary to cheat and steal the election.

Missing dolce 15 November 2012, 23:01

shock therapy, that is what Harriri is trying to do to leb to get hold on the rest of leb assets that is all what he care for. just look at the facts, what did he do while he was PM other then privatising government assets for his and his friends benefit. nothing really

Missing allouchi 16 November 2012, 14:26

@dolce, M8 was blocking all progress ya zaki