Youths Temporarily Block Airport Road in Protest against Alaeddine’s Arrest

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

A number of youths on Wednesday blocked the airport road with burning tires in protest against the arrest of Wissam Alaeddine, who was detained over the attack against al-Jadeed television on Monday.

LBC television said that a number of youths on motorcycles dumped three or four tires on the road and set them on fire before fleeing the scene.

Minutes later, the army intervened to put out the fire.

It is likely that they were protesting Alaeddine’s arrest, said LBC.

It added that the army intensified its presence in the area to prevent further incidents.

MTV had reported that the entrance of the Rafik Hariri International Airport had been blocked.

Earlier during the day, a number of youths attempted to block Spears Street in Beirut.

They tried to block the road in front of Future Television’s headquarters with burning tires.

An army unit soon arrived at the scene to disperse the protesters.

Reports then circulated that the Fouad Chehab Highway connecting Beirut's Hamra and Ashrafiyeh districts was also blocked with burning tires, but they were proven to be false.

Unknown gunmen on Monday attacked al-Jadeed television’s headquarters in the Beirut neighborhood of Wata el-Msaytbeh, opening fire on the building, hurling Molotov bombs and setting fire to tires.

The Internal Security Forces’ Intelligence Bureau managed to arrest Alaeddine.

Following the arrest on Monday night, groups of men blocked several roads in Beirut with burning tires.

The security sources said that the road closures were done to prevent the army from reaching the areas where the other attackers on al-Jadeed had taken refuge.

Later on Wednesday, MTV reported that supporters of Salafist Sheikh Ahmed al-Asir blocked Sidon’s northern entrance with their bodies to protest what they called illegitimate arms.

Comments 66
Default-user-icon Minx (Guest) 27 June 2012, 15:38

I do not understand why these thugs are left to disturb citizens and pollute the atmosphere without punishment. Nasrallah, Berri and all other factions are against this uncivilized behaviour, what is the matter with our security apparatus?????

Default-user-icon ur right (Guest) 28 June 2012, 11:47

ur so right. for the first time this isnt sponsored by a political side so the army and ISF have the green light to crush them. where are they? two days ago when they closed the ring highway i was there. they started banging on my car telling me to do a u turn. the army was right there watching!!

Default-user-icon asdfwe (Guest) 27 June 2012, 15:39

"Unknown gunmen "

unknown to naharnet maybe...

Default-user-icon mazen (Guest) 27 June 2012, 15:39

If we see someone with tires underneath our balconies, I suggest we pour gasoline on them..this way they burn along with their tires.. I will start stocking on gasoline for that purpose.

Default-user-icon what's in a name (Guest) 27 June 2012, 16:02

FlameThrower AKA the one in charge of lighting the tires.

Thumb geha 27 June 2012, 16:09

this shows and confirms that it was organized. what a bunch of thugs!

Default-user-icon lebnen (Guest) 27 June 2012, 16:18

what happened to this security plan? catch them and place them in prison.

Default-user-icon if the turban fits (Guest) 27 June 2012, 16:57

lebneneh wadaya mean "back to school" those are never been to school divine youth in fact no schooling needed, just two minutes of Ashura calisthenics and blood letting in the morning and they're ready for a full day of resistance mayhem, looting, mugging, rioting, and other general divine lawlessness.

Default-user-icon Ray (Guest) 27 June 2012, 17:21

this country is in chaos...
No rule of law and no state to govern..
No new budget has been passed since 2005!!!
This is a banana republic..
Shame because the Lebanese deserve better.
Check out the two latest articles about lebanon in the Economist..
One is entitled "Business in Beirut: Levantine laggard" and the other "Racism in Lebanon: Black is not thought beautiful"... Its an absolute disgrace

Default-user-icon Phratta (Guest) 27 June 2012, 17:26

I am with March 14 and I say that this guy should not be released because he is more dangerous than Al Qaida affiliates in the North, one of whom was made a hero, and deservedly so (long live Al Qaida, the honorable ones (ya3eesh, ya3eesh, ya3eesh), and driven to Tripoli by Al Safadi in his own car. If this is not proof that the 99% of Sunnis ARE NOT CRAZY LUNATICS, then there is something wrong with you guys.

Missing allouchi 27 June 2012, 17:26

I thought Nousralla told them to stop burning tires !!! It's so sad to witness the weakening of the Lebanese state by M8 insistence on protecting the illegal arms of Hizballa, Amal and co. ANYONE that breaks the law should go to jail and be punished.

Thumb geha 27 June 2012, 18:10


another comment denying the reality and obviuosly incorrect!
it is the spread of weapons with illeterate people that is producing such problems. once they have weapons they feel they are in power and able to do what they want.
for your information, around 40% of shias are against hizbushaitan these days and disagree with the trend of things, and you will start hearing about it soon in the news.
hizbushaitan are feeling the grunt of their own people and are clinging to keep control of the country....

Thumb geha 27 June 2012, 18:35

well you just wait and see :)

Missing allouchi 27 June 2012, 19:42

ya mowaten, are you blind???? why Hizb do you ask? They are protesting in Hizb areas and "Reports: Members of Resistance Brigades Attacked al-Jadeed, Planned Assault on Future"...

Thumb liefighter 28 June 2012, 01:22

They do so,coz they count on his 40 000 missiles ,they think they are protected.

Default-user-icon ggg (Guest) 27 June 2012, 17:32

hey charbel dude security much?

Default-user-icon LebExpat (Guest) 27 June 2012, 17:34

the funny thing is that the Minister of inetrior declared the start of a security month, i wonder where is the security??

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 29 June 2012, 13:03

Well that security plan does not apply in Dahieh which by the way is the devil's den and the most lawless place in Lebanon if not the entire region, what a travesty.

Default-user-icon grumpy (Guest) 27 June 2012, 17:40

Security forces are responsible for cleaning up this mess, first should clean up the burning tires then start picking up these trashy so called youth so that pattern won't repeat itself again,again security forces and army should be responsible to apply the law without prejudice or fear.the big Question is, will they?

Thumb primesuspect 27 June 2012, 17:53

They come from the suburbs, what would you expect from savages living in favelas and copulating with each other??

Thumb geha 27 June 2012, 18:05

you see how you and ft are polarizing even the moderates against you?
it is due to your denial of the obvious.

Thumb geha 27 June 2012, 18:37

it is not just prime suspect you are polarizing :) it is everybody :)
you do not feel how much hated you are?

Thumb benzona 28 June 2012, 15:20

Why are you here then? To 'convert' some of us to your medieval ideologies and apology of terrorism? You're dreaming... Get a life FT/Mowaten.

Missing lebanese@ 29 June 2012, 17:09

We are here to clear some facts benzona.

Bezona, you speak of a biased background, always.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 27 June 2012, 18:15

it is absolutly normal that the military power of hizballah used internally will spill over ...even hizballah's commanders will not be able to contain it..and the citizens of dahie will be the first to feel the pain of skirmishes between the families, on a daily basis: today it was the dirani against jaafar,yesterday it was the mokdad agains zoaiter,b4 it was moussawi against amhaz and so one....happy faqih..
long live the state of lebanon.

Default-user-icon mazen (Guest) 27 June 2012, 18:30

these nit-whits are paid by some authority to burn tires.. follow the money, and lock up the supplier. if the supplier is abroad, send death squads to kill that person. we are terrorists anyway, should terrorize for once in our advantage!!

Thumb geha 27 June 2012, 18:40

your comment is full of contradictions :) you are just dismissing yourself from this forum as a stupid commentator :)

so now all what is happening in beirut is not the doing of the hizbushaitan thugs? who are thosepeople closing the roads? who is closing the aiport road?
all BS.

Missing Perestroika 27 June 2012, 19:00

ya jame3a khalina nkoun 7adariyin w nbatil netehim foulen 2aw flayten bel khalal l 2amni.

l matloub tedbi2 l 2awenin! l matloub men l mas2oulin 3an l 2amen bel balad yet7arko w ysehmo bi 7imeyit l mojtama3 bi mo3a2abit l mokhalil bel amen.
moch kel ma teli3 3a belo wa7ad ysha3el douleb bisha3lo. fi ness 3enda sheghel, fi 7artaki 2ektisadiyi, fi tana2oulet, fi safar!!!

yetfadal l mas2oul 3an l 2amen bel balad yfarjina 3adeleto w yefrod tebi2 l anoun.shou badna bi 7assan nesrallah 2aw nabih berri 2aw medri min, haydi shaghlit l 2amen!!!

Missing allouchi 27 June 2012, 19:16

anonymetexasusa, excellent input

Thumb benzona 27 June 2012, 19:18

You're analysis is totally plausible. They believe they can make us live in fear. They forgot that We lived and remember the troubled days and we know what war is unlike the innocent Syrians dying everyday that haven't faced war since June '67. Intimidation doesn't work, their rockets are pretty much useless against us. If they ultimately want a civil war, they'll get it for sure and I know for sure they won't emerge victorious because in time of war there are only losers. Should they take this path, they'd be shooting themselves in the foot.

Thumb geha 27 June 2012, 19:50

special for FT and mowaten:

Missing Rambo 27 June 2012, 20:30

Bad comparison between mawlawi and Wissam Alaeddine. The 1st one was not caught on crime scene but it some kind agents hints that maybe he is a Quada menber or aiding Syrian rebels while the 2nd one was caught in the center of a major crime scene. You sure see the difference between the two.

Missing allouchi 27 June 2012, 21:25

FT, even if we show Hassoun himself lighting the fires you will still deny that he did it ...LOL

Missing feekahraba 27 June 2012, 21:30

Mo5aten, are you for real? You probably think bashar is fighting a bunch of terrorists in syria, and the mossad killed hariri, right. YOU MOWATEN, HAVE THE BRAIN OF DISFUNCTIONAL BABOON AND YOUR COMMENTS SHOWS IT.

Missing gcb1 27 June 2012, 22:19

You really are disgusting. Honestly. Your posts are disgusting and despicable. A racist like you does not deserve a vote, because it reflects your low intellectual capacity. Go read a book and educate yourself.

Missing gcb1 27 June 2012, 22:23

Speculation, speculation, speculation. No sources to back it up.

Thumb liefighter 30 June 2012, 19:14

these are facts not speculations,only blind and idiots and aouistes don't see

Missing gcb1 27 June 2012, 23:35

Indeed, and it is also how doctors diagnoses disorders when incomplete investigations lead to incomplete conclusions. Give me your sources, then I will take your claims seriously, because in my extensive research I have not come near such bold claims. Be careful, you are not talking to someone that just reads the news here and there. You are talking to someone that has read countless journal articles on the subject matter.

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 29 June 2012, 13:31

Reading articles and watching al manar does not qualify as extensive research you have to be stupid to come to any other conclusion other then concluding that HA is involved,it's there for all to see, facts don't lie , I know it's not easy but you should try to be more fair and balanced and that could only help your credibility among the masses, just an observation.

Thumb lebanon_first 27 June 2012, 23:36

I am starting to get fed up with putting up with those paid thugs burning tires, "negotiating" with the army.... I am fed up with the ambivalent attitude of moderate moslems. They have to be clear once and for all. Do they want to live in a NONISLAMIC laic democracy state with their christian neighbors, with equal rights, or do they want an islamic state? In case one, they should stop listening to those medieval leaders of theirs, and they should arrest all those tire burning thugs. They care more about Assad and the FSA or about Lebanon? They care more about wahabiland and iran or about Lebanon? If they want an islamic state where leaders are turbanned and bearded, let them be. It is their right. We divide Lebanon in 2. One part for christians and druze who want to live in a laic modern democratic state, and one part for moslems with assir and nasrallah, fighting the syrian fight, the palestinian fight and the israeli fight. I hate geagea, but i am starting to sound like him...

Missing hammoudi 27 June 2012, 23:40

So according to you, only muslims burn tires in lebanon? Did you forget a few weeks ago when maronites burned tires to potest that the army had shot and killed one of the LF supporters at a checkpoint?

Thumb lebanon_first 28 June 2012, 00:06

Hey Hammoudi I do respect law abiding moslems. These maronites thugs should also be put in jail, And they are being put in jail. In fact, the law only apply on christians. When the phalangists youths make a peaceful protest against the history book, they get beaten by the army! But when a thug attacks NTV, he gets other thugs protesting his arrest by blocking the airport road and spears!!! , the army gets into negotiations with the fighters... when a priest gets kidnapped in baalbeck, the kidnapper gets negotiated with and gets away with it. When liquor stores get bombed in sour, the investigation leads nowhere... Do you think this is fair?

Thumb turmos 28 June 2012, 00:16

well said.....!

Thumb lebanon_first 28 June 2012, 00:20

The jist of my comment is: Do moslem Lebanese really want christians with them in Lebanon, in a non islamic state? or are they attracted by salafism /wilayat el fakih? If a referendum amongst moslems occurs today, what would the result be? If lebanese moslems are mostly moderates like I suspect them to be, let them soldier up against salafism, against wilayat el fakih, against palestinian thugs, and support a strong state. with all my sympathy to the palestinian and syrian causes, I want to hear lebanese moslems say :Lebanon BEFORE the palestinian cause. Lebanon BEFORE the syrian cause. Lebanon WITH our chritian brothers. I hear this talk from some of the leaders. But I dont trust the leaders. I do not hear it from the street...

Missing allouchi 28 June 2012, 23:09

I hear it all the time.

Default-user-icon FlamingTires (Guest) 28 June 2012, 00:32

nah mowaten silly is the wrong word, these behaviors are criminal

Default-user-icon maz (Guest) 28 June 2012, 01:10

yea, grandsons of my shiite grandfathers, one who sold fruits in bourj hammoud and the other who took care of an apartment building in ain el remmaneh before the civil war, both of whom were great men and probably more hard-working than you will ever be. and also, they loved their fellow lebanese regardless of religious sect, unlike you obviously. maybe you should try meeting some of your fellow countrymen before you judge them

Missing gcb1 28 June 2012, 02:14

I read through your sources. Interested, and heard those claims before.

But they nonetheless come from a biased news agency slanted towards M14. The STL incident is based on "reports by MTV", rather than independent journalists, leaked documents, or credible NGOs. As for clashes with UNIFIL, perhaps some residents do share some animosity against an international presence on Lebanese soil, but this does not necessarily mean that it represents Hezbollah's position.

Missing gcb1 28 June 2012, 02:14

Hezbollah has been blunt with what it stands for and what it doesn't, and any political analyst will tell you that regardless of their political views. If they opposed UNIFIL's presence, they would say so very clearly. I don't deny that Hezbollah has been involved in attacks against UNIFIL, but these attacks came in the 1980s, when the Hezbollah leadership was much more different and consisted of hardline officials that don't even make up today's organizational structure of Hezbollah. One example is the departure of former SG of Hezb Sobhi Tufayli, who left because the group was becoming too pragmatic.

Default-user-icon The Truth (Guest) 28 June 2012, 05:47

The glorious resistance fighting for the freedom of all criminals and terrorists.

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (Guest) 28 June 2012, 08:35

Anyone blocking any road is no better than Isreal's army and what they did to Lebanon in 2006. Hizbollah, Amal, LF, FPM ...etc. You are all thugs and hypocrites, you "testankro" what ISreal did to us but end up doing exactly the same.
I call on the Lebanese People to fight the enemy within our country before they start their wet dreams about beating the enemy that lurks on our borders.

Default-user-icon Fallaha44 (Guest) 29 June 2012, 01:04

Kamma ta kunu yewella 3alaykum....stop voting for the scums that are sitting in the houkume....stop Sectarianism, stop feudalism ....Stop tribalism...stop the brain drain, all Lebanon has left is sheep and sheep herders!

Thumb liefighter 28 June 2012, 08:50

Flame ejector is looking for excuses for his criminal, this 1 caught in the act, the other 1 nobody knows what he have done , and who order his arrest

Thumb liefighter 29 June 2012, 04:58

Long time ago, Ziad made (chi fachel) , I am afraid to say Balad fachel

Thumb liefighter 29 June 2012, 05:02

So they have the right to torch them, beziadeh,

Default-user-icon Greenie (Guest) 29 June 2012, 12:20

Gcb,Mouwateh El Wateh,Ft Sermeye ?
Who murdered Samer Hanna?

Default-user-icon Unbelievable (Guest) 03 July 2012, 13:05

Samer Hanna!!
How can all the officers in the army still be with Aoun??? what a shame

Missing lebanese@ 29 June 2012, 14:52

Who the heck are you to judge, stereotype, and prejudice Shiites???
How about if I say whatever you're sect is and insult you, is that ok ?

Missing lebanese@ 29 June 2012, 15:01

How about if i tell you that these thugs don't have any relation with Hezbollah and Amal? And these thugs are just trying to make a 'fetne' ?

Missing allouchi 29 June 2012, 19:54

lebanese@, yeah are so funny :)

Missing lebanese@ 29 June 2012, 15:03

So as LF and Kataeb

Thumb bashir 30 June 2012, 00:20

How dare anyone suggest that this action was anything but 'resistance' to the the Zionist entity.

Thumb liefighter 30 June 2012, 19:10

Seems that no body feel sorry 4 you,1 down of the 8ers

Thumb liefighter 30 June 2012, 19:21

People of Hizb, how you agree that a not elected man could start war in your name , how you agree that a peoples financed and armed and therefor commanded by outsiders carry arms inside your country,just think in this very basic principles, is this democracy???

Thumb liefighter 30 June 2012, 19:25

please ya muwaten, your flag shows orange colors

Missing lebanese@ 30 June 2012, 19:37

Maybe you are a thug by nature ya muwaten