Report: Saudis 'Plotting' against Syria

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The pro-regime Al-Watan daily accused the Saudi authorities on Monday of "plotting" against Syria, and also of turning Lebanon into a springboard for attacking the country.

The newspaper accused Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal of "sending arms to fighters and mercenaries they are financing in north Lebanon," where weekend clashes between pro- and anti-Damascus factions left 14 dead.

"Saud al-Faisal is taking part in plans to transform (north Lebanon) into a buffer zone, to expel the Lebanese army, to stage attacks and kill Syrians," Al-Watan added.

Prince Saud accused Syrian President Bashar Assad on Sunday of "maneuvering" to gain time, while ignoring U.N. and Arab League envoy Kofi Annan's six-point peace plan.

"Every initiative has been accepted by the Syrian regime and was not implemented. This is a way used by the regime to gain time," Prince Saud told reporters in Jeddah.

"What's going on in Tripoli is by no doubt an extension of the events in Syria. We have noticed since a while ago that the regime is turning the conflict into a sectarian conflict," he added.

"These things do not only threaten Lebanon but they also threaten Syria itself as it might divide the country and this is a very dangerous phenomenon.

"If this conflict spreads, it will create circumstances which are worse than the crisis itself."

Comments 32
Thumb geha 04 June 2012, 13:10

this is a funny comment!
now a minority of alawites and shia have the right to ally with iran against the Arabs, and this inority expects the other to just sit by? how funny and naive!!!
furthermore bashar, remember you are the one who said: ya ashbah al rijal.... and you expect you will not pay for it? by just saying that, you involved yourself into the GCC affairs, thus opening the door for thr them to retaliate.
and now for the little hizbushaitan: your turn is next whatever guns you have.

Thumb geha 04 June 2012, 14:36

Mowaten, you started with:
"your saudi puppets are the ones who started the whole cycle of violence and destabilization of the country"
what about the iranian weapons and peshmergas in lebanon?
then you say:
"in contrast hezbollah men, despite their huge military advantage have been exercising restraint for years, they bring us stability and security, and they are against israel, not arabs as you would like to fool people into thinking. "
and that my friend is funnier as it seems your alzheimer is climbing fast!
- may 7?????
- hegemony over the government by force????
- weapons distribution to their puppets????
- Jabal mohsen is part of the resistance????
- .......
go to bed mowaten, no one believes your BS anymore.

Thumb geha 04 June 2012, 14:47

nasrallah showed his peacefull colors in his last speech: you give us more privileges by changing the constitution or else...
very peacefull, and the fpm who says they are protecting the christian interests is covering for the biggest loss to the christians, because if that was to ever happen, it will be at the detriment of the christians.
what he said is actually a declaration of civil war, so yes he is very peacefull :) illusions or dillusions?

Thumb geha 04 June 2012, 15:14

you definately suffer from alzheimer! :)

Default-user-icon Frambo Wazz (Guest) 04 June 2012, 13:13

Oh really? Where do people get ideas like these?

Missing 04 June 2012, 13:16

the farsis will never have a foothold on the mediterrenean,the saudis will never do a thing without the appoval of the yankees.
fakhamto and lebanon are masterly playing the game.

Default-user-icon NoName (Guest) 04 June 2012, 14:07

In what version of history did the KSA create the LF or the Taliban?

You're entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.

Default-user-icon mehdi (Guest) 04 June 2012, 14:24

Yes obviously all watan a very reliable source

Default-user-icon NR (Guest) 04 June 2012, 14:27

Do you think those who created Al Qaeda, the Taliban, the Future Movement, or the Lebanese Forces ....

Are you insinuating that Saudi Arabia created the Lebanese Forces?

Be objective, you could be more convincing !

LF were fighting the PLO backed by the Saudis in 1975.

Al Qaeda was created by the USA to fight the USSR in Afghanestan.

Thumb geha 04 June 2012, 15:33

hizbushaitan was created by.... :) such a useless comment.....

Default-user-icon theuglytruth (Guest) 04 June 2012, 21:09

You are right, they didn't create the LF back then, but they supported the LF a couple years later. And the same goes to Future Movement. Not only the Saudis but also the americans/Israelis, a meeting with Mr Feltman and Lieberman at Geagea´s strip club is not a long time ago!

Thumb geha 04 June 2012, 14:39

I am not blind: there are huge meddlings going on in syria:
- iran and hizbusllah
- their puppets in lebanon and iraq
- the russians
- the chinese.
plus the west and the arabs.

Thumb geha 04 June 2012, 14:41

Assad is paying for all his false promises, as well as will hizbushaitan.
in international affairs, agreements are respected, otherwise they turn into wars.
assad and hizbushaitan took over lebanon against all agreements, thus they declared war on the other party and now they will pay the price.

Thumb geha 04 June 2012, 16:42


Missing samiam 04 June 2012, 14:49

This is a syrian newspaper which a mouthpiece for the regime. Every word printed should be taken with a grain a salt. No need to comment on the rest of the stuff.

Missing helicopter 04 June 2012, 15:59

karim..... The voice of Tehran (a Lebanese citizenship is wasted on you).

Default-user-icon George (Guest) 04 June 2012, 16:20

Geha you are the ultimate idiot of Naharnet dude! Do you know that there is a group created on a social network that only refers to your comments!! Man please take it easy.. if you real identity is ever revealed, you will not be able to show your face anymore! Idiot

Thumb geha 04 June 2012, 16:45

why is that George?
enlighten us with your thinking, and if you can prove me wrong, I will change sides.
but if all you want is insult, then I suggest you go and visit where you will find the likes of you: thugs who insult all the time.
here we try to discuss and convince.... so convince me.

Default-user-icon free citizen (Guest) 04 June 2012, 16:25

Aren't chrisrians enemies of god for the Taliban, how on earth would someone think LF and taliban share any interest? Habibi are u on drugs? And by the way am muslim asking the question

Default-user-icon Robin (Guest) 04 June 2012, 17:16

Where is Batman when we need him ...?

Thumb AngryLeb 04 June 2012, 17:29

No To wahabism , No To Saudi Arabia and it Sharia rules,,,NO WAY IN LEBANON

Thumb AngryLeb 04 June 2012, 17:31

Liban pour les Libanais ONLY-

Thumb AngryLeb 04 June 2012, 20:19

FADSON , Mr Salete' . Iran and Khameni have Tehran not Liban , either you like it or not , if not join them in Tehran where you might belong maybe , We carry lebanese Flag not Iranian, also for you information Aoun need people like you to do this job since this is your specialities Cleaning,,,,,

Missing peace 04 June 2012, 18:09

waw so many geostrategists on this site ! so many experts!

Missing hmorsel 04 June 2012, 18:38

he who believes anything the assad and his cronnies in syria say is an ignorant moran. these people have lying for over 30 years. they lie so much they belive their own lies..

Thumb beiruti 04 June 2012, 19:09

al Watan is a pro Assad Regime paper. What credibility does it have? Of course the Saudis are against the Assad Regime. They are funding the FSA. It is no secret.
The Saudis fund many efforts, many of which are not terrorist related. The Bin Laden fellowship endowment at Harvard University funded by Abdullah Muhammad Binladen, did not fund or sponsor terrorism. The Hariri scholarships likewise did not educate jihadists.
To say that Saudi funding = funding salafist jihadists, is not a correct statement.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (Guest) 04 June 2012, 20:41

The Sunni extremists (who some of them are in the M14 coalition) have said (in an excellent article in Al Akhbar) that they are more interested in fighting Israel than The Syrian regime. What if they are allowed to go to the South and fight Israel. Hariri supported attacking them when they attacked the Lebanese Army in North Lebanon. Would he support attacking the Sunnis when they are being killed fighting the Israeli enemy?

Missing peace 04 June 2012, 21:05

some here forgot how the syrian revolt started... people were pacifically demonstrating for months and got shot like rabbits! but M8 expect people to just shut up and get killed...of course they got armed to defend themselves against the evil regime supported by M8.
of course now as the situation is getting out of control some groups try to benefit from it...
but for M8, syrians don t have the right to show their opposition to assad s regime because iran through hezbollah and FPM told them so...but they applauded the fall of kaddafi! double M8 standards as usual....they even dare say it s the closest regime to democracy in their attempt to brainwash people!
but i guess nothing is going on in syria as usual...

Missing people-power 04 June 2012, 21:11

In other words, according to the Syrian-regime mouthpiece Al Watan, it's not OK for Saudi Arabia to support a majority Sunni population in Syria, but it is OK for Syria and Iran to support a minority Shia population (with arms and financing) in Lebanon. (They may or may not be the largest sect, but they are still a minority)

Missing peace 05 June 2012, 00:29

stupid karim... as if in bahrein they killed thousands and tortured hundreds like in the regime you proudly support...are you proud of the syrian massacres by your friends? i bet you are as a loyal puppet you are

the hypocrit here is you!

Default-user-icon Zinco (Guest) 05 June 2012, 00:33

slash, did you forget about jabalamal?

Default-user-icon Skyfall (Guest) 05 June 2012, 03:38

@ peace, you still respond to karim_m1? he is no other than Le phenicien if you all remember him. Hiding as usual under other names. We should all reject Saudi, Israeli, Syrian, Iranian or US interference in Lebanon because at the end , funny enough, they make us fight and dont give a crap. As if the US wants Assad out... If it really wanted that, nobody can stop them , we remember Irak 2003 and Libya 2011.. Whether Russia or china are against them, they dont care. But all interest of these countries converge with Assad staying in power. Israel and the US want him. The only thing happening right now is trying to cut him off Iran thats it thats all if they cannot, they are just weakening him so they can strike Iran and the repercussions will be diminished since Assad cannot help. How hard is it to understand this magnificient role-playing the world is performing in front of our blinded eyes ?