Mustaqbal, Osama Saad Disagree on ‘Biggest Winner’ in End of Asir Sit-in

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Al-Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc sources said Friday that the biggest loser in the end of a 35-day sit-in launched by Salafist cleric Sheikh Ahmed al-Asir in the southern city of Sidon is “the party that Hizbullah tried to mobilize.”

The sources made their remarks to An Nahar daily, a day after Popular Nasserite Movement leader Osama Saad, a Hizbullah ally, said Asir’s protest failed and reiterated accusations that ex-PM Saad Hariri’s al-Mustaqbal movement that is part of the March 14 opposition coalition supported the cleric.

“Out of our awareness of the suspicious objectives of the sit-in we launched efforts with Hizbullah and Amal in ending it,” Saad said as he claimed victory in Asir’s decision to remove his tents that were blocking Sidon’s northern entrance.

Al-Asir agreed to end his sit-on on Wednesday following a deal with Lebanese authorities brokered by Palestinian factions.

“The biggest winner” is Sidon, al-Mustaqbal’s sources said. “The city was saved after it was heading to a fate similar to the city of Tripoli” where scores were killed and injured in the past years in sectarian clashes between the rival neighborhoods of Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen.

“Since day one al-Mustaqbal movement rejected the blocking of roads and called for a peaceful freedom of expression,” they told An Nahar.

The sources described the end of the sit-in as “subordination to the will of Sidon’s residents at a time when some (people) sought to drag the city into trouble.”

“The biggest loser is the side that Hizbullah sought to mobilize,” they added in clear reference to the Popular Nasserite Movement whose supporters blocked last Friday the Sidon roundabout of al-Murjan with burning tires to protest al-Asir’s sit-in.

The protest came a day after a brawl between al-Asir’s supporters and Nasserite Abu Ali Skafi left a vehicle and several shop windows damaged.

Comments 9
Thumb jcamerican 03 August 2012, 10:29

In my book they are all losers. Real loss was to the businesses.

Thumb jcamerican 03 August 2012, 14:14

Those who disagreed with me are absolute winners. Go make your families proud. lol

Missing helicopter 03 August 2012, 19:07

I agree with your statement jcamerican but nor sure if we agree for the same reasons or not. When I see the players involved (pro-Iran Hezb, Naserites, Salafis, Palestinians...) I feel bad for Lebanon (where is Lebanon and where are the Lebanese???). So the losers are businesses yes and more so the biggest loser is Lebanon who is victim of all the above foreign minds and hearts.

Missing souri7orr 04 August 2012, 01:59

Helicopter, you ask where are the lebanese? Its time you accept something important and that is that hezb is lebanese, the salafis (in lebanon) are lebanese, the naserists are lebanese, the pro bashar are lebanese. So when you say where are the lebanese, its like saying more than most of lebanese are not lebanese because all have other priorities then the lebanon YOU want, which isent the lebanon they can relate to. Either you agree to disagree or simply divide lebanon because this is silly. Each of you say that the other isent lebanese so either aceept the fact that there are more than one way to be lebanese or simply break up.

Thumb benzona 03 August 2012, 12:58

Al Assir made his point... it's over now, can we move on?

I disagree about what the article said comparing Sidon to Tripoli. In the North it's Alawi versus Sunni. In Sidon it was Sunni versus Sunni backed by Shia.

Thumb lebanon_first 03 August 2012, 13:12

FT- why the need to insult fellow lebanese, even if you dont agree with them?

Shame on you Mr. al Assir. You lost all legitimacy when you needed Palestinians negotiators. Aren't there good enough lebanese to negotiate with you? We need the palestinians to solve our problems and to "save the city of Sidon"? Disgusting.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 03 August 2012, 13:49

asir finished his "first" sit in , becose fakhamto is showing some strenght concerning hassoun's arms..fakhamto will confront hizb in the hiwar on 16 august, that was the main reason for asir's taking out the sit in for 15 days.let's wait and see, and by the way the syrian gangrena is worsening by the day.

Missing sikoflebanon 03 August 2012, 16:56

and another victory???? kello victory, from morning to dusk, victory this, that, victory here, there... victory victory victory... as if repeating the word will hide the state of deep defeat of the country and its people.

Thumb jcamerican 04 August 2012, 09:12

It takes one to know one. I guess so far there is 11 of you.